From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
A woman is dead in a suspected domestic related homicide that occurred in Bel Air on Wednesday.
On September 28, at approximately 10:14 p.m., deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct responded to the 1200 block of Mikara Court in reference to a check the wellbeing request. Upon arrival, deputies were unable to make contact with the residents.
Due to the totality of the circumstances, and investigative evidence observed at the scene, deputies forced entry and began clearing the residence. While inside the residence, deputies located a female deceased in a bathroom suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. It is believed she died several hours prior to deputies’ arrival.
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Criminal Investigations Division, was requested to respond to the residence, and assumed the investigation. Detectives assigned to the Forensic Services Unit responded to process the scene for evidence.
Through investigation, the victim’s husband was identified as the suspect. He was not located in the residence.
While deputies were at the scene, contact was made by the Prince George’s County Police Department. At that time, deputies were informed Prince George’s County Police were investigating a murder-suicide in College Park that involved a father and son from Harford County.
The victim is identified as Zarqa Siddique, 48 of Bel Air. The suspect, who is the father involved in the Prince George’s County incident, is identified as Nasir Siddique, 57 of Bel Air. The investigation continues. Any questions regarding the incident in College Park should be directed to the Prince George’s County Police Department.
This is the second suspected domestic related homicide in short succession that occurred in one of these big gigantic Harford County houses; they paid $760K for this 5,000+ square foot mansion. What in the world is happening out there with all this domestic abuse and killing.
I think it’s economic pressure and fear of loosing a lavish lifestyle, when job issues such as layoffs or cutbacks, etc. I’ve seen family members struggle with depression when company’s packed up and Moved to Mexico.
Orphan- He was retired military now working for HCPS, why the need to make up lies about him?
Someone with the same name works at APG.
The murdered wife was the employee with HCPS.
My mistake seems after retiring from the Army he worked for APG DPW.
Nothing close to the lies orphan is spinning.
She worked for HCPS, he worked at APG.
You know just because the house is worth “X” amount of dollars doesn’t mean crap. There are destructive things happening all over this county behind the shutters of homes large and small. A prime example is the Heroin epidemic (aptly named “Epidemic” after it showed up in BIG house communities) ripping through Harford County. It wasn’t so much an epidemic when it had apt numbers and urban zip codes. Wake up… abuse, crime, and illegal activity is everywhere…. just some places have nicer shutters and larger lot. Do a ride along with a law enforcement officer and see where the night takes you on a weekend.
My folks didn’t have much money, and had few “things,” but we had a very happy life when I was a kid. I wouldn’t trade that life for all the money, mega-mansions and “stuff” in the world.
It cost a lot more to be happy now.
When a gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gasoline the world has literally gone mad and in the end, the civilized world is doomed……
1 0ut of 22 veterans that commit suicide every day while Republicans like Andy Harris do nothing to help them after sending them to war.
Andy why won’t you support veterans?
Wow!! Little Andy, a lowly Congressman is holding our President back from helping veterans. Shame on him for keeping President Obama from helping veterans. Sarcasm intended!!!
Were you that banjo player on the porch in that movie Deliverance? I can’t really tell because you sound all old and angry now. Sarcasm intended?
Yes, that was me. The reason I looked so happy is because I had just finished doing your mother. Why do you ask?
Now I know why I’m 18 and still in the 6th grade – all those inbred genes you passed on to me.
All of those inbred genes that you have are really getting to you. I did ” all of the usual suspects” mother many years ago. So many, that had you been a product of that ride you would be somewhere in your 40’s.
My most significant asset was covered by my banjo. All of the backwoods women wanted me to do them, and I obliged. You might say that I am the Father of the modern Democrat party as many of my offspring still practice my loose behavior.
I thought that was why you played that little banjo and not the big stand up bass in our family photo. Mom said that tiny banjo would cover all your limited assets and still have plenty of room left over. I guess that helps now that your old and angry when the adult depends get a little full.
I remember that family photo with all of us and our instruments. You always had that flute in your mouth and a small smile on you face. By the way, who are you calling old…’re two years older than me.
Billy Boob,
Fantasizing again I see.
spelling typo – Should read Billy Bob,
Hey Just Sayin, how you been? Nice of you to post. I remember when you and I would do your older sister. Man, that was one hot woman. Remember the time your Mother caught the three of us and you were scared to death of what she was going to do? Next thing we know, she jumps in and makes it a foursome.
Clearly BillyBob has mental health issues himself, not a surprise.
