From Harford County Councilman Jim McMahan:
Dear Readers:
My office has received a plethora of questions regarding Question “A” on the upcoming election Ballot. I agree it is confusing but the explanation below should help clear up concerns. It is a measure to not only streamline the process of administration but to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic confusion. Please read below. Capt’n Jim
Clarification of Ballot Question A
“Question A” on the November ballot would make one simple change to streamline the organization chart in the executive branch of Harford County government. Currently, the county’s property management division reports to the director of procurement, who reports to the director of administration. If Question A is approved, property management would report directly to the director of administration.
There are no other changes proposed by Question A.
The director of administration would continue to report to the county executive, and decisions about the purchase, sale or lease of property would continue to be made by the county executive. In addition, all legal checks and balances regarding property and procurement will remain in effect. This includes approvals by the Board of Estimates and the County Council.
The ballot question was necessary because the County Charter lists the property management function under procurement; and any change to the Charter requires an amendment. This amendment was unanimously approved by the County Council in April.
Why would anyone vote for Question A? What is the hidden agenda? What you have clarified is not in Question A? This is why people don’t trust government anymore. No one should vote for it
Exactly, no one should vote yes on this amendment.
With regard to trusting government and how no one does anymore, this is a classic example of that feeling. It is why Trump wants voters to vote at all levels to drain the swamp.
I have been asking a number of people about ballot question A and finally found one person who understood and explained it to me. I am concerned that
– the wording is unclear
– it says that the decision making will be transferred but does not state to WHOM it will be transferred – in other words, WHO will be in charge of procurement if this proposal passes.
– as many are concerned with blatant conflict of interest WHAT measures are put in place to avoid any possibility of conflict of interest? If the person in charge of procurement has any relationship or in under the influence of anyone who may benefit from a procurement transaction, then that person should recuse him or herself and someone else without ANY such ties should be responsible for the decision-making on that transaction.
I do not think there has been sufficient public discussion of this Ballot Question and it should be postponed until the public has a chance to understand and clarify any concerns. If it is too late to remove the question then we should not change anything – people should vote NO – and revisit this later when people can make an informed decision.
Does this mean Billy Boniface can agree to have the county buy his farm for 12 million from himself? Please let us know if this is wrong.
Capt Jimbo has a hidden agenda for everything. Always has and always will. This question “A” just allows Billy boy to buy property as he pleases. It gives Billy boy more authority and skips the procurement process completely. I’m voting no and I hope you do the same.
It just speeds up the process that is going to happen anyway. Anyone know what’s ever going to happen with the old Preston farm in Jarrettsville?
The 25 acres the county bought 7 years ago for 1.3 million dollars?
I have found out through a little digging and a lot of running around that this claification that Honest Jim is posting is NOT from him but from the Director of Administration office i.e. Billy Boniface to be shared with residents of the county.
My vote for this question is NO NO NON HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!
It seems to me that something crooked is going on when they won’t tell you the implications of the measure. I’m voting “NO” on this one and advise everyone else to do likewise.
Lance is voting NO to question A. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. Frankly anything El Capitan Jim advocates for is probably something you want to vote against. Jim is paying back all the favors that his cronies did for him.
Wow, that’s such a simple explanation. I can’t believe I was thinking it would be so much more complex. I don’t believe it is that simple based on this Councilman’s say so. I vote NO.
that’s not his explanation. That came from the Billy and Barry office.
Procurement is for…..PROCUREMENT!
Leave well enough alone.
Vote No (and advise everyone else to do the same!)
Question A is simply a way to bypass procurement laws. This is totally unacceptable. I encourage Harford County citizens to vote against Question A.
Never support anything McMahan is supporting. And Boniface and McMahan crafted the bills to allow former County Council members to get cushy County jobs i.e Director of Administration Mr Boniface. Also the 25% pay raise for his litte friend Glassman. These Crooks tore a page out of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s handbook on how to rob the American public. Please tell me that the County is not considering purchasing the Boniface family farm but then again Billy is used to getting government bailouts.
Bill and Hillary handbook? I thought the whole county elected government are all Republicans? I am really confused. I didn’t think Republicans had those types of values? Boy I guess I was wrong. Wow!
The Republicans wrote the book on corruption. That’s why republican in the
dictionary is between REPTILE and REPUGNANT Harford Republicans are all about serving the needs of there main campaign contriibutors—-Land Developers.. And the sappy Repub voters gave them total control of the county. No checks and balances. One big GOOD OLE BOYS CLUB!
It’s disheartening how many of you complaining about the questionable actions of the County Council vehemently supported these candidates in the 2014 election. Your singular focus on taxes made you turn your back on the most qualified and potentially transformative Council President candidate we’ve had in years, and in doing so created the situation we have today. Sadly many HarCo Republicans are too blinded to see the reality of their actions, and the DEM central committee is too inept to educate voters, and we get a steady rotation of pre-determined royalty elected to office that have little concern about what’s best for our citizens…
NO, NO, NO and Hell NO!
George, why don’t you run for the Democratic Central Committee and help transform it into the dynamic
organization you would like it to be? You can even come to our meetings and give us your critique of what should be done even if you don’t want to run for the central committee. As for your most qualified and potentially transformative Council President candidate in years, come and tell us what went wrong if you can tell us,