From Harford County government:
Portions of two roads in Bel Air will be closed for approximately two months to allow for the construction of a roundabout. Beginning on or about Thursday, August 4, 2016, Tollgate Road will be closed between Ring Factory Road and Plumtree Road, while Plumtree Road will be closed between Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway (MD 24) and Cypress Drive. Limited access for emergency vehicles, school buses and residents who live within the work zone will be permitted as necessary. Through-traffic should follow the posted detours or make other arrangements. For more information, please contact the Harford County Department of Public Works – Bureau of Construction Inspections at 410-638-3217, ext. 2434.
For a map of this and other county road closures, please visit
Khan says
When will the fools that run this county understand they are making matters worse by catering to every developer’s whim to sell 20 or so houses. They do nothing for safety, only causing longer commute times and more pollution. The backlogs cause by these improperly constructed monstrosities have prompted many municipalities to begin removing them in the northeast, at taxpayer expense, of course.
NotPC says
Could it be that the developers contribute to the election campaigns of the “fools that run this county”? Since most people don’t bother to study the issues or candidates, whoever can afford the most air time and lawn signs usually wins, regardless of their position on the issues.
Joe Logic says
Single-lane roundabouts have been shown to drastically reduce accidents and injuries compared to stop signs. They work and are here to stay in Maryland. Adapt or take other roads.
Original Observer says
If roundabouts are so safe, why did New Jersey start plowing theirs under just about the time these roadstools started infesting Harford County? I once read a report (I should have downloaded a copy) where NJ was removing theirs and replacing them with, and I quote, “safer, controlled intersections.” What do they know that we don’t?
And don’t tell me “Mythbusters” proved roadstools are great. They invalidated their whole test by teaching their subjects how to use the dang things first. What they should have done is thrown their untutored subjects at their roadstools and compared that to regular, controlled intersections. Then we would have seen how great roadstools are — NOT!
Joe Logic says
It has nothing to do with Mythbusters. Actual data from the roundabouts in Harford County shows a drastic reduction in major accidents and injuries. Reasonable, sensible people know how to navigate roundabouts. What’s your excuse?
And New Jersey – aren’t those two-lane circles that are being removed? Let’s stick to the subject at hand, if possible.
You really got a thing for the circles... says
What do they know that we don’t? Hmmm… maybe that the average American is too stupid, self centered and preoccupied with their heads up their apps on whatever they’re texting, trying to catch, discussing on the phone, eating, drinking or just playing with themselves to be able to perform the simple task of negotiating a basic 4 way yield traffic circle. Yeah, that’s probably it.
h says
If you can’t negotiate a “roundabout” you shouldn’t be behind the wheel. What is it about the circular roadway that suddenly makes the triangular sign with the word “Yield” on it so mysterious? I’d love to see one at 155/161.
Kurt says
I just (finally) got a reply about this intersection…
“This is in response to your concern regarding traffic operations at the intersection of MD 155 and MD 161 in Harford County. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to your concern.
Based on the local community concerns regarding traffic safety at the intersection, a 3 way stop was installed due the number of crashes that occurred. State Highway Administrations (SHS) had looked at a roundabout, however, the community was opposed to the roundabout. At that time, SHA determine that to improve safety at the intersections a 3 way stop was needed. The crashes have reduced since the intersection was changed to a 3 way stop. A review of the crash history from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2016 there was 4 reported crashes at this location.
Based off a review of the crash history and an up dated turning movement count, we are not recommending any changes to this location. We will continue to monitor this location to determine if any changes are need in the future.”
Ticker says
December 31, 2016?
Khan says
You logic is flawed. A true “roundabout” is not a planter in the center of an intersection. The statistics don’t lie either, more accidents since most folks do not yield to traffic in the “circle” as it is only two car lengths long. Nice try Mr. developer.
HarfordOldTimer says
Well Mythbusters, the Fed DOT and many others in many other countries say roundabouts save lives.Thank goodness they are getting around the connecting Tollgate. This has been on the book about as long as East-West Highway connecting to Frederick. The county just wanted to wait for a developer to charge the expense to.
Joe Logic says
Khan, you have exposed me. I am a developer – software developer, that is. These are actually roundabouts, and the number of accidents with injuries on Tollgate Road have, in fact, been drastically reduced. The total number of accidents is down, and any that occur are minor in nature rather than the devastating ones that were occurring from running stop signs at four-way intersections. Feel free to believe whatever you wish.
The worst “traffic circle” “round about” is outside of Aberdeen on Route 7. It’s the ” Holly Wood” one where one access to the Auto Auction is at.
Why is it the worst? There’s a lot of shrubbery, trees and big ugly neighborhood signs that block the line of sight.
It wouldn’t be a problem except nearly everyone I’ve encountered driving out that development is going +40mph into the round about unless there is an immediate car they have to yield to.
You literally have to almost stop and look to make sure no one is coming.
What’s a citizens right? Can someone take a chainsaw and some hedge trimmers and cut a clearing for line of sight?
hmm... says
If you’re referring to the one where some genius decided to take a single lane road, expand it to two lanes through a traffic circle, then merge it back to one lane immediately after, I’m with you. THAT’S stupid. The single lane one doesn’t bother me. If there’s traffic in the circle, so be it… sometimes we have to stop at a yield sign. That’s how it works.
No, that’s further up. The round about before that, closer to Aberdeen.
I understand what “yields mean” even though Ive had to STOP inside traffic circles while the people who are supposed to yield to me keep coming.
I am commenting on the fact there is no visibility to see incoming traffic from the neighborhood.
Kharn says
Blame the folks from NJ who live in Holly Woods and the other developments in the area, NJ traffic circles require traffic in the circle yield to incoming traffic.
Pavel314 says
I drove there a few weeks ago; the 1-2-1 lane switch is very confusing. I was there in the middle of the day; at rush hour, it must be a real circus!
Jack Haff says
It’s common sense. The inboard lane is through.
The outboard lane is for turning into either residential roads, and for those to coming from either residential roads to merge into the “thru” lane.
The problem is most people driving “thru” don’t follow the sharp inboard lane, they drift their car halfway over into the outboard merge/turn lane and can quite easily cause a crash.
hmm... says
We’re already dealing with people that can’t handle a ONE lane roundabout…
Jack Haff says
I’ve driven down Stepney Road to Route 7 and encountered half a dozen cars wanting to make a left hand turn across two lanes of Route 7 traffic.
Bunch of idiots, I make a right, drive 500 feet to the round about, proceed a U turn and pass all those goofs still waiting to drive across two lanes of traffic at 4:30.
I even seen a driving instructor with a kid there waiting once, f’n moron. This is why we have such bad drivers.
I guess it won’t matter much since another round about is being put in there as I have read.
Randy Leahy says
bel air south pky/ blue spruce dr and festival entrance would be great spot for one.
hank says
Does this mean that Tollgate Road will go straight through now?
LOL says
Its basically what it’s about these days. Since there is a large majority of people on our roads on drugs, intoxicated with alcohol, and / or distracted with their cell phone we have to implement the simplest cost effective way to reduce motor vehicle crashes at places where they occur most, like an intersection.
Have you ever seen a Harford County tweeker able to distinguish a