From the Bel Air Police Department:
On Tuesday August 16 at approximately 5:48 am, Bel Air Police responded to the Bel Air Plaza near the Kelly Avenue entrance for a report of an armed carjacking.
The victim, an 87-year-old Bel Air resident was not injured in the incident.
Two African American males approached the victim, displayed a black handgun and forced him from his car.
The Victim’s car is described as a 2015 Black 4 dr BMW Maryland Registration 04091AE 3 Series.
Another vehicle was located in the parking lot that was reported stolen in an armed carjacking on August 11, 2016 from Baltimore City.
North Harford Democrat says
“More guns, less crime” Yep, here I am, bright and early, I know you gun nuts kept hitting the refresh button in your browser every 5 minutes awaiting my reply, here it is.
Makes NO FLIPPING sense. Obviously by the amount of GUNS being used in crimes of violence in Harford, MORE GUNS means MORE crime.
and NO, I am NOT reading a book from someone who makes money off its publication.
Come on gun nuts, beg for your right to carry a gun. I bet you all can’t wait to get into a big shooting battle on the street.
ElsfromNH says
The victim didn’t have a gun and the criminal DID! its pretty damn hard to get a legal hand gun in the state of Maryland and having a carry permit is nearly impossible to get unless you are a business owner, retired police officer, or retired correctional office (which still is very costly to get). So criminals don’t follow the law and will get and carry guns. I believe every law abiding citizen should be able to have and carry at ALL times and if that were the case the crime rate WOULD drop! Please explain to me how gun control works because MD makes it pretty tough to own a gun yet criminals still get them!!! Gun control only hurts the law abiding and HELPS the criminal!!
North Harford Democrat says
It’s quite simple. The handgun was presumably made by a gun manufacturer and presumably legally sold to a person who was not prohibited. At some point the handgun made its way into the hands of a criminal.
If the production and sell of lawful handguns were to stop, the amount of UNLAWFUL acquired habegins would cease to exist some point, let’s say 100 years from now, but we KEEP making handguns so the supply is endless and MORE.
Move to West Virginia says
Take your moronic hypothetical and cram it. You don’t want a gun. Don’t own one. Better yet, move to France and enjoy all the camaraderie of terror suffered by a disarmed public. Those confiscatory gun laws really work over there…. Hey! Once we ban guns here we can start insisting that the world ban them too… You know, so they can’t bring them back here once we don’t have any. Sure…. man, what an idot you are.
North Harford Democrat says
I’m not moving anywhere, I’m staying right here, inside the borders of a state that has gun control right.
smarter says
Pretty dumb argument humans have been and will continue to harm each other with whatever is handy guns or not.
smarter says
If I cant have a gun I’m gonna have the nicest sharp pointy stick..or a club or a knife or a bow or a dart gun or a blow gun or a sling shot or something See how that works.. Guns are kinda handy. Hope to never use on on a person but I have a chance to be equally protected from bad guys. Car jack with a gun in your face.. not much to do about that though… no way out.
HarfordOldTimer says
Because it’s worked so well with heroin and cocaine. Make it illegal and the manufacture and distribution illegal and it will no longer be a problem. Why can’t you see that making it illegal will not change things at all. We have had heroin illegal for over or nearly 100 years now and it is a bigger problem than 4 decades ago.
ElsfromNH says
It’s not quite simple! They r NOT going to ever stop making guns, criminals will still get guns! Plus 100 years from now? People like us (law abiding citizens) have no way to porter ourselves!!! So what happens to all the guns that are already out there? They don’t just “disappear”! So your saying MD has gun laws that are right? Wow then ho come so MANY CRIMINALS can get their hands on guns? Horrible senerio “a criminal with a gun breaks into your house and is going to harm your family,”how do you protect them?
Open Your Eyes says
I think a good solution is to make mandatory penalties for those cowards who illegally possess and use firearms in the commission of crimes. There is no logical reason to disarm good law abiding citizens. I know you are going to reference some of the recent events involving legally acquired firearms being used in killings. If someone is a nut job and they want to kill people they will find a way. You can’t stop crazy. We need to have a mandatory 20 year incarceration for gun offenders. No exceptions, no probation. Guns can and will be obtained by criminals. Making good citizens vulnerable victims is absurd. Political correctness garbage is a major symptom of the problem. Certain groups argue that they are disproportionately jailed but are are seen committing so many of the offenses. Does anyone believe that this type of logic really helps any group or lends to any real public trust or confidence? The next time you read or see the name of a suspect who committed a violent crime go to MD Judiciary Case Search and look them up. All too frequently you will see alarming data. Arrests for handguns, armed robbery, attempted murder receiving abbreviated sentences or probation and are back out to victimize more innocent people. Allowing dangerous people to be on the street, in the name of political correctness, is one of the main problems. Before we turn all lawful citizens in to vulnerable victims why don’t we try, really try, the mandatory incarceration option. Political correctness ends up endangering good citizens and enables criminals.
