From Harford County Public Schools:
August 15, 2016
The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A. A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations:
Board Committee Reports and Comments
Public Comment
Old Business:
Consent Agenda:
Monthly Report on Personnel – July 2016
Affirmation of Monthly Contracts – July 2016
Award of Contracts: 2016-17 Special Education Contracts for Related Service Providers
Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: July 18, 2016
Decision on the 2017-18 Calendar Committee
New Business:
– Decision on Appointments and Promotions, Mrs. Jean Mantegna
– Decision on 2016 Comprehensive Maintenance Plan, Ms. Patti Jo Beard
– Presentation of FY2018 Capital Improvement Program – Mr. Cornell Brown, Mr. Chris Morton, Ms. Missy Valentino
– Capital Improvement Program Proposed Budget Request
– Superintendent’s Report
– Welcome to the new teachers; it was an honor to address them this morning. Congratulations to Heather Kutcher, under the Professional Development Office, for facilitating the new teacher orientation and spearheading the event.
The next Board of Education business meeting will be held Monday, September 12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. All Board meetings are held in the A. A. Roberty Building. To access all future meeting dates and agendas, log onto the school system website at
Why did the Edgewood High School Principal resign?
Great question. The ole elephant in the room….
Is that a rhetorical question?
Because she was inappropriate with staff. Time to brush that one under the rug and move on. Done so quietly over the summer. Makes you wonder just how inappropriate she was.
Wonder how many names are on that monthly personnel report….too bad we can’t see that.
Seems odd that is not being made available. Perhaps the information is not something they want shared with the public at this time? Hmm.
That information is available on the HCPS website. I am not sure why it is not linked here, but that is not the Board’s doing. Just click on the Monthly Personnel Report link.
I see the 2015 Teacher of the Year quit.
Im not seeing it.
I hear she was forced out! Wonder why? Same as the Darlington principal. A lot of principals are going by the wayside under this leadership or retiring before they actually want to retire. One or two would seem logical but the numbers in the past few years. Havre de Grace Middle principal, Halls Crossroads had two principals removed; George Libby-Hillsdale a few years ago. Same with Roye-Williams, Hickory Elementary, Church Creek to name a few. Many questions with few answers.
I guess you aren’t in the know about this. Maybe don’t know is more appropriate in this case.
Look at the leadership, that easily answers the question, administrative turnover is enormous!
I wonder how many teacher positions still need to be filled at this point. Curious as to whether or not lack of honoring teacher contracts in this county has caught up to us yet.
don’t you worry, that new 22 year old with zero classroom experience who checks their Instagram / Facebook account 20/day instead of teaching is just as good as the person who moved to Baltimore / Cecil / Carroll / Howard / Anne Arundle / anywhere in PA county for better pay, treatment, respect, and support. Your child be be fine.
Teachers are still quitting to go else where!