By Krist Boardman
Is Sheriff Gahler The Sheriff Joe Arpaio Of Harford County? The answer to that question is no, not yet, and hopefully, not ever.
But Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler is starting a program that clearly targets Latinos and who knows Syrian refugees. It is only one program among less than three dozen being run in counties by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) across the U.S. among the country’s 6,000-plus counties, to screen for undocumented immigrants.
Here is what Sheriff Gahler says, to quote from the Baltimore Sun: “What we ‘re going to do is, screen every single individual that comes into the detention center, after our deputies are trained, and identify those who are here illegally and further victimizing the community.”
First of all, I am assuming that people coming into the detention center were arrested for something, from jaywalking to murder. It is the job of arresting deputies to determine if that arrestee has other outstanding warrants, to fingerprint (said individual) to check them against the NCIC database and to ask other relevant questions. So why should they get paid further for doing their jobs which they were going to do anyway?
Federal courts in Arizona already told Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County that his deputies are not to enforce federal immigration laws, and when Arpaio dismissed and disregarded the federal judges, he was eventually cited for contempt of court and for violating laws against racial profiling. Arpaio has already been served with the charging papers from the federal court amid a bruising re-election campaign which the 84-year-old lawman may not survive. He could spend up to six months in jail if convicted.
What is puzzling about this situation is that the contracting agency with the Harford Sheriff’s Office is ICE, a federal agency. Why there is a perceived need for such a program in Harford County which does not even share a border with Mexico as does Maricopa County, has not been explained. Is there a problem of illegal immigration in Harford County? The sheriff should explain why there are problems in both Harford and Frederick County where there is a similar program, but nowhere else in Maryland. Or is this just a feel-good program for right wing sheriffs who want to prepare for the illegal immigrant round up just in case Donald Trump gets elected? What is Sheriff Gahler’s strategy for dealing with federal courts which may decide he is being overzealous in enforcing federal laws when his job is to enforce local and state laws? How much of the taxpayers’ money is he going to spend defending himself and his agency against federal courts? These are issues that Sheriff Arpaio is facing in his re-election campaign.
Sheriff Gahler’s statement equates being here illegally with “further victimizing the community.” One justification for the program in Frederick County used was it helped counteract gang activity. Maybe so, but criminal gangs from Mexico and Central America have traditionally been associated with the drug trafficking industry. The Drug Enforcement Administration, border patrol and ICE among other agencies deal with that. If I were here illegally just trying to hold down a low paying job or two to support my family, I probably wouldn’t have the time or energy to do criminal activity, especially of the organized variety done by gangs, and I would resent the insinuation that I was “further victimizing the community” when all I was doing was working hard for others. But nobody cares about their opinions and they seldom express them anyway.
My guess is that the sheriff is looking at the money that ICE should not spend in Harford County, money that belongs to the taxpayers. $9.7 million was reportedly spent in Frederick County in 2014. If Sheriff Gahler wants and needs more money for his agency, he should first of all tell the Republican-controlled Harford County Council not to vote themselves a pay raise; and secondly, he should tell the county and state to honor their commitment to pay the increases promised to the deputies several years ago.
And if he truly wants immigration reform, he should tell the Republican-dominated Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform and stop playing these types of games. Unless there are some tectonic plate shifts, Mexico and Central American states will be our neighbors for millions of years to come and it’s past time we had some meaningful reforms that deal with the real problems affecting real people on both sides of the borders.
Krist Boardman
Is this the Boardman who runs for county office and is regularly defeated? If it’s the same guy, he seems to be an anti-American commie who naturally would be against any enforcement of law against the illegals.
Why wouldn’t Harford County want illegal immigrants who are arrested removed from the County and Country? This article is the most absurd bunch of liberal corrupt trash I have ever waisted time reading.
“If I were here illegally just trying to hold down a low paying job or two to support my family, I probably wouldn’t have the time or energy to do criminal activity, especially of the organized variety done by gangs, and I would resent the insinuation that I was “further victimizing the community” when all I was doing was working hard for others.”
