From Del. Kevin Hornberger:
One thing I love about Cecil County, we are sick and tired of politics as usual in Annapolis and Washington DC. As one of only four counties that elected Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the primary we stand together in rejecting the broken status quo. The definition of insanity is sending the same career politician to Washington and expecting a different result. It’s time to set the record straight on the US Senate race.
Chris Van Hollen has been in Congress for 14 years and Washington has only gotten worse. Why should he get a promotion? He voted for the Wall Street bailout, the Iran nuclear deal, legislation that cut military pensions by more than $80,000, and a tax on Christmas trees. He voted against legislation that would hold Iran accountable, against legislation that would make it illegal to pay ransom to Iran, and against Medicare Part D. Simply put he is beltway bandit, bought and paid for by lobbyists and special interest groups.
Kathy Szeliga is a wife, a mom, a grandmom, and a Maryland small business owner. She knows what it means to sign the front of a paycheck and how to balance a budget. She’s not a career politician. She knows how to get things done and will work with people on both sides of the aisle to make things happen. She’s got common sense and the only thing she wants to do is help Maryland working families. She is a personal friend and knows what is best for Cecil County and our State. Vote Kathy Szeliga!
Delegate Kevin Hornberger
District 35A Cecil County
Good luck with that. If you are so sure that she will be seen as the best choice by your fellow voters and what you think will sway us, you should consider one of those across the pond betting sites. Post that for us when you do. Also, do you really think that the outsider crap works coming from a politician about another politician? Do you think that we are that stupid? I guess you do.
The trouble with Kathy is she mentions the issues on her website but does not say what she is going to do about the issues or what federal policy that she wants to implement. I like that she wants to do the all of the above energy plan but doesn’t say how she wants to do it. With Van Hollen he actually mentions in details a few policy he wants to implement. It’s great that she is running for the Senate but if she cannot give more details on how she wants to implement changes then I’d have to go with someone who actually has the details.
Van Hollen is the swamp!
Van Hollen has my vote. A true hero of Maryland.
Van Hollen is a progressive Democrat who will continue the good work of Sen. Mikulski in the Senate. Kathy Szeliga like her friend Kevin Hornberger is a Christian Right political extremist way out of the Maryland political mainstream. She claims to be “appalled” by Donald Trumps but says she will support him.for President.Thats “appalling”
Looking through all these articles, You change your “name” often but your avatar is always the same.
What up with that? Are you waiting for someone to ask so you can “troll” more?
Beg to differ,,,true meaning of “appalling”,, having your own private server to conduct “Governmental” business..Oh,,,then denying, lying about it, Lying to the American people,,,You ,,should have your ethics reexamined,,, You cry about nasty words of Trump,,,But your fine with violating national security,, suggest you be like every other pantie waist , go back to living in your “Safe Zone” in your parents “Basement” in your bunny Pjs. Dont get me started with your Lame excuse of a candidate Clinton…AAAAARGE!!!!
All politicians are “appalling”. They have made a living off the American people. They have made a living off of lying to the American people. They have made a living off of breaking the law that they legislate, with no consequence. They have ALL violated National Security at one point or another in their careers. They ALL leak information to the media when it suits their agenda. They have ALL become parasites to the American people. If you think that Republican Congressmen don’t lie to their constituents then you are lying to yourself. To be a politician is to be a liar, just like a lawyer is a liar. Fact is a lot of politicians are lawyers. They are paid to lie. Now lying is something that Trump is very good at. He has ripped off many a person in his life. If he wins, he’ll fit in perfectly with the elected scumbags that currently sit in Washington D.C., doing absolutely nothing, while enjoying a salary that most could never have, all at the expense of the American Taxpayer. Get over the whole Republican vs.Democrat thing. Not one of those political gangs is going to help you out. You should be more pissed off over 8 years of absolutely nothing happening in D.C. because of those two political gangs you guys all want to be part of…..
The issue I have with the emails is the same thing happened during the Bush administration and I didn’t see the same outcry for what looked like an even worse violation. Your argument and outrage does not make sense.
What are you talking about? No one in any previous admin ever set up their own home server and directed classified information on to it. If HRC did that for convenience, she put convenience above national security. If she did it to be able to control access to her dealings so they wouldn’t have any “Sandy Berger documents down the trousers” repeats, she put politics above national security. There aren’t any other ways to look at it. The one clear truth is that if YOU did what SHE did YOU would be in prison. That cannot be denied because others have gone to prison for less. Period. She’s a criminal, she isn’t going to change and a vote for her is a vote to continue and expand the current climate of corruption in DC.