Liberials Drink Their Own Pee says
It appears you are getting your wish, more North Harford County Democrat transplants robbing white citizens.
Mark says
Gun control, yep those bad guys made sure they registered those handguns. Truth be told, gun control only controls the law abiding citizen the bad guys don’t care. Food for thought, if you ever require a police response be sure to ask for the unarmed police. Your neighbor should put a huge sign in the front yard with an arrow pointing towards your house ” He doesn’t like guns and I’m heavily armed. Promise not to intervene on his behalf!”
Wow says
Please go to court for a few weeks. Do you know what goes on in court…… very little. plea deals,probation, and not much else. If someone is caught with a gun and they don’t have a permit they need to go to jail. I’M SURE YOU THINK THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS BUT IT DOESNT!!!!!!!!!
Bp says
The criminals will always get guns!!!!! Weather or not there’s a law!!! And we have s right to protect our selfs!!!
Killary4Prison says
hmmmm,,,, I would say ,,,judging from the responses to the article below yours… your pathetic liberal mind , isnt shared by too too many.. Stick “That” up your gun barrel……
G says
You’re an absolute idiot.
A Realist says
I bet if she had her gun,there wouldn’t be a missing BMW…
Zenobia W. says
Not being a gun owner please explain how this would play out. So the victim has a gun, let’s say in a shoulder holster. So he would reach for the gun, clearly visible to his assailants, and draw on them before they’re able to shoot him? Or would he just wait until they’re in the car and shoot them as they drive away, striking down my favorite barista in the process? I can understand when you’re in your home and hear someone break in, you may have a few minutes to get your weapon. But how do these things play out when there’s a gun in your face and you have to reach for yours? I don’t think it’s like it is on TV, where the good guy is always the fastest gun in the west….
I’m just asking. I understand why people want to carry guns but in my mind I don’t think it ever plays out like in the commentary…. I’m all about law abiding citizens shooting criminals, but to say how things would’ve been different if the victim had a weapon is strictly fantasy…..
I’ll just stay happy in downtown Forest Hill, things like that never happen here. That’s what people always say in the news. It actually sounds good until you’re the one that’s saying it. People aren’t safe anywhere, it’s a damn shame!
Harford County Constitutionalist says
Zenobia I think you have to remember that criminals are like predators, they prey on the week of the herd. If this gentleman had a gun things might not have turned out better, they may have turned out worse. But he would have had a choice to defend himself or not. Maybe he saw those guys coming and there was nothing he could do. Maybe they got the drop on him and a gun wouldn’t have done anything. But at least he would have a chance. Maybe we should start looking at the criminal justice system, get rid of all the non violent drug crime offenders and anyone convicted of a violent crime rape, carjacking, etc. actual do life terms in hard labor conditions.
Zenobia W says
That makes sense to me, HCC, I appreciate you putting it into context for me. It’s all about having the choice–that’s the real argument. And you’re right, prisoners have it way too easy!
Laughing loudly says
Exactly. If we keep criminals locked up by building inmate capacity in our prisons, then Maryland DEFINITELY does not need carry laws.
I’m personally afraid of a gun totting “law abiding” citizen getting into a verbal argument with me, anywhere, over anything that perhaps isn’t even my fault, and the pull out his gun and stsrt pointing it at me.
Harford County Constitutionalist says
I did not say build up inmate capacity, I said to let non violent drug offenders out and incarcerate the violent criminals in harsh conditions for longer sentences. I am personally afraid that too many people like you are willing to trade your freedoms for security. Don’t ever think that Orwell’s Animal Farm cannot happen here, it is already well on it’s way.
I cannot for certain say that harsh penalties will curtail the problem, but I can certainly say that the current state of criminal justice is inadequate to deal with the problem. Look no further than 20 miles south about a year and a half ago.