If you don’t commit a crime, no one is going to be checking your status. The Federal 287g program is about notifying ICE when an illegal alien is arrested, PERIOD.
I have one word for the bleeding hearts who think this wrong – ILLEGAL. The sheriff takes an oath to uphold the law. He can’t choose which laws to follow, it’s supposed to be ALL laws. When someone takes an oath in this country, it’s supposed to mean something.
Thank You Sheriff Gahler for upholding the law.
Mr. Boardman, What part of illegal do not comprehend?
Is Sheriff Gahler our answer to Joe Arpaio? I sure hope so. We need more like him.
Idiots like boardman are as unwelcome as illegals. Boardman is free to move to germany and the illegals can go with him.
I am glad Sheriff Gahler has the BALLS to do the job the Obama administration REFUSES to do.
A society without laws is a society in a state of chaos. A state without laws and government would be anarchy. By definition anarchy is a state of disorder due to the absence or recognition of an authority figure. Life without some type of rules to control us would literally be a state of disorder.
You’re an idiot. Obama kicks out more illegals than you rightwing goons could fathom. Since we’re here, he is also NOT coming to take your guns, not that you’d ever believe it.
There is no society without laws – the law is regularly enforced. There is nothing wrong with having a debate as to the importance of the “problem” of immigration as opposed to problems like the economy, education, etc. Problem is anytime someone wants to talk about anything other than what Fox news keeps ramming down your collective throats, you all scream bloody murder. You really believe illegal immigration is a major problem in Harford County? Fine – if it’s so major why not impose major penalties on the business owners who hire them. They won’t come if there aren’t people ready and willing to hire them. But something tells me once your local Harford faction of Republican business owners hears that suggestion, we’ll have a clearer picture of just who truly supports “illegal immigrants” in this county and this nation.
Wow, at first I didn’t believe your argument… but when I realized you’d taken the time to call me an idiot and a right wing goon I decided you must be correct. And here I was with this mental picture of a guy in a boat with a hole in it dipping a teaspoon in to bail it out as it sinks… boy was I wrong. As far as the business owners that hire illegals I couldn’t care less what you do with them. Fine them, jail them, deport them. Make yourself happy. As far as Fox, they’re the only ones exposing the real HRC and I constantly compare what they report to what the Clinton News Network covers vs. ignores.
“Fine – if it’s so major why not impose major penalties on the business owners who hire them.”
Sounds good, we should also eliminate the government that gives them handouts as well. This nonsense about immigrants is ridiculous. It is the illegal part, as in broke the rules to be here, that people have a problem with. I guess that makes me a goon, that and wanting to be free.
Obama deports blah blah blah…are you that dumb? Or are you just the typical Progressive pathological liar? Can’t wait till sensible Democrats decide to throw the Lying, Commie, Progressive Marxists out of the party. Yes that includes Hildabeast and Obambo.
People here legally to work are not an issue with most people. Freeloaders are another story.
Mr Munny:
What exactly do illegals get for free? Please be specific.
Medical Care
Subsidized Housing
Welfare / Food Stamps / WIC…those stupid “entitlement” programs
Need I go on?
“If I were here illegally just trying to hold down a low paying job or two to support my family, I probably wouldn’t have the time or energy to do criminal activity, especially of the organized variety done by gangs”
That’s great you wouldn’t engage in criminal activity, do you want a medal and a pat on the back for such honor and integrity?
People of all realms of society whether a US citizen or not engage in “criminal activity” regardless of a “low paying job” as you put it, or a “high paying job.”
Boardman’s logic is faulty. If you are an illegal immigrant, and you’re too busy holding down a job to victimize anyone, guess what?! You won’t be arrested, thus your identity won’t be checked, and you won’t be deported.
Boardman is a clown, what a joke.
