From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detectives are seeking information regarding a non-fatal shooting that occurred late Friday night.
At approximately 10:17 pm, deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 400 block of Gateshead Court for the report of an assault. Upon arrival, deputies located two victims, Ruben Coyoy, 39, and Jacinto Alverez Marraquin, 35, both of Edgewood. The victims were suffering from gunshot wounds, Coyoy in the lower body, and Alvarez Marroquin in the upper torso. Medics from the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company treated the victims at the scene, and they were subsequently transported by ambulance to Johns Hopkins Hospital Bayview Medical Center where they are in serious, but stable condition.
The scene was secured by patrol deputies and the investigation was assumed by investigators from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. Detectives assigned to the Forensic Services Unit processed the scene for evidence. Preliminary information gathered at the scene indicates the victims were sitting outside a residence in that block when two unidentified black males approached them. The victims attempted to reenter the residence, when one shot was fired. The single bullet struck both victims. The suspects immediately fled the scene.
The investigation remains active and ongoing. There are no further details being released at this time. Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call Detective Chris Maddox at 410-409-3551. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
And tell me why we need less gun laws?
Don’t tell me the “Criminal’s will always get guns.” Duh. Ahhyah, durppp.
My whole idealogy is limit and restrict legally owned guns will result in less stolen guns
I really want to see background checks for each ammunition purchase, I’m sure a lot of prohibited persons can be arrested on the spot by buying ammunition at a commercial private business for their unlawfully possessed firearm.
Keep that Make America Great thing going on, 8 years with another Democrat and I hope after we have a transgender Democrat for another 8 years.
16 years to change this county for the best.
Most firearms used in crimes in this state are not home made, there for logic suggest a gun manufacturer made said firearm and lawfully and legally offered it for sale down the line.
End user of said firearm was used in a crime.
Logic says stop a majority of private firearm ownership. Only Professionals like the Police, Military and Security should have firearms.
You only want the police and military to have guns? Do you actually think if guns were outlawed that the criminals would not have access to guns? Or they would turn in their guns? If you are so anti-gun, why don’t you post a sign in your front yard declaring your home as a “Gun Free Zone”?
No, as I already stated criminals will always have firearms, again, for the second time.
Again, public safety is more important than the second amendment and iteration after iteration of pro gun cases being a “lose” in Court cases is obvious.
Times are changing, and more laws against civillian ownership of firearms will be made.
No gun nut is going to risk going to jail, losing their job, so yes, they ALL will be standing in line at the Police departments to turn in their guns.
So your solution is to take away guns from law abiding citizens? How would you propose we protect ourselves? As you know, the police are minutes away when seconds count? And why do you classify someone as a nut because they are a firearm enthusiast? Remember, you are safer because I have the right to own a gun.
Im not taking away any guns, our great legislators has and HAVE applied modern court rulings, case law and state law to our current gun control in this state, and IT can be way better.
People will turn in their guns and give up their right if it’s illegal to possess a certain gun.
Keeping in mind that the police are always…”after the fact”…
There is zero chance I will turn my legally purchased firearms in. You and other socialists like you can go suck a fat one… Pathetic
I saw a great documentary about a nation where only the police and military had guns.
Maybe you saw it too?
It was Schindler’s List.
You also forget Caetano vs MA, a Supreme Court case from last term which unanimously laid out that all bearable arms are protected, even those not invented at the time of the founding.
Gun laws don’t mean shit to the criminals that run around shooting people. How about taking these clowns off the street? No matter who’s in office, things will NEVER change…
Our judicial system and building more prisons is a separate issue I agree on.
The “criminals walking the street” is the only retort gun nuts ever have, and it’s not even related to the root problem. GUNS.
North Harford Democrat, you never answered my question…Will you put a sign in your front yard stating your home is a “This is a Gun Free Home? I think you won’t because if you do that, your family is more vulnerable. Again, the fact that you and I have the right to own a gun makes us safer. If they are outlawed, as you propose, only the criminals have guns. Is that your solution? I don’t care that you dislike guns, don’t own one. But taking that right from all of us makes everyone less safe.
One day, your blinders will be lifted.
How has that action worked on the war on drugs?
Think about it…. take all the time you need.
I agree, you keeping your gun locked in your home does make me safe, yes, less guns in public, you’re exactly righf. A majority of people cannot lawfully carry a handgun in this state, and that’s just the way it should be. If you do have a permit to carry, many people do not have unrestricted permits.
I will not be putting any “gun free” signs up. If I did, I would not be any more or any less safe, otherwise, show me statistics where people have had home invasions when they put up a “gun free” sign. That’s just illogical banter. Come back with a real debate.
Again, Firearm Safety Act of 2013 was great but more needs to be done to help public safety.
Background checks for ammunition and banning of semi automatic long arms, as Heller Supreme Court ruling had nothing to do with long guns.
This isn’t Texas, it’s Maryland, where we are in the lead for gun control.
There are no studies on people putting up gun free signs on their yards because nobody is stupid enough to do it, including you because you know it would make you vulnerable. Your arguments are emotional and tactless. Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the country and 100 people were shot there last month. Gun control means more crime; more guns, less crime!
Kinda contradictory. More guns more crime is more realistic.
Emotional and tactless but 59 years of common sense gun laws and many more to come I hope.
Good luck with that Second Amendment rights thing, everything points to more gun control.
I type this as I sit in the borders of one of the best gun control states in the country. We have it right.
READ ” More Guns, Less Crime ” By Dr John Lott.
Your assertion or more guns equals more crime is baseless and without fact.
More guns, more crimes.
Facts? Someone here said it themselves, 100 people shot in Chicago. More guns and more crimes.
