From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Wednesday August 03, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
At the next NHDC meeting, our Guest Speaker will be either Mike Montalvo, President of the Harford County Deputy Sheriffs Union, or Vice President Aaron Penman. They will be discussing the need for and process of binding arbitration pertaining to salary agreements. Also, they will discuss why prohibiting work stoppages and strikes would be beneficial.
Never let a harford co pig in your home or in your car. Never talk to a harford co pig. Never trust a harford co pig. They are like Obama’s ass and hilla’ beans big mouth. They will shit all over you , then tell you it good for the nation and good for you. Politicians and pigs, what a fucking joke.
Respect earns respect. Perhaps if you weren’t engaging in criminal history you would earn respect. The police don’t roll in for no reason.
I don’t want respect from no fucking Harford co pig! And if you know so much about me? What’s the name of the pig I shoot at last year, missed and hit his side window???mister fucking know it all??Yea, my life revolves around illegal activity now since a harford co pig broke into my home without a legal search warrant. Now my only desire is that all pigs and politicians would catch some mysterious decease , and die miserably, but not before destroying the lives of everyone in their putrid family. Not before their future and heritage were crushed. Not before they spend the rest of their miserable lives contemplating suicide and destruction of their breed. Fuck you harford co. You have big mouthed stupid pig judges like cooper n carr who should be in jail for manipulating the law to their advantage and the detriment of the citizens they’re supposed to serve. We know they hate citizens and believe me, we hate them. You pigs better run when the shit hits the fan. We will all try to find you before you get away, so we can love all the way down your throat…..I feel sorry for you Maryland. There are non humans with no balls running your pathetic state….no wonder they want to take all our guns? The government knows we will use them to take back of country soon enough. We have a lot of guns. I don’t know anyone who don’t know where to get plenty of illegal guns. All my friends have illegal statched guns YOU WILL NEVER FIND. You will never get our guns but you have a good chance of having one shoved up you ass? You worthless piece’s of maryland pig shit!
Yes….I’m a criminal Now! and you ain’t gonna do anything about it!
The USA, home of the free? and the brave where non human judges n lawyers feed on the people.
Damn Dude, I really hope you’re using a VPN or some free internet access at a McDonald’s or something. If they get your IP address after this rant, someone is gonna come knocking……
HCSO deserves the respect of all of us. If Harford County treats you so bad you should go somewhere else.