@Mr. Boardman
I think the most dangerous person in the American society is the warm and fuzzy liberal. These people have posed the greatest threats that our country has ever faced. They think that they have been charged with the mission of saving the world but instead tear it apart. Mr. Boardman references Syrian refugees. Great! Just what we need. Has he ever looked at the 600 Billion dollar a year that the tax payers (Not Illegals) pay for illegal residents of this country. Now he supports allowing these refugees in to our country. Many are not old women and children,as our lying president refers to them , but are military aged males. One only needs to look back 50 years when countries such as England, France, Netherlands, etc thought that they would be warm and fuzzy and allow what they called “friendly Muslims” to pour in to their countries. I bet they wish they had a time machine to go back and give that a second thought. Now those countries have a deeply imbedded cancer growing and destroying everything. Warm and fuzzy liberals are very dangerous to our country and the rest of the world. Mr. Boardman you are probably a well intended person but you have no concept of the real world. If you want to try to save the world why don,t you start with a small portion. Adopt a family, rescue a dog, but don’t criticize Sheriff Gahler for trying to make our county safer. He is a realist who sees the real world.
These folks that want to stand at the southern border and French kiss every illegal that crosses really give me a headache. Why not, instead of haranguing those of us who’d like to see proper border security like a real sovereign nation would have and adherence to the laws we should all be following, why not lean on the so called leaders of these Central American nations to stop pillaging their own countries, stop living like pampered princesses and start turning those countries into something other than the crap holes that their own citizens yearn to escape. Tell those leaders either show real improvement or the Gravy Train stops now.
As far as Syrian refugees go, I’ll repeat what I’ve said before… the shooter in the night club in Florida was interviewed by the FBI twice. He was reported to the FBI. They had access to volumes of information on him. They knew where he was born, where he went to school, where he worked. They could have interviewed his Elementary teachers if they wanted. They missed that he was a psycho and he slaughtered dozens of innocent people. Obama insists the refugees will be checked out. How? Is Syria suddenly going to cooperate with our government? What exactly will they check? Syrian records? There are no records and we’ve seen what can happen even when there are. Bleeding hearts like Boardman will get us all killed.
Aaaahhh, the hatred. I just can’t figure out why so many people hate those who they do not know. I have never hated anyone who hasn’t wronged me. You guys are all rattling around about the illegal latino immigrants. When was the last time you actually got to know one. Most are good people. The Syrian refugee thing is bad. There is a great probability that these Syrians will have some radical Islamic tendencies. I personally believe that this is all by design to bring terrorism to our front doors. Once they have the terrorist attacks occurring right here in the land of the free, they can then start taking more rights with the approval of the people. People want to feel safe because your average everyday American citizen has been turned into a vagina by these wonderful laws you guys want everyone to follow. I mean, now a days you can be jailed for causing emotional distress to someone. Whatever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me? Really, I can’t hurt your feelings, but the law can murder me for not obeying orders? WTF! The law has become lawless and they expect the people to obey them?!?!? You guys really don’t have a clue…..
Has anything I’ve said come off as hateful? I assure you I feel no animosity towards illegals. They’re victims of their own governments – and ours. I’d like to see everyone be happy and successful. I’d like to see all the Central American countries be peaceful havens where their people live happy lives and aren’t forced to resort to entering the US illegally for survival but I don’t see anyone in our government that has or would lift a finger to help make that a reality.
This was a new thread. I didn’t want to point out anyone in particular. Wouldn’t want their feelings hurt, you know! If you believe I was implying you, its from your own instincts…..
You do realize that when you change your name in an effort to mask yourself, your profile picture remains the same.
Why is it no one wants to address the real issue with illegals? They come here to work and try to make a better life for them selves. They didn’t pack their shit up in a grocery bag and walk across a continent to live in section 8 housing and vote for Hillary. No they did all that because some conservative republican hypocrite business owner can hire them illegally and work them like a dog that has no rights. It’s going to be tremendous when Trump builds a wall and sends them all back. removing a whole segment of working people paying taxes and getting nothing in return and that entitled brat you raised will now be able to get a job washing dishes at Taco bell for less than minimum wage today because Trump is going to reduce that also.
Funny watching blind idiots who refuse to look farther down the road of unintended consequences than Fox news wants them to.
