From the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Baltimore:
U.S. District Judge J. Frederick Motz sentenced Ronnie Candelario, age 32, of Edgewood, Maryland, today to 41 months in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, after Candelario pleaded guilty to the possession of an unregistered silencer.
The guilty plea and sentence were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Daniel L. Board, Jr. of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) – Baltimore Field Division; Commissioner Kevin Davis of the Baltimore Police Department; and Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler.
According to his plea agreement, from at least April until June 2016, Candelario manufactured and sold AR-15 style assault rifles in Maryland without a license. Between April 15 and June 16, 2016, a confidential source working with the ATF purchased six automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles as well as two silencers from Candelario, typically meeting in a gas station parking lot to complete the transactions. The source told Candelario that the firearms he was purchasing were for resale in New York. Candelario told the source that he was manufacturing the guns and silencers that he sold and that he had other customers for whom he was manufacturing AR-15 style firearms. Candelario did not have any guns or silencers registered to him.
On June 22, 2016, ATF agents executed a search warrant at Candelario’s residence in Edgewood and recovered items used to manufacture firearms and silencers, including: boxes of AR-15 lower receivers; a fuel filter with an adapter used in the assembly of silencers; AR-15 magazines and rifle sights with boxes; and vices, a drill press, and other tools.
United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein commended the ATF, Baltimore Police Department and Harford County Sheriff’s Office for their work in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorney Kenneth Clark, who prosecuted the case.
Yep, you guessed it. Here I am. You knew it was coming.
A little over 3 years for unlicensed manufacturing, possession and selling. Sounds like a job well done.
How is it being a lonely dummocrat in northern Harford county? Rest assured that with my legally owned forearm I’ll help keep your gun free zone from criminals who give less than a rats furry backside about laws.
Second amendment supporting libertarian
Except the penalty is supposed to be 10 years and $250,000 per unregistered silencer.
Plus 5 years and $250,000 for dealing in firearms for sale without a Federal Firearms License, add in whatever Maryland laws he might have broken if the rifles weren’t FSA 2013 compliant, etc, and he got off extremely lightly.
He had to be singing like a bird!!!
I think you meant firearm. Also your name was probably supposed to say libertarian. I do however echo your sentiments. Liberals like the one above are so willing to let government use force to protect themselves but don’t want that protection for themselves.
Prove me wrong. When Maryland unbans all the firearms from the 2013 laws and goes “Shall Issue” I’ll be the first one to say my gun control idealogy was incorrect.
We all know there’s no chance in hell of that happening, and I’m proud of that too.
You guys may as well stay home this election, I mean, really? You all know who’s going to win. Again, very proud.
Are you sure? I’m beginning to wonder if the urban folks aren’t starting to realize that they’ve gotten the short end of the stick from the Democrats after so many years of urban failure. What happens when they decide to protect *their* families in addition to us more rural folks?
Tell me it’s impossible again.
I wouldn’t be so sure of the presidential election outcome. I believe on or about the end of September Mr. Putin is going to really stir the pot. I think he is going to direct his intelligence agency to release some of those hacked emails he possesses. This will blow Miss Clinton out of the water and expose her as the lying conniving bitch that she is. Many of the more intelligent Democrats will quickly jump ship. Obviously the freeloading give me free s$:t loafers will try to hang on, but I wouldn’t go counting my chickens just yet. It is going to get interesting.
@NHD You’re very proud? Really? You’re proud that the powers behind the DNC conspired to shove Hillary down your throat whether you wanted her or not? Three candidates for you, but over a dozen on the other side? And these are the best they had to offer? … a geriatric Socialist, Martin O’Malley (need I say more) and Hillary who almost had enough “super delegates” the day she announced. Do you feel like you actually participated in a primary? Do you feel like you participated in a democracy? Do you think that if she’d never married Bill you would have a clue who she is? I don’t like Trump. I didn’t vote for him… but I’d vote for the Devil himself before I voted for that conniving, scheming, lying political whore. That might sound mean but if she’d left him after their time in the White House I might have felt some sympathy or even respect for her. After all, he’d just humiliated her in front of the whole world and it had become clear he was habitual. But she stayed for the power and connections because that’s what she’s all about. If she left Bill she couldn’t carpetbag up to New York to pick up Moynihan’s seat. That’s why for me she’ll always be a political whore. Of course, maybe I got it all wrong… maybe she’s just like the empty headed chicks I always see on Cops… “I just can’t leave him ‘acuz I luuvv’s him”. Right. The only thing more surprising than Bill getting drunk enough to knock her up once is that she didn’t kill him and eat him afterward. If you don’t realize that she’d not only throw you under the bus but jump into the driver’s seat and back over you a few times to get what she wants you’re just not analyzing properly.
“Idealogy” LOL. Sounds like another one of those “highly educated” democrats.
I can’t wait for the day assault weapons are banned and a mandate to turn them in.
Assault weapons, the average semi automatic rifles. “Common use” is right, it’s been the tool of choice the past 7 years for horrible acts of violence.
I’ll wave to you as you stamd in line to turn them in. Believe me, you will, who would risk going to jail, losing your job and family?
You’re off your meds and out of your idealistic mind. That’s simply not going to happen.
Liberal dreamers are being outed over and over again as normal people realize that a) the police will never be present during a violent emergency; that b) nobody can control the thugs, including the police; and c) liberals will never personally fight for their own beliefs or risk anything at all — they want ‘the system’ to do their dirty work for them.
I truly do not understand your confidence, but I guess it’s good to believe in something.
We’ve already had 50 years of state gun control, a former Federal Assault Weapons Ban that had a sunset.
Why can more “gun control” can’t happen? Please show me evidence.
I’ll show you some evidence, Firearm Safety act of 2013.
Im glad we all agree that our Judicial System needs to stop giving lenient sentences, I also hope more funds are devoted to Corrections, so our inmate capacity can expand.
We can keep and hand out the time criminals deserved, AND we can keep the tools away from lawful sale.
Just about every horrific crime committed in our recent history has been by people who were otherwise lawful and legal allowed to buy these firearms.
I certainly can’t show evidence of what will happen, but I counter your Firearm Safety with the “Growth chart of right to carry” from the Washington Post. ( Dagger suppresses links. ) More and more states are shall-issue, and that seems to be a strong trend.
I guess time will tell. Another likely scenario is that people move into states favorable to their preferences. I will escape MD as soon as I can pull it off — you can have it.
Get a life loser
Stromg words, E-tough guy.
What are you going to do? I know, nothing.
Snitches smfh