Not just a criminal but a documented liar and a hypocrite. She calls Trump crude but has no problem using jz to get the black vote in Cleveland. You know jz the former drug dealer turned rapper who routinely uses the word nigger in his performances. I know many folks refer to it as using the N word so why should jz be allowed to openly use the word nigger? If you want that vile word to go away stop using it. Everybody! Blacks made a big issue of getting the confederate flag removed because of the reported pain and suffering it generated but routinely use and accept the use of that most hurtful word. Talk about hypocrites!!! And the fact that HRC would resort to using jz and his disgusting distasteful rhetoric speaks volumes about her.
Plenty others have done it, you are just being a knuckle head. If you want to be the operative phrase “set up their own home server” you are clueless. Having a server set up at her home was probably more secure than the RNC server Bush and company deleted 22 million emails from.
Get over it man, she said she made a mistake something George Bush, Jindel, Christy,Perry, Walker Jeb Bush, Rubio have yet to do….. Where is your outrage for them to go to jail?
The RNC is not a government agency. Good grief, get a grip here Reality! You can delete non government emails sent and received on non-government servers. What is illegal is sending or receiving government emails on non-government servers and then destroying them.
A) you do not have clue what was being sent on the RNC email server
2) you are an idiot
d) all the above.
Thanks for playing princess have a blessed day and next time try google before making yourself an idiot in public.
Lol. “Try Google”
Everything I read on the internet is true.
So put them all in prison… I don’t care. You think I’m married to the Republicans? I’m not some mindless partisan. If they all broke the law they all should be in prison. The rest of them are not on the ballot Tuesday. I don’t care that you call me knuckle head and clueless, but I’ve been an IT admin for over 25 years so don’t try to tell me what they did or didn’t do. She got a briefing from the FBI telling her how classified material MUST be handled under penalty of law, she signed the acceptance, she was assigned secure electronic devices for her use with classified material and then she did exactly what she wanted to do all along and she skated for it because there is different justice for different people in America. YOU would be in prison and it makes no sense to deny it. I would be in prison. Paying someone to set up a server in your home is not a mistake. Accidentally including someone on a forwarded message is a mistake. Now it appears she had her Filipino maid printing out classified documents for her. She’ll probably win Tuesday and we’ll have four years of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie under investigation the whole time because that foundation is a scam too. For me this isn’t about D vs R or her vs him, it’s about the rule of law and how the elites are permitted to thumb their noses at it. Oh, and coming from the IT side of it I can assure you Lerner and Koskinen were both lying their asses off. You know that Koskinen boob was Clinton’s Y2K guy? I bet not. Couldn’t have chosen a more worthless individual to put in charge of a non problem.
If you know so much how come you don’t know it is physically impossible to send classified emails to an unclassified server?
These aren’t the computers at the public library you are all too familiar with.
To the ironically named Reality,
That’s nonsense. What makes an email classified is the content. One can be sent to any email server.
Well Joe that’s the interesting part and why Hillary never tried to cover anything up and welcomed the investigation. She knew she never sent classified emails on an unclassified server.
Funny how that works huh.
What’s even more interesting is the Director of the FBI stated under oath to Congress that Hillary had indeed sent and received classified emails via her private home server. The Director further testified that, in his opinion, Hillary was not “sophisticated” enough in the use of electronic communications devices to know that what she was doing was wrong, therefore her actions were not intentional in committing an illegal act. That is the reason he recommended no prosecution.
Well cupcake the only place any of what your piehole is spewing took place was on Fox news. You should branch out a bit, it would make your claims of not being married to the GOP just a bit more believable.
You did make me laugh.
Damit hit reply to early……
Ms moderate you cannot receive a classified email on an unclassified server.
It’s just not possible….they studied idiots like you and realized drunk late night horny emails were not only possible but likely and put in safe gaurds to make them unavailable to the public view.
Reality, do you think that if you say it over and over again, it will become true? I could send a classified email right now from a Gmail email account to a Yahoo account. If I include classified information in the message, it becomes classified. However, I would be fired and prosecuted for doing it, while others can do it and become President.
The definition of insanity is Kathy Szeliga!
Bikers Unite! Vote for Kathy!
Van Hollen is a puppet of the dem political machine and it is time to put him out to pasture.What the hell has he accomplished in the past 14 years except to get rich? The only time I hear his name is when he reruns for office and tells us what he is GOING to do but never does anything.
A thirty year old woman went to a new OB/GYN for an annual physical. The doctor was astounded to discover that she was still a virgin, yet her records indicated that she was married three times. When asked, she explained that her first husband was a fanatical religious nut and just prayed all night. Her second was a home improvement contractor and never showed up for appointments. Her third was a democrat and just sat at the end of the bed and told her how good it would be.