This is no different than than Gahler trying to stop the heroin in Harford county by arresting every last user.
OK, why not address the REAL issue then… not the people that hire them or the ones that set up sanctuary cities for them to disappear into but the people that make their home countries crappy places to live. As you say, they come here to make a better life… well, why? We already funnel millions into these places but the only ones who benefit are the ones at the top. DC robs us, pours OUR money into those crap holes with absolutely no oversight to only benefit the elites. The elites in those countries are just as bad as the ones here and they look out for each other. I couldn’t believe when that Vincente Fox jerk wad was actually lecturing the US about the border. The guy’s country is a corrupt hellhole and he wants to lecture us?
Try again you are not making any sense, are you drinking?
Perhaps if you viewed this problem this way… the US does not have an illegal immigrant problem… Central and South America have an illegal migrant problem. It will make more sense and properly place the problem where it belongs. Not here, but in the country of origin.
To view the US as a benevolent care-provider that must somehow deal domestically with all displaced persons is perhaps one of the most demeaning, imperialistic perspectives imaginative… bordering on racist. Nice job.
That’s so nice of wanting to solve every other countries migrnt problems. You liberals are the greatest and not to go unnoticed but you basically just called the Sherriff one of the most demeaning, imperialistic perspectives imaginative… bordering on racist
I hate when that happens 😉
Hmmm… try again…. well, what is it about the Central American countries that you believe prevents them from being as prosperous as any other country? Can we at least agree that if those countries were properly run the populace could stay there and live in peace and prosperity?
And they could all produce Trump sportswear making a dollafitty a day……
Wow. So you’ve written those countries off? They’ve accomplished all they’re capable of and the only way those people can prosper is to come to the US illegally? I have more confidence in their potential and believe that if they weren’t hampered by their own corrupt governments they could succeed right where they are.
How are they hampered? Are there no successful people in these countries you have confidence in?
Sounds like nothing to worry about. All these “illegal immigrants” all have proper legal paperwork to reside and work here, planning to become naturalized US citizen, right?
All these tales of coming here to better yourself surely don’t end with procrastination to remain here lawfully, right?
Illegal is illegal. Stealing is illegal, murder is illegal, kidnapping is illegal, etc., that’s why we have laws. Illegal immigrants are no different in breaking the law just because they want to support their families or create a better life. If that’s their intentions, they need to stand line to legally obtain entrance into our country, like the thousand of other immigrants who are doing just exactly that. Why doesn’t Mexico and South America fix their own problems? Or does the US have to do that for them by reforming our policies. Really sick of the US sticking it’s neck and nose where it doesn’t belong. Gotta say really glad Sheriff Gahler grew a set and the county is part of this.
And they will continue to come until you remove the incentive you cannot cure the illness by treating the symptoms. It;s illogical but no one ever accused you of being logical, did they?
No, wait… the question posed was “Why doesn’t Mexico and South America fix their own problems?” but you’re saying that even if these people had home countries that didn’t suck, they could find a job, be prosperous and raise and educate their families they’d still leave that to come here to work minimum wage jobs? Whose logic is skewed? The idea is to fix the problem at the root and stop treating the symptom. It’s fun to blame the Republican employers but the problem is the corrupt leaders… there and here.
Ok you are right, when will you be moving to Mexico to fix the problem? I’m sure they would welcome you with open arms.
Correct. I am right. And although I appreciate your confidence in my abilities as an individual to affect the change they need on my own, I’d prefer to have the assistance of the US Government through it’s political and economic influence.
Raping 12 year old girls is illegal. Using your Trump/ republican logic the way to stop this is to outlaw 12 year old girls.
There are many stupid things said on open forums, but your comment is one of the most stupid that I have read.
This may seem trivial, but why can’t the good sheriff find out what’s happening to the cats in my neighborhood?
We used to have a nice variety of cats who visited on a regular bases. They have all disappeared including my beloved house pet. And the other day there was a flyer in my newspaper box about another neighborhood cat who has gone missing.
