From the New Harford Democratic Club:
New Harford Democratic Club
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Wednesday October 05, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
At the next NHDC meeting, our Guest Speaker will be a HILLARY CLINTON spokesperson / speaker! Don’t miss this meeting!
September 07, 2016
At 7:07 pm Art Helton opened the meeting the absence of President Steve Johnson, who has been delayed.
Art led the pledge of Allegiance
Art recognized new members and guests
Art noted the minutes of the previous meeting had been distributed electronically and asked for a motion to approve. Moved and seconded and approved by voice vote.
George Harrison provided the treasurers report: as of 9/7/2016 the operating account totaled $12,138.24. It was moved and seconded to approve the report. Approved by voice vote.
Art announced that the announced speaker, State Senator James Rosapepe would not be present due to a conflict.
George Harrison made a short presentation on the current state of the presidential election, noting that Hillary had received a good bump in the polls following the convention, but expected that to lessen during the next few weeks as the polling realizes an equilibrium. Note that the race is still very tight and could tighten further before the debates begin. He said much will depend on how the voters perceived the debates.
Steve Johnson arrived, apologized for being late.
It was noted that longtime member, former Delegate Dan Riley had passed away.
Steve asked for reports: Nicky Fournier noted that the Young Dems are currently meeting at the Have de Grace police station second Tuesday at 7pm. She also noted that there will be debate watch party in Aberdeen.
Tracy Robertson, club member and member of the Harford County Democratic Central Committee, gave an update on the crab feast fund raiser at the Iron Birds stadium and noted that Cecil County Democrats are holding a pig roast on Sept 17.
Art Helton reported on the voter registration drives on Saturdays through Oct 8. Anyone interested should report to 3 S Rogers Street by 9:30a for training, then fanning out to the community.
Steve asked if there was any other business, hearing none, adjourned the meeting at 8:25pm
Submitted by George Harrison, acting secretary.
Is this supposed to be news?
Not worth the time of day. Liberal Idiots.
Jim, you are an ass
Let’s deport the liberals and keep the Mexicans. At least the Mexicans will Work hard.
I hope it doesn’t rain on Saturday during the voter registration drive. Walking through the graveyard in the rain is no fun.
I heard from an insider that the Hillary spokesperson is going to be bringing the 33,000 e-mails and anyone get get a peak at them for a donation to the Clinton Foundation.
Yeah, well I heard Trump will grab your “pu$$y” for free…….Imagine that, he’ll even take you furniture shopping later!
I think Trump is cute. Much nicer and smarter and better looking and successful than you. You are a loser in every sense of the word. And now that we have seen some of the e-mails we are again reminded that Hillary will do anything and say anything for power and money. Is she your momma?
Thanx, coming from you that means a lot of nothing……
So if that had never come to light you’d have voted for him? Please. The left in this country don’t care that she’s a liar. They don’t care that she’s a criminal. They wouldn’t care if she strangled a puppy on live TV. They’ll vote for her no matter what. It’s a blind lemming following fanaticism that I can’t get my head around. I’ll never understand the whole idolizing of politicians, athletes and entertainers that the sheeple in America cling to so desperately. Nor do I understand the belief that, in the face of all experience, a politician will actually deliver on one of the promises they’re making now. Hasn’t the big O been telling me for 8 years how the rich are going to pay their fair share? It’s all empty promises for the empty headed electorate. The vast majority of Americans are just plain stupid and politicians depend on it. I’ve given up. She’ll probably win and we’ll continue to swirl down the drain with the ballooning debt and the no one ever gets held accountable for anything mentality. She is the poster child of zero accountability. I’d had hopes that a true outsider could get into DC and give that stinking anus of America the enema it so urgently needs. Now you see “Republicans” that will essentially campaign for her rather than see the good thing they have going down there get upset. We’re all getting screwed but the left seems to enjoy it and continues to beg for more.
No, I would never have voted for either of them. I don’t vote. If voting meant anything you wouldn’t be allowed to do it. It may mean something on the local level, but you’re in Maryland where the corruption of law and politics is already planted firm in society. If I were to vote, I would’ve not even considered Trump as I remember him headlining a WrestleMania when I was young and to me you can’t have a President that was the Main Event of a WrestleMania. I wouldn’t vote for Hillary either as I consider her entire political career as a farce. I mean, she was clearly from Arkansas or other parts of the south and moved to New York just to get her political career moving. Ask the people of Arkansas if they would vote for Hillary and I’m sure you’ll get a big NO. I believe that neither of the 2 big parties fielded anyone capable, other than Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio. Trump made both of them look like soiled panties. So, it is what it is. The Country is doomed……
I didn’t think felons could vote right now. It is bad enough the Democrats let dead people vote.
A felon can vote in Maryland after their sentence (including probation) is completed. All you have to do is reregister at the DMV. Just because a person committed a crime deemed to be a felony by the corrupt Criminal Justice system doesn’t mean they are no longer an American. You guys on here really to subscribe to the ideology of “Mein Kampf”. You were born in the wrong time period, you’d have made a great Nazi……
That’s too bad. That would have eliminated a lot of HIllary supporters. I would bet that most felons vote Democrat
Most Democrats are fair minded people. Most Republicans are fair minded people. The problem of far left and far right ideology is in both parties. The two big party system is broken. The political parties now use the power of their parties to consume new ideology into their big party. The tea party was a perfect example. It probably could’ve grown into its own party. Yet, if you are not part of the 2 big parties exposure is compromised. Bernie Sanders’ movement is a good example. The socialist ideas are now quelled as Sanders ran as a Democrat and not an independent. He would’ve received absolutely NO exposure if he ran as a third party candidate and his movement wouldn’t have been as large. Its all about media exposure and the dominance of the two big parties……
Soul Crusher for president!!! …you are the man! And if you want to know where the Nazi’s are you dont have to look any further then the court house in Belair Md. When you become president of these united states lets bring back hanging just long enough to cleanse Belair and DC…. and by the way, The Soul Crusher is a man of integrity, a humanitarian and a hero. There is not one of you out there who could out wit him or challenge his intelligence. My crew loves you and always looks forward to your incredibly informed commentary. Lets face it anyone could do a better job of selling pleutonium to our enimies then she can? I bet she’ll be on a plan to her friends in Russia the moment trump wins.
Thank you, thank you very much. I don’t know if I would make a good president. Kissing hands and shaking babies was never my desire. Wait, did I get that right? However, it’s good to know that there is somebody just as whacked, or maybe even more whacked, than I……
We already have one presidential candidate who should be in jail. We don’t need another.
In jail for what now? You said I should be in jail. For what?
The only presidential candidate likely to end up in jail is Trump.After he loses on Nov 28th he will probably start a riot!