A Realist says
I bet if she had her gun,there wouldn’t be a missing MW…
DeeDee says
When I carry, it evens the “playing field”…
South Harford Non-Democrat says
Dear NHD, a few quick thoughts, I do not own a gun, never have (although that may change soon before Hillary can get her hands on a few more progressive Supreme Court Justices)…
The gun used to carjack that poor old man’s was not purchased legally, so stricter gun laws would not have stopped this. Criminals play by different rules, restricting guns hurts lawful citizens. Now should the vetting process be more strict to include more investigation into mental illness, anti-American social media rants, or bigotry? – Definitely!
You’re right, I agree that shoot out in front of Applebee’s is not the best situation,
Food for thought though, if I am a criminal… do I think twice about breaking into a house where the owner has a gun? Yep! I’d rather go next door to your house, decreased chance of lead poisoning.
States with open carry rights have 23% lower violent crime rates than states that do not allow open carry, so the posibility of losing my head to commit a car-jacking might just put a little pause into the bad dudes.But hey, what do I know.
North Harford Democrat says
The gun was not purchased legally? How do we know that that the gun wielding person was not “law abiding” up until the point of car jacking/criminal action this morning?
All guns are made lawfully from a licensed branded gun manufacturer, however, they end up being stolen or various other forms of unlawful TRANSFER to prohibited persons of firearm possession.
The ONLY way I see to limit criminal activity is to BAN classes of firearms at the start.
North Harford Democrat says
I shouldn’t say ALL guns, majority of guns. This person whether prohibited or not could have made a gun themselves in their own home.
Self Defender says
If you want to make owning guns illegal, why not just make carjacking illegal? That should work, right?
Shoot.. we can’t even keep drugs out of *prisons*! Your well-intentioned plans to regulate misbehavior aren’t anywhere near reality. Name just one law that prevents the behavior it should — just one.
G says
Yep. You’re still an idiot
Deborah Shade says
OK I’m sick of hearing about this whole gun thing…bottom line is someone attacked a 87 yr old man in Bel AIr. Bel Air never had these kind of crimes when I was growing up…why because in addition to the cops everyone kept an eye out for everyone…my grandmother lived on her own until she was almost 90 and we never worried about her because we knew the neighbors were always watching and they would call us…Bel Air has become so self absorbed that no one looks out for anyone nowadays. Every man in Bel Air should be out for blood because this could be your father, grandfather, brother, uncle or son next time. If the thugs in Edgewood and Aberdeen want to shoot each other up let them go for it but this is Sel AIr and we’re held to higher standards for a reason.
Diane says
Wow. I’m from Edgewood (though originally from a small town on Long Island), and I am really offended by your comment. Not all of Edgewood is bad and neither is all of Aberdeen. Stop generalizing. Higher standards? WOW. Get over yourself.
FWIW, the man couldn’t even walk without his cane or walker, both of which are in the car, so I’m sure he couldn’t shoot a gun!
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
I grew up in Edgewood, and I have become accustomed to the BelAir superiority complex. Unreal.
Kiss My A$$ says
Yet Bel Air High is known as Heroin High. It is the school with the highest drug problem. But yea your right only Edgewood and Aberdeen have problems
Kharn says
That’s Fallston’s nickname, not Bel Air’s.
Kiss My A$$ says
Bel Air High has a bigger Heroin problem then Fallston now
Jim Dunlop says
If the man was in such bad physical shape, why was he even allowed to drive? I would love to see a mandatory annual drivers’ test for anyone once they reach 65.
Mark ward says
Lived on North Kelly all my life,never had problems like this happen. Times and people are sure changing and not for the better. I would like to have the choice to hold a CCP.
Haywood jablomie says
Fuckin liberals… My fun is trying to get out of the house to shoot people. Bad fun no shoot … Just plain ignorance ,
Haywood jablomie says
Bad gun not fun , damn autocorrect piece of shot.
South Harford Non-Democrat says
Prohibition never works, didn’t we outlaw booze 90 years ago and got Al Capone.
There will always be a black market to supply the bad guys with the things they want. Drugs are illegal, but yet 100s of people die every month in this country in gang wars over drug turf battles. It only serves to limit law respecting citizens, and creates opportunities for immense profits for those willing to break the law. Silly liberals, trying to save the world through more laws, less freedom, bigger government, and by giving billions of other people’s money away
none says
If obama had twin son’s.
SmartsNone says
No apostrophe needed, dumbass.