I would go to the shelter and adopt another feline, but since I don’t know what is happening to the local cats, I want to spare another innocent soul a desperate ending. As a result is I’m overrun with rabbits, squirrels and mice.
Do you suppose these illegal immigrants are eating our cats?
You should go to the shelter to see if your house pet was taken there.
Do you live in an area where the coyotes have been seen recently?
Are there any Asian restaurants near you?
Adopt a new cat and keep it as an inside only pet. It will not be subject to whatever is eliminating outdoor cats in your area.
It’s a bobcat
I’m scared to even talk politics in public anymore. Your average high blood pressure, bad cholesterol conservative could quite likely suffer a heart attack or stroke as you debate.
Last conservative I debated with started to get red in the face, arms trembling and teeth chattering that I excused myself quickly.
Since you delight in insults, I have no doubt any “debate” with you would be even more replete with vitriolic comments than your postings here and just as deficient in actual merit. Maybe if you weren’t so keen on hurling insults instead of having a mature debate you wouldn’t need to experience this fear.
I’m sure plenty of conservative’s are going to hurl plenty of delightful insults once the Democratic nominee for Presidents wins in a few days, by a LARGE number of points.
No one needs to think up any insults for HRC… or Trump for that matter. Simply speaking the truth is enough. I just find it perplexing how so many people are willing to support someone who is so clearly corrupt simply because there is a capital d after her name. Maybe it’s the enthusiasm I find strangest but then I think all politicians are vile and that’s why I’d never put up a sign or bumper sticker – or get up from my chair to see them in the front yard. This year’s “I Voted” stickers should read “I Voted, then I threw up”.
That’s great what you would do. I’m happy for you.
In response / rebuttal, I have to ask…did you do ANY type of equitable research prior to writing your opinion piece? I, like many readers, am having trouble following a single idea you attempt to present as you weave us through this dribble of opinion.
So let’s get some things straight:
“a program that clearly targets Latinos and who known Syrian refugees” – False. This program clearly targets EVERYONE that comes through the detention center. In fact, see your second paragraph when you quote Sheriff Gahler via the Baltimore Sun, “…screen every single individual that comes into the detention center…”. How, exactly, do you equate this to singling out Latinos?
Why shouldn’t we screen for undocumented immigrants? After all, it is a crime to be in this United States illegally. At the end of that sentence, was a period…there is no discussion after that. People are in this country illegally, it is the job of law enforcement to catch those who are doing something illegal, simple as that.
“So why should they get paid further for doing their jobs which they were going to do anyway?” – This makes absolutely no sense! Get paid further for doing their jobs?
Who mentioned anything about additional pay? Nobody.
They were going to screen for undocumented aliens anyway? Cool! Great! Awesome! So what’s the big deal now?
“What is puzzling about this situation is that the contracting agency with the Harford Sheriff’s Office is ICE, a federal agency.” – Again, if you had done a smidgin of actual research instead of writing a personal opinion piece, your attempt to create a conspiracy theory would come off a bit more honorable.
No, it is not that puzzling. Look, the rules are clear in the fact that the power to prescribe rules as to which aliens may enter the United States and which aliens may be removed resides solely with the federal government. Read that last part? The federal government.
Ahhh! States cannot enforce federal law (under this instance, Immigration Law) unless explicity authorized to do so.
Ready for this? This will blow your mind…
Within the Immigration Naturalization Act, Section 287(g) and the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, section 133; we see some of the broadest grants of authority for state and local immigration enforcement activity. The Secretary of Homeland Security is authorized to enter into a written agreement with a State, or any political subdivision of a State, pursuant to which an officer or employee of the State or subdivision, who is determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security to be qualified to perform a function of an immigration officer in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens in the United States (including the transportation of such aliens across State lines to detention centers), may carry out such function at the expense of the State or political subdivision and to the extent consistent with State and local law.
For your reading pleasure: INA §287(g)(1), 8 U.S.C. §1357(g)(1).
