From Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna:
As part of its Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna and its volunteers spent several days working in Aberdeen’s Swan Meadows community. Under the A Brush With Kindness (ABWK) program, they installed smoke detectors donated by the American Red Cross; power-washed, sanded, and re-stained wooden decks and stairs; cleaned out clogged roof gutters; trimmed bushes and trees; and, weeded and mulched homeowners’ gardens.
ABWK is part of a larger home preservation initiative that helps low-income homeowners revitalize their neighborhoods, which is especially important for those who struggle to maintain the exterior of their homes. In Harford County, the event is held twice a year. In April, Habitat conducted similar ABWK activities at Edgewood’s First Harford Square neighborhood.
In the same neighborhood where juveniles burned down a play ground? Must be nice… I take some mulch though!
Those are all chores that a homeowner who actually has to pay a mortgage on their propery is expected to do. Some people are like animals, you put them in a shelter and you still have to come in and clean their cages.
Hard to imagine you can’t find any good in the context of the article and have to resort to negativity.
Maybe you should go high five a bus?
Rjbaskins is a prime example of why our country is in its shape. Bunch of tin foil wearing, fatass cheeseburger chewing conservative jag’hoffs who spout off their negative drivel at every chance they get.
Diabetic high blood pressure asshole. Tell me more about that “Make America great thing”
You come off sounding the same with your b.s. name calling and generalizations about conservatives. This conservative has volunteered many hours and payed my employees to do work for H for H.
Your Mom says, you are the prime example of why this country is in the shape it is todayl You all live to get free stuff and don’t worry about who else has to pay for it. If you can’t handle the truth maybe you should go to your “safe zone” so your feelings don’t get hurt. BOO HOO HOO WAH!!!!!
Come on RJ you can tell us all how superior you feel in comparison to less fortunate people and your support of anyone who will keep them beneath your miserable level of existence.
Typical conservative, once they start debating they get red in the face and their head and arms start trembling.
High blood pressure and bad cholesterol, lay off deep throating the cheesesteak subs, man. The
Your Mom says, you are the prime example of what is wrong with this country. Just live to get free stuff, doen’t matter that other people have to pay for it. If you can’t handle the truth, maybe you should go to your “safe zone” so your feelings don’t get hurt. BOO HOO WAH!!!!!
Yeah man, some people get “free stuff. ”
What are you going to about it? Not a damn thing.
You’re the one that’s crying some people volunteers to clean gutters.
Alot of people on the Dagger talk shit,and alot of it!!! Will they disclose who they really are?!?!?
Absolutely not.
Even a scared of their own shadow conservative would have to agree with me on that.
I’m not having you show up at my office with intentions I have no clue on.
If annonymous internet postings bother you, perhaps you should take up a new hobbie, like crossword puzzles.
People have been using alter identities on the internet since day 1.
Why should they? You don’t.
Right RJBaskins, tell us again about tax payer this, free stuff that.
You people can’t see the forest for the tree’s, hence the reason we’ll see another 8 years of a Democrat President.
Another 20 years and Harford County will be voting blue too.
Twenty year ago Harford County was a blue voting county. It changed to red over a period of approximately five years. Why did it change? Ronald Reagan had a lot to do with the change and Bill Clinton reinforced the change.
Give a guy a fish, he’ll eat for a day.
Teach him how to fish. He’ll eat for a lifetime.
Not true. If you teach a man to fish he will be drinking beer by 9am and coming home hammered by 3pm.