Hey NHD, most criminals kill/shoot other criminals. It’s called cleaning the gene pool. Firearms are the way law abiding citizens ensure their RIGHT to self defense.Please remember self defense is a God given right. The second amendment only confirms it. Also if you believe that criminals will always have guns how does taking away guns from law abiding citizens do one dam thing but make them more vulnerable to criminals?
I reiterate my post. Hopefully you can read and understand better this time.
“Most firearms used in crimes in this state are not home made, there for logic suggest a gun manufacturer made said firearm and lawfully and legally offered it for sale down the line.
End user of said firearm was used in a crime.
Logic says stop a majority of private firearm ownership. Only Professionals like the Police, Military and Security should have firearms.”
Maryland has some of the most common sense gun laws, take a look at Calirfonia. They are on the front lines tackling this single issue problem, GUNS.
Instead of behaving like a typical emotional democrat, why don’t you educate yourself and read “More Guns, Less Crime”, by Lott. You asked for statistics and studies, read this and then you can pontificate.
In fact, show me one example where restricting access to firearms to law abiding citizens ever resulted in lower crime? The answer is nowhere. Every state that has more liberal gun laws, must issue carry and conceal or open carry have lower crime than the more restrictive states. Look ar Baltimore, Chicago, L.A., etc. I will be waiting for your response…
Gun control laws are here to stay, and more to come, especially in this state.
Every large populated urban city in America has high crime rates regardless of their states gun laws.
You can argue your pro-gun facts all you want but the fact is Maryland WILL NEVER have any pro-gun laws passed, or ANY gun control laws reversed.
We have it right in contemporary times.
So you really didn’t have an answer to the question that was asked?
Absolutely not, I have no answer.
I firmly believe reducing the type/make/model of lawfully owned firearms will reduce the amount of arms that end up in prohibited hands of criminals, it’s an endless cycle that keeps going until the day we stop.
How many more mass murders have to happen with lawfully owned and popular semi automatic weapons at the hands of obviously mentally ill persons with no criminal record?
You say North Harford… Where?
You want my specific address? That’s not going to happen. Posting a “gun free” sign is one thing, having a bunch of angry, off kilter people showing up at my place of residence is another thing, after I voluntarily have them my address.
Where me, and every other Professionally employed, tax paying Democrat is moving to Northern Harford County.
Those strict gun laws sure work in Balto City, Washington and Los Angles don’t they. Some people, especially people of color might disagree w/you about police with guns. If you think security guards are professionals then any citizen should be able to take that training and own firearms. If someone blows up the world trade center it’s the terrorists fault. If a terrorist shoots someone its the guns fault. No logic there.
Gun control is a myth. Most of violent crimes that occur on the street are done with illegally acquired fire arms that no legislation could ever control. Anyone with common sense would not use a legally acquired fire arm to commit a crime due to the ease of identification of the weapon used. I will admit and find it ironic, that about 100% of the atrocities you see involving mass murder in this country’s recent years have involved legally acquired guns. These were individuals that had mental issues because they were killing people they did not know or have any real issues with. These individuals did not care about being caught. Something very strange is going on……
I applaud Maryland in standing up against gun violence. I’m a big fan of gun control and appreciate how he average persons cannot carry a gun in this state.
Can you imagine how scary it would be? People would be twirling their pistol around their finger while they pump gas.
Why do you think there will be “People would be twirling their pistol around their finger while they pump gas?”
The facts say different. Gun violence and crime went down in the 40 states that have a “must issue” law regarding carry and conceal permits.
Please read “More Guns, Less Crime” by John Lott
More Guns, Less Crime is a book by John Lott that says violent crime rates go down when states pass “shall issue” concealed carry laws. He presents the results of his statistical analysis of crime data for every county in the United States during 29 years from 1977 to 2005. Each edition of the book was refereed by the University of Chicago Press. The book examines city, county and state level data from the entire United States and measures the impact of 13 different types of gun control laws on crime rates.
Not once have I ever twirled my pistol around my finger while pumping gas…laughable comment!
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
–Ben Franklin
“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
? Samuel Adams
No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
—Thomas Jefferson
I’ll let the founders speak for themselves. If you want to take guns away from the people that is your right to believe it. Get an amendment to the constitution ratified that repeals the the 2nd amendment, that is your only lawful option. Getting people who think like you elected to appoint judges that interpret the constitution in a different way then it was meant to be interpreted is judicial dishonesty. Once you start letting the document be whatever the reader wants it to be(this has already started happening), government can begin to grow out of control and take your liberty whenever it sees fit. Don’t ever think that an overreaching government can’t spring up in the US.
50 years of gun control in this state. I’m pretty sure “the only lawful option” is just your ignorant opinion. Our legislators, judges et al have all agreed on COMAR as it defines firearm code, and continue to improve gun laws as we progress.
Maybe you should challenge our gun laws? Oh wait. LOL
Maybe it is my opinion but ignorant I don’t think it is. Hillary shouldn’t be indicted, running guns to mexico is legal, grain grown on your farm to feed your animals is subject to federal over site… Just because a judge, legislator, bureaucrat says its OK doesn’t mean it actually is OK. People like you once put Japanese Americans in camps when they had done nothing wrong. Now you want to make me a criminal for owning guns, when I have never hurt anyone with my guns. Somebody gets shot and you immediately blame the gun, it just an object that is completely incapable of harming someone without a person controlling it. If you want to be free of gun violence move to England, at least then you can look your attacker in the eye as he machetes you in the street. You know what the best part of this is, after the law gets passed, if I don’t comply, you send someone to my house with a gun in order to lock me up. Sorry but I don’t see your moral high ground in this argument.
You gun happy people need to get a new script. You never change your arguments. Read your same arguments over and over.
You gun grabber people need to get a new script. You never change your arguments. Read your same arguments over and over. Not a very constructive argument is it.