No, Maryland does not share a border with Mexico – but then again, not all illegal immigrants / undocumented aliens are from Mexico. Undocumented aliens (still illegal, by the way) come from everywhere – South America, Europe, Far East, Middle East, Canada, Africa, etc…etc…etc… You are failing to make a valid point anywhere in your argument, and YOU are the one making repeated reference to Latinos – not the rule.
“What is Sheriff Gahler’s strategy for dealing with federal courts which may decide he is being overzealous in enforcing federal laws when his job is to enforce local and state laws?” – You know, the Sheriff seems like a pretty smart cookie. I am willing to bet he has thought of every angle of criticism from citizens like you. I am willing to bet that if you read the above “federal law”, you will see that states can be granted authority to do this very activity. If, as you so eloquently put it, ICE / DHS are ‘contracted’ partners, then I am willing to bet there is federal approval. I mean, one federal agency just can’t go rogue and do what they want…unless, of course, Hillary Clinton is the head of your agency – but even then…you can’t.
That law, for you to read again, in case you missed it is: INA §287(g)(1), 8 U.S.C. §1357(g)(1)
Your next shovel of wisdom, “Sheriff Gahler’s statement equates being here illegally with “further victimizing the community.” “.- No, it doesn’t. That is how you are framing it in an attempt to make your point seem more valid. I am not sure how you can get this one wrong! In fact, YOU quoted him from the Baltimore Sun above. The actual statement was, “…those who are here illegally and further victimizing the community…”
AND being the key word there…”and”. But, since you mentioned it…Yes, illegals here are “victimizing the community”. Who do you think pays for detention and removal? Taxpayers.
Who pays for their kids to go to public school for free? Taxpayers.
Who pays for their WIC, Food Stamps, or whatever other program they get to leach off of? Taxpayers.
Moving on…this next one is a doozy and so idiotic that my left eye is starting to twitch ~
“…criminal gangs from Mexico and Central America have traditionally been associated with the drug trafficking industry. The Drug Enforcement Administration, border patrol and ICE among other agencies deal with that…” – Partially correct, but there is more to it than that. I see what you did, you took some agencies that are traditionally associated in TV shows, and married them to a specific crime. You failed to mention that these criminal gangs are also traditionally associated with the following crimes (not an all encompassing list):
-Murder / Assassinations
-Illegal Weapon Sales / Trade
-Human Trafficking
Need I go on? Who do you think deals with drug trafficking along the I-95 corridor? That’s right, states and locals.
In the community? Yep, states and locals.
You see, there are these things called ‘Task Forces’ which are usually created to combat specific problems – drugs being one of them. Who do you think are on these ‘Task Forces’? May surprise you given your obvious lack of knowledge on law enforcement in general…
Federal Agencies, State Agencies and Local Agencies all join forces on many Task Force efforts.
But wait, using your logic – that cannot happen because states can’t enforce federal law (which is false, by the way) – but how can federal enforce state? Assimilated Crimes Act. Enough on that…more to picking apart your flawed editorial.
“If I were here illegally just trying to hold down a low paying job or two to support my family” – If you were here illegally, that makes you a criminal. Period.
Let’s talk about your “victimizing the community”. Okay, so the low-paying jobs you got as an illegal? Following me? Well, those people who hired you are also committing a crime. It is illegal to pay someone for work in this country if they are here illegally.
Are you paying taxes on your earnings? Probably not, so you (in essence) are stealing from the American people as you live in rent-subsidized housing, obtain free medical care, and send your kids to school for free.
You can resent the insinuation all you want, if you are here illegally, you are a criminal. Plain and simple. Instead of working “2 low paying jobs”, why not apply for a work permit that would allow you to obtain a single good-paying job? Pay taxes? Get on a path to citizenship? Be legal?
“My guess is that the sheriff is looking at the money that ICE should not spend in Harford County.” – What if, and follow me on this one, Kris – what if it isn’t about money and the Sheriff just wants to enforce the law? You do realize, hopefully, that federal money isn’t profit for an agency? It usually covers labor and / or equipment to do what is necessary to complete a task / project or purpose. Nobody gets to use it to give anyone a pay raise. It is not used for superfluous reasons. It is there for a purpose, and is pretty well controlled in terms of being audited for use.