Move to West Virginia says
There is no sense arguing with a surrender monkey. Until every single one of them has to personally pay for their own stupidity by being raped, robbed or murdered they will continue to inflict their own arrogance and ignorance on everyone else. Still, I have yet to see a ‘Gun Free Zone’ sign in front of one of their houses.
Folks who want to still give themselves a fighting chance against thugs and the – arriving horde of refugees – should pack up and get out of state like Maryland and New York.
Try West Virginia with its new carry laws. God’s country. The law is new. Let’s see if carjackings in WV drop to zero. I know gun sales across the country are going through the roof. Lots of folks are waking up and getting on the program… many are young women.
Move to West Virginia says
typo: idot = idiot
Jeff says
I don’t understand the drug vs gun debate as far as legalities.
Simple fact is that America’s most atrocious gun violence single shooter have been lawfully purchased guns by otherwise deemed “law abiding” people beforehand.
How does mass murder with a tool compare to people putting manufacturered chemicals in their bodies? Now that makes no sense.
Simple Solution: Ban the “tools” that these nut jobs can buy “off the shelf” lawfully.
I’m all for keeping criminals locked up, but Maryland does not have the Prison capacity as a state like New York, for example, that does.
Reality says
“I don’t understand the drug vs gun debate as far as legalities.”
The same people who believe guns should not be illegal are the same ones claiming drugs should be illegal using the same facts.
Logic would say if you are for legal guns you must be for legal drugs…. But most of these people operate outside the confines of logic.
Jeff says
I’d take a guess a semi automatic rifle is not recovered often in Baltimore in gun crime.
I’d take another observation that the modern semi automatic rifle has been the nt job’s preferred tool in all the single incident, mass casaulity shootings in this country.
Heller Supreme Court ruling made no mention of long guns.
Folks, it’s time to step up to the plate and ban these tools of massive destruction.
Move to West Virginia says
– Jeff
You could not be more completely wrong. Heller guarantees the individual right to own, use and keep readily accessible (as in not locked up) all firearms in common use for home protection. The AR rifle is the most common ‘long gun’ owned by all citizens in the country. Semi auto firearms for average citizens have been around almost 100 years now. To call them “tools of massive destruction” is stupidity beyond the pale and clearly makes you the most useful of idiots for the gun-grabbing elites.
Jeff says
You aut’ to really rethink your post.
Heller had nothing to do with long arms , it only satisfied that you cannot completely ban handguns.
It made NO mention about long guns, 30 round mags, etc.
Feel free to actually read it, that is, if you can.
Move to West Virginia says
No…. You read it moron. Scalia wrote the opinion which dismissed the ban on handguns but the finding was that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed the right to any firearm in common use.
Vote Blue says
Tell me again how state’s (like Maryland) can ban these so called “common use” firearms? Heck, the SCT ruling didn’t even distinguish a difference from revolver to a semi automatic handgun.
Sounds like some big time lawyers should be lined up for this “big one” huh? Maybe even Pro bono on such a clear violation of the SCT ruling and the 2nd Amendment? LOL
Kharn says
You might want to read Caetano vs MA, a Supreme Court case from this winter.
The first line? ‘The Court has held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding,”’
Jeff says
I’ve seen the “stun gun” case. I believe I saw Baltimore County recently lift their ban on them.
Drivers Ed says
If this person can’t walk, why are they still driving. Maybe the car jackers did us a favor.
@NHD says
Take all the guns you want “away”, people will use what ever they can get. Correctly applied, the force in my hand could kill someone, you gonna make me register those too?
Black LIES Matter says
Tar and feather them then string em up !
haywood jablomie says
There is some dumb motherfuckers on this thread. I’m going to give up all my guns and ammo because I don’t want to make anyone feel unsafe in this world., Fuckin libtards make me sick , . love it when you disagree with them , then you are a racist bigot. Btw , if you’re a dem in N Harford , you are in the wrong place Hoss.
1st Maryland says
Harford County’s most famous son – John Wilkes Booth. I guess what your saying is the apples don’t fall far from the tree. From your post I might be able to agree with you.
North Harford Democrat says
Why am I in the wrong place? I’m not allowed to live in North Harford?
What do you plan on doing about it? I know, nothing. But, please continue your support for your fellow gun enthusiast and keep acting like a savage.
And you wonder why none of you can ever be taken seriously, and why the “gun nut” stigma will never go away.
