From Harford Campaign for Liberty:
While Harford residents are still struggling to come to grips with huge increases in their water bill…Harford County Councilman Capt’n Jim McMahan decided to introduce legislation that will rob Harford taxpayers of even more of their hard-earned cash. And what important county government “need” will require you to live on less of what you earn? Why it’s huge tax-payer funded raises for the entire Harford County Council!
Click here to prevent Harford politicians from taking money out of your pocket and inserting it into theirs.
That’s right, McMahan recently introduced Bill No. 16-023 which seeks to give the Council President a $6,690.00 per year pay raise…and give each of the other Councilmembers a $6,750.00 per year increase! This would be a staggering almost 20% increase for these politicians. This amounts to a total of $47,190.00 in additional county government spending going straight into politicians’ pockets every year. While McMahan loves being known as “Capt’n” around Harford County, this proposed legislation outs him for what he really is – an elected pirate.
Say “NO!” to this outlandish waste of your tax dollars.
It’s hard to believe that at a time when many Harford residents are just hoping to keep their jobs – let alone get a raise…that any politician would have the gall to award themselves such a massive increase. When raises are available, most hard-working employees anticipate getting one based on performance reviews from their employer. And who employs the politicians?
That’s right, WE THE PEOPLE do. They work for us. Sometimes they need to be reminded of this.
Just weeks ago, the citizens of Cecil County denied their County Council a $2000.00 per year raise. They did it by showing massive opposition to proposed pay raises for politicians by adding their name to a well-circulated petition drive. This is exactly what we must do here in Harford County.
Please take a moment of your time to sign the petition to oppose taxpayer-funded pay raises for Harford Politicians. If we act now, this will be a slam dunk in the fight to protect our tax dollars. A public hearing on this legislation is set for October 11th, 2016 at 6pm. By signing our petition, you can make sure that our county council hears from you directly. Harford County Campaign for Liberty will deliver all signed petitions to the council during this hearing. Volume will make THE difference! The bigger the stack of petitions, the more pressure the county council will feel to do the right thing and vote no on this legislation.
Councilman McMahan told The Aegis that “Some in the public will not like the legislation.” Let’s make sure that he realizes that he thoroughly underestimated the public’s opposition to this legislation. All it takes is your signing of the petition. Please help us get the word out to as many Harford residents as possible by sharing this email with friends and family.
As always, thank you for your support!
For Liberty,
Bob Willick
State Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
I actually agree they shouldn’t have the raise but I wouldn’t sign one of your petitions if it were to give me a million dollars.
Agreed C4L is probably the biggest hypocritical organization in Harford county, they flip flop more than a flounder in the bottom of a boat.
I recall the County Council when they had a lean administrative staff and a modest budget, which is appropriate as these positions were never meant to be someone’s full-time job. Fast forward to the present and we taxpayers fund an ever growing administrative budget. I’m a healthcare provider in a major medical institution and despite an excellent evaluation this year, IF I receive a raise it will no where be near the increase these clowns want to give themselves.
Right? 18%
How, in the world, do they justify that? What additional responsibilities have they taken on? None.
Can they somehow equate that raise to inflation? No.
Sheriff’s went without a raise for how many years, and now they want 18%.
I don’t think anyone enjoys an increase in anything except their pay check. The outrage of this article, though, has its anger misdirected.
The truth is that costs of doing business, whether in the public or private sector, go up. And it is true that the employees of this county have borne the burden of those increases for too long. It may be true the council is in a great position to vote themselves raises, but they can easily be removed from office in the next election. The county worker, though, does not enjoy that luxury.
Therefore, pick your poison. You can pay a little more and enjoy the same level of service you have been that has been largely paid for by the people doing the work for quite some time. Or, you can struggle with worse roads, lower quality education, lesser policing and a myriad of other services that benefit everyone in Harford County even when they are unaware they are benefiting.
And for what it is worth… the cry of poverty in this county is growing dull. We are ranked 42nd in the nation for wealth. Our previous rank was 64th… Looks to me like things are getting better around here.
As for the raises for the Council… that ought to be discussed and decided by the voters.
I don’t think the cost of doing business has anything to do with the county council giving themselves a raise!
While I appreciate the sentiment of the petition, somehow C4L are not the people to produce the petition.
Having, said that, there is a question of staff motivation to be considered. If the bosses get a 20% rises, but staff only get a one-off 3% rise, what does this do to staff morale?
A well recompensed staff is essential; if they fell they are valued, they will go that extra mile. Currently, there is no reason to do anything but the dull repetitive work they are assigned; they are not being paid to think about consequences and solutions. Pay them properly, and you will have a more efficient government, to the benefit of all.
Council members should be at the bottom of the food chain, not the top.
They do a great job, why not give them a raise. It only seems fair. You idiots want everything for free.
Jims mom please tell us all about the great job they do?
Gee. Give them 20%? County employees received a 3% raise this year, their first raise in 8 years. Take care of the people under you before you take care of yourself
Take care of the people under you before you take care of yourself
Said no elected official ever.
How about the 4% that county employees have gotten in the last 10 years. How is this justified ?
…and what, pray tell, is an example of the “great job” that they have done?
Eased congestion on roadways? No.
Slowed industrial and commercial growth to not choke out residential areas? No.
Fixed roadways to ensure smoother traffic flow? No.
Increased areas for families in the form of parks and recreation? No.
Seems to me, the last time I heard anything from the council is when old Dick Slutzky decided he didn’t want us “deplorable citizens” approaching the dais, as if he perceived the people who put him into office as a threat.
I’ll wait for your response…
Harflrd county is one of the ealthiest per capita in the country yet they pay thei public servants peanuts. All these 500k plus homes yet paying a civil servant is too much… Pathetic
Wow, talk about pathetic: Harflrd? ealthiest? thei? Someone didn’t do so well in school, did they young man?
Typical political reply. Deflect the real answer to the question, refuse to provide an educated response, and ostracize the citizens for not being up to your level.
Sorry, your Majesty, but you are an uppity b1tch.
Hillary would be proud to have you on her cabinet.