Clearly you say. What is clear regarding any mental health issues? If you are suggesting that my many sexual encounters with family members and neighbors who were adults when I was only a child is somehow indicative of a mental illness, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Look around and you will see that things are changing, and for the better I might add thanks to the wonderful Democrats who are very progressive in their thoughts and views. Same sex people can now marry, we can all pee and shower together if we feel like it. Heck, I bet you thought that stuff was weird and probably mental several years ago. Now you find out that it is perfectly normal because if the state government tries to take away our right to do it, big business will pull out of that state and take their business elsewhere.
You are the one with issues and you are trying to hold me to your preconceived notion of what is normal behavior and “label” me as abnormal. Clearly, you are the one with issues!
If 1 out of 22 veterans commit suicide every day, they’ll all be gone by the end of the month. Could you explain your numbers?
I think the statistic is 22 veterans per day commit suicide. The VA came up with that number after comparing death certificates for Afghan/Iraq vets back in 2011. Their research showed a span of 18-22 per day. 18 to 22 per day. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? And, so terribly sad.
Not sure what this had to do with the article but since you brought it up I’ll share my opinion too. I’m not sure who Andy “sent to war” since he arrived in 2011 but it seems to me the only way to help vets is to fix the VA. Unfortunately, the VA will never be fixed because like with all other aspects of the federal government, there is ZERO accountability. We all heard about the awful things that happened with waiting lists, waste and corruption at the VA… who got fired? No one. Oh, sure the head stepped down – more like leaped off with his golden parachute. The unions and their lawyers are in bed with the politicians and have everything sewed up tight. No one gets punished. No one gets fired. Incompetence is rewarded. Waste is ignored. Hilary is a poster child example of this zero accountability mentality. Every success at the State Department was because of her stellar leadership qualities while any failures, well, that never reached my desk, I was never informed of that, that’s not my responsibility, yada yada not my fault make me president. Washington is the a$$hole of the US and it is in desperate need of an enema to flush ALL of them out.
Really? Andy Harris should feel anything about this maniac? Really? I think reality is something with which you are unfamiliar.
Andy should feel for the Wife and Son who were murdered by this maniac and the daughter who, although fortunate enough to have lived, will now have to remember this the rest of her life. And I’m sure he does feel for them.
Wow you calling a veteran with severe mental health issues a “maniac” is not unexpected. So Headly did you pull a Trump and not serve your country when called up because of a bruised toe?
Where in the above article does it say the veteran had severe mental health issues? You have some proof that the murderer had severe mental health issues?
You thinking a mentally healthy person would kill his family then himself says… you should make an appointment with a psychiatrist quickly Billy Bob.
So, you nor Loser has any proof that the murderer was mentally ill. Thought so. You just assume that given what he did, he must be mentally ill.
He killed himself dipshit, that alone proves he was mentally ill. The fact you don’t get it is troubling and like was suggested, You should seek some help for your self.
It proves nothing at this point in time. I am told that he left a note. When we know more regarding this incident, he may well have been mentally ill. However, there are many incidents of family members killing other family members and then themselves who have left notes giving reasons for their actions which do not involve mental illness.
Was the firearm lawfully acquired, and owned prior to being used in this crime?
If yes, was the suspect also a non-prohibited of firearm possession?
Semantics? No thanks. The “criminal” will find/use/do something else is moot.
Root problem: GUNS.
The root problem is NOT guns. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. If the guns are taken from the citizens, yet every agent of the state is carrying one and every criminal is carrying one, then you are putting the people in a situation where defense and liberty are non existent. If you believe that your security and protection should be provided by the government and its agents then you are already lost to this issue. Police can only respond in most situations. They can not prevent crimes from occurring as they have no way of telling which person is going to go haywire next. As for relying on police to do the right thing, I leave you with this. “Power is a heady thing, and history shows that the police acting on their own cannot be trusted”- Justice Douglas;MCDONALD v. UNITED STATES (335 U.S. 451) (1948)
The NRA said President Obama was going to take away everyone’s guns. Almost 8 years later, it hasn’t happened. I guess their forecast wasn’t all that accurate.
One more thing. If this guy didn’t have a gun, what would have prevented him from using a knife or hatchet to finish off his family? Think about it. The gun was just a tool. Would you have felt better if he had carved his family up? The result would have been the same…….
Problem is, the article is reported with victims and gun shot wounds. If there was no gun, what would the suspect or any other suspects use as their tool?
We dont know. You can only assume they will find another “tool”
We have a gun problem in this country. This state has done well in firearm regulation, but more lives need saved.
No we have a mental health problem in this country and no one wants to deal with it.
Hhmmm…..a name like Zarqa Siddique…with a PG tie…..figures. Nothing to see here…lets all go back to OUR Harford county living.
The ‘PG tie’ their son was a student at UM in College Park. In PG County. Seriously…..
Fix yourself….your stupidity is showing.