North Harford Democrat says
I’m still waiting for your reply, E-tough guy.
Keep it up with that Make America Great Again thing, or something.
Haywood jablomie says
Eat a dick . you’re stupid and I’ll show u a tough guy asshat. I’m not the one you wanna be Fuckin with.
North Harford Democrat says
Big words, E-tough guy.
I’m shaking in my boots.
bunker dweller says
Little boy troll isn’t school about to start? Maybe you should have mom wash your potty mouth out with some soap a few hundred times before you go back to 9th grade for the 3rd time.
ElsfromNH says
I’m still waiting for a reply from you (north Harford democrat)……
North Harford Democrat says
I’ve already stated my opinion in how the matter of firearms will be reduced.
The SCT has left many words unsaid in Heller and the “Ar-15” type rifle can be BANNED from legal sale for “civillians.”
That’s a great start, and I’m looking forward to a Federal AWB with no sunset.
Haywood jablomie says
I’m not a gun nut , I am an American citizen who believes what is in the constitution is what makes this country great, no need to fix something that is not broke. What is broke is the system, and by that I mean the people who are elected to serve you . as I see it and the mass majority see it, we are serving them . too many liberal pansies in office afraid to hurt feelings, if you break the Fuckin law you do the time , if you shoot a cop you get hung , public execution needs to come back and on a pay per view basis, then we could use that money to fix the infrastructure. So many crooks , just needs to be nipped in the bud. Criminals don’t give a rat’s A$$ about gun laws or any laws, this whole debate about that situation is pointless, you only hurt the ones who go to work ,pay their taxes and do things the legal way . this society is asleep at the wheel.
ElsfromNH says
Nhdemocrat-yes you have stated that, although it will never work! But what you haven’t answered is how would you protect you family if a criminal with a gun breaks into your house and is going to harm your family?
North Harford Democrat says
I have no answer, and have no plan. I suppose I will become a victim of a crime..
Ms Moderate says
You are already an indirect victim of crime. Were it not for crime your taxes would be lower as the need for additional officers and their equipment, training, and constant overtime would not be necessary were it not for crime. If you are ever a direct victim of crime it can, and in most instances will, change your view about how safe we are in our own little world. Once a direct victim you will forever view your world in a different light.
Harford County Constitutionalist says
The idea that our problems can be solved by more government is asinine. The only problem this country has is too many single mothers raising too many criminals. Eliminating the welfare state in order to stop rewarding bad decisions and making family the thing that society holds up as the model is the only way to fix our problems. Why do we glorify the single black mother as heroic and demonize the suburban white family as racist? Why do people who refuse to hold themselves and their children accountable for their actions insist that I be held accountable for my ancestors actions?
Lon Staghorn says
not sure if this is correct, but i also understand a wallet and cash was taken from the man…an 87 year old man could have died from this…not sure what he could have done under the circumstances….we all can take away from this a good lesson or two…
Haywood jablomie says
Shaking in your burkinstocks maybe , but only real men wear boots .but I only wear one because I lost my leg in desert storm in 1993. But that hasn’t stopped me from working and doing what is best for my family and country. ?? I don’t blame the rpg that took out my platoon , and left me without a limb,but I blame the goat fucker that did. And he was just following orders like we were… Have a nice day and God bless our troops .
Open Your Eyes says
God bless you and thanks for your service sir
Sam Adams says
What is an 87 year old man doing with a brand new BMW and hanging out in Bel Air at 5:48 in the morning? Sounds like a drug deal gone bad.
NeverCease2BeAmazed says
He was going to get a cup of coffee, like he does every morning. He drives a new BMW because he worked hard all his life and earned it.
W.T.F.? says
Another scared of their own shadow, middle aged white male conspiracy theorist jumping to conclusions? Ah, yes.
How about minding your own business for starters?
Irony doesn't mean it's "metal like". says
You people don’t recognize sarcasm when you see it?
Irony doesn't mean it's "metal like". says
The ban guns crowd envisions a world where violent criminals cannot get guns to brandish at normal people because they’ve been taken away from everyone. This is a fine solution when you’re unwilling to hold anyone accountable for their actions. I’d prefer a world where violent criminals are safely stored away where they cannot brandish guns at normal people. I understand that accountability is a difficult thing for liberals… just look at their candidate. She is the poster child for zero accountability. Anyone that would point a gun at another human being doesn’t belong among normal people. These two should go to prison until they’re 87.
