From Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 5351, to prohibit the transfer of any individual detained at United States Navel Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba:
“Once again, Congress has acted to stop President Obama from playing politics with the security of our nation, putting American lives in danger. With the revelation that 30% of former Guantanamo Bay detainees are confirmed or suspected of reengaging in terrorism, we cannot allow for the transfer and or release of these enemy combatants, especially not to the United States. I agree with the hardworking Americans who believe that counterterrorism should be one of our top priorities and it is unconscionable that our President would willingly bring known terrorists into this country. I will continue to work to ensure that bringing Gitmo detainees to the United States remains illegal.”
Andy Harris, you are an absolute ass and a disgrace to the position you hold.
Every statement that you make is chocked full of lies and embellishments.
“Gitmo” is an extremely expensive way to house “detainees” that could easily be “detained” elsewhere.
These few detainees cost the US tax payers millions of dollars per person, per year (and you call yourself a “conservative”!
What a sad joke that you and your ilk continue to play on US citizens for political reasons!
I guaran-damn-tee that if there were a Republican president, and he proposed closing Gitmo, you and your ilk would be falling all over each other to close it down, and then put out press releases like this one, patting yourselves on the back for saving us billions of dollars annually!
You are a sad little man (or should I say old boy!) 🙁
Well maybe Well Hello would like them housed at the Harford County Detention Center.
Don’t be an idiot….any federal prison will do.
No any federal prison will not do. The whole point is to sequester and prevent these individual from conspiring, recruiting and engineering future attacks. An alarming number of the detainees previously released are right back at it again.
No, let him go… it’s fun to watch. He believes O wants to transfer them to another lock up and not to freedom where all the others that have been “transferred” have gone. We’ll completely ignore the fact that if ONE goes back and harms someone it’s too many to take a chance with letting any of them go. I’m more concerned with the phenomenal amount of waste that would push the cost per detainee so high. They dining on lobster and caviar every night? That’s a distraction though isn’t it… better to puff my chest full of indignation and hurl insults about how those vile Republicans “play on US citizens for political reasons”. Obviously non-deplorable Democrats would never try to “play” us. Democrat politicians good… Republican politicians bad… Just remember Hello, when you go to vote for Hillary… if YOU did what she did YOU would be in prison. Feel free to reward her lawlessness with your vote.
You apparently are clueless where the other detainees have been released too. And it’s cute how you want to leave them locked up and treated like dogs and want to blame any future actions on the person that let them go. You deplorable idiots will never realize the problem is you, and your total lack of any personnel responsibility. Hopefully you didn’t bother to infect this great country with any low information offspring.
“Team Deplorable”, you obviously have your head up your own ass (or up the ass of another ass….Donald Trump). And of course, I will be voting with the majority of voters when I vote for the best and most qualified candidate…. Hillary.
Insult me all you like, but the simple fact remains… if YOU did what SHE did YOU would be prosecuted and YOU would be in prison because YOU don’t have a friend in the White House to shield you. There are very different sets of rules of law for the people and the elitists. Donald Trump sucks but I’ll hold my nose and vote for him because there is nothing on Earth that would convince me to vote for a woman who allows a dog like Bill to humiliate her in front of the entire world but remains with him for the political connections. I wouldn’t trust a Clinton to watch my yard sale while I went to take a leak. Ask yourself, and try to answer it honestly, if she’d never met Bill would you even know her name? Her lies are legion and she shows no remorse for them. Politicians suck. All politicians. The Clintons are quintessential politicians. They quintessentially suck.
So much for the majority of voters?
Thanks, Congressman Harris. I totally agree with the Congress stopping it. My apologies on behalf of Well Hello.See, he’s getting these e-mails from Hillary who assures him that she hasn’t done anything wrong and always tells the truth and played no part in Benghazi and all of that. No wonder Bill Clinton had a roving eye. Well, I guess it was more than an eye.
So, you think Hillary was lying when she told Bill that it was good…… really, really good?
Hillary never tells the truth when a good lie is at hand.
In my opinion, we do not have the authority to confine prisoners of war indefinitely. We are no longer engaged in a conflict where these men were captured and in most cases the prisoners are citizens of countries that we never had a declaration of war against. In the war on terrorism, our country has used this as an excuse to violate the law, both domestic and international, to bring about an institution of global surveillance and regulation that our country simply does not have the authority to do.
Maybe they can move in with you and your mom. You could trade tips on how to grow better weed.
Or maybe, you and the rest of your kind, can stop being domestic terrorists and start following the established federal laws you have been breaking for decades…..
Thanks Soul Crusher, for making sense.
Too funny
No, what is funny is that our government has become the largest terrorist organization on the planet and the public is just blind to this fact. Our government has sponsored “domestic terrorism” (war on drugs) and “international terrorism” (Iran/Contras) over and over for decades. What’s really funny is the way our government has used “international terrorism” (911) to sponsor “domestic terrorism” (Patriot Act), all in the name of freedom. You know, the freedom we don’t really have…..
Trade their release back to their respective countries for say, oh, $1.7 billion.
Well Hello…..Best and most qualified…Hillary? Very sad this is the best we have. A sad situation we are in.
You are the type of person I hire to prune my bushes or wipe the mud off my boots.
Very true
Typical elitist response.
I already told you how to fix these bad boys. Insert them into judge coppers bedroom. They won’t last long. She’ll prob bite their dicks off….lol