From y:
Our next Harford Campaign for Liberty Meeting will be held:
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016
7pm – 9pm
Harford Vineyard and Winery
1311 Jarrettsville Rd
Forest Hill, MD 21050
This Tuesday evening, August 23, we’ll hear a special presentation on the water and sewer bill hike.
For those of us with county-supplied utilities, this information is a Don’t Miss.
How much did water rates go up FY 2016? How many more hikes should we expect to see? (Hint: Does a total of FIVE fee hikes seem excessive?)
And what could possibly justify your water bill going up 86%?! Join us Tuesday with your questions and concerns, and learn how you can get involved in the fight against higher bills.
Then, County Coordinator Christina Trotta will share some details of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland with the audience.
The Republican Convention provided a great example of the internal struggle of the GOP, as evidenced in the Rules Committee proceedings. We’ll go over some of the proposed Rules Amendments, and why they failed.
The convention also provided us a great example of modern day activism, in the protests around the convention center.
Grassroots activism can take on so many creative and effective forms.
If you’re frustrated that you’re not being heard by the political powers that be, is it time to exchange your letters to the editor for a loud costume and a bullhorn?
Your own comments and news during Open Mic – Share what’s going on! (Of note: meetings will no longer be recorded, so please feel free to express your views.)
Wine Tasting, wines by the glass or bottle, and light refreshments.
Share the Facebook Event and invite your friends to join us for a interesting and informative two hours!
For Liberty,
Christina Trotta
Harford County Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
Will John Malamo be attending?
I have questios for him.