John C. Winkie says
Absolutely not, thee “ban gun crowd” does not believe that.
The “ban gun” crowd is huge, a lot more than the “we want guns” crowd. People in this country want to see the ‘common use’ semi automatic rifle gone from the shelves of gun stores so the next “law abiding” nut doesn’t commit mass murder with their legally owned, purchased, firearm.
The past 7 years every mass murder has been committed by people who were lawfully and legally allowed to own those weapons, add to the fact that the victims were mostly random/had no affiliation with the criminal.
You got any better ideas? Take away the tools from legal sale, we could have saved dozens of people from being killed.
I’m sure someone of your ilk will personally insult me, because that’s all what you gun enthusiast know how to do.
Hope you enjoy another 8 years of a Democrat elected President, since you want to make it political.
Harford County Constitutionalist says
No reason to personally insult. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote. Ben Franklin
Maybe you are right and us nuts who value liberty so much might not be able to stem the tide, but we will try to protect us and you from a over zealous controlling state. All of these mass shootings could also be committed with a 1911 handgun. Should we ban that? You are much more likely to be shot in a robbery or random gang shooting than any type of mass shooting event. The core question is this, should we trade a little liberty for a little security. I say no, you say yes.
On the political argument, the Clinton Family has never met a foreign donor who they would not take money from. I get it if you can’t vote for Trump, but Clinton is the dirtiest, nastiest, sleaziest person to ever even sniff the white house. She makes Nixon look like a new born baby. And the worst part is the Democratic National Committee was in the bag for her the entire time. At least the republican had to hold their nose for trump.
Irony doesn't mean it's "metal like" says
Well John, I never intended to upset you so much. So much in fact that my comments in reference to two miscreants that pointed a handgun at an 87 year old man to take from him that which they are too lazy to work for themselves left you compelled to explain why we need to outlaw semi automatic rifles to prevent mass killings. I really don’t care about semi automatic rifles. I don’t have one. Though I’m referred to as “ilk” and preemptively accused, I have no intention of insulting you – that’s a page out of the liberal debating handbook. I enjoy shooting skeet but rather than a “gun enthusiast” I see myself as a “punishment enthusiast”. When they catch up to these two I’ve no doubt they’ll be well known to local law enforcement and the “justice” system. I feel that everyone on the planet is more than welcome to participate as a peaceful, law abiding member of society or they can live in prison. It’s their choice. Committing a crime in possession of a gun should earn a minimum mandatory sentence of at least 15 years. As far as the Democratic candidate, it saddens me to see what the heads of the party have done to it by shoving her down your throats… and to realize that a large percentage of the party would vote for her even if she were in an orange jumpsuit. What a waste for so many people to have taken the time to go the polls to vote in the primary when it was decided for them long before.
Steve from Abingdon says
I have personally lived in a society where just about everyone over the age of 18 was carrying some type of firearm. Only 1 murder in 2 years, ( no gun involved) and not one armed robbery. People for the most part, were polite and soft spoken. Crime rates overall were less than 3 % of the population. I did on one instance have to pull my personal firearm to protect myself. The perp got the message fast that I was not going to go down easy. Yes this was in the United States! I now work in downtown Baltimore, and fear for my safety on a daily basis, not being able to carry. And yes, I have had the training, as I have spent 10 years in the military, carrying everything from a 38 handgun to a shoulder fired Stinger Missle. That is more experience that your average policeman or county sheriff deputy. So, maybe I might be qualified. I would pay dearly to carry legal and protect my family, especially in this day and age of random crime and terrorism.
Capt. Obvious says
So you lived in an area where everyone was armed yet it still didn’t deter a “perp” from making you pull it out.
Pretty much sums it up.
John C. Winkie says
You “brandished” your firearm to deter a crime being committed on your person? But, you were in a situation where your life was threatened and you did not stop the threat with your firearm?
This is the type of judgement that we dont need in Maryland. Bunch of people pulling their guns out in public in situations where the “victim” could very be wearing metal bracelets on the way to the County detention center, 2nd degree assault.
Maryland doesn’t have a “brandishing” law, but I’m sure pointing a gun at someone is 2nd degree assault.
Spare me the lecture, if you had that weapon out you should have been ready o use. Go get some real training, rocket man.
Dave says
Lived in a place where everyone was armed had to pull a gun.
Live in Baltimore now unarmed never had an incident but live in constant fear and wants a gun.
This is fricken pathetic.