Some more rebuttals to your nonsense:
–State does not provide pay raises for Sheriff’s, that is the County. No need to appeal to the State on that, won’t do any good.
–Congress has tried to pass immigration reform, White House keeps threatening to veto (yeah, those pesky Democrats always wanting to give away our stuff for free).
“…some meaningful reforms that deal with the real problems affecting real people on both sides of the borders…” You mean, like, keeping them out of our country illegally and mooching off of the American public? Stop them from drug trafficking?
Stop them from committing crimes in our neighborhoods?
So basically, you are saying “build a wall” and / or “invade Mexico”.
Christ, Krist, you make no f-ing sense.
Dear Whoever you are, I hope you had fun. The Batimore Sun agreed with my position on the sheriff’s
lunatic plan a day later,so I couldn’t have been that wrong.
Here is my suggestion: All you Gahler fans should form a circle of soidarity around the Harford Co courthouse wearing the clothing of choice of Sheriff Gahler’s hero Joe Arpaio–pink underwear.
When they are arrested for indecent exposure and taken to the detention center for processing,
they will already be wearing pink underwear which should make Sheriff Gahler happy. And why not?
Sheriff Arpaio was very happy when he made all the detainees in Maricopa County wear pink underwear, Next, Sheriff Gahler will only have to buy pinkies for the remaining detainees at the detention center using the funds he should have used to pay for deputiees’ raises.
Krist Boardman
“Dear Whoever you are, I hope you had fun. The Batimore Sun agreed with my position on the sheriff’s
lunatic plan a day later,so I couldn’t have been that wrong.”
The fact that The Baltimore Sun agreed with your position simply adds credibility to what Sheriff Gahler is doing.
Sez the guy who thinks federal express is a government agency
Mr. Boardman,
If this part of this program from President Obama’s Administration in partnership with Gahler’s Sheriff’s Office is the “lunatic” part?
When the Sun is wrong, they’re wrong, when they’re right as they are in this case,they’re right.
I’m sorry if that makes all you Gahler fans sad. But you will get over it if you can.
Nothing to get over. Gahler will still move forward with the screening program. I, for one, support any efforts to identify and act on persons who are in our country illegally. It makes no difference to me that you and The Baltimore Sun don’t like it.
It’s time for you all to move on and get a life. You don’t have to agree with my opinion and I don’t have to agree with you. But since you enjoy arguing:
What kind of a program affects only 1/2 of one percent of the counties in the U.S.? Mr., Gahler’s program, naturally. It’s insignificant, it will do nothing to curb illegal immigration, and it’s a waste of money. All of you anti-government hawks should recognize that. The solution is to pass immigration reform but the Republican Congress won’t do that.
Now as for ICE, there are some rogues in that agency, just as there are in the FBI, who will do what they want and they have control of some program money that apparently Obama & Co. don’t or can’t control.
Just because I agree with Obama on a lot of things doesn’t mean I approve of everything he has done or is doing. If Obama agrees with this silly program that Gahler likes so much, then I disagree with Obama. But I think it’s just a matter of him not being able to control everything; after all, the U,S, Government is a very very large organization and not even a president can control everything.
“If Obama agrees with this silly program that Gahler likes so much, then I disagree with Obama. But I think it’s just a matter of him not being able to control everything; after all, the U,S, Government is a very very large organization and not even a president can control everything.”
Well, thank God for that, because if Obama could control everything he would. Then we would have a King and not a President. No doubt Obama dislikes the fact we have three branches of government. He has done his best to reduce governing to only the Executive Branch.
I just wanted to say, if there are any harford co cops on here, I’m hypnotizing your little mind right now, look into my asshole and watch the rocking balls….. put your legal pee pee in your mouth and pull the trigger.
Chrisy board man….I would take my pink undies up to the disgraceful, illegal, pig infested detention center but I’m afraid the meter maids there would steal them?
Hello Did you write Mid Atlantic Murders Kinky Killers? If so it is very important to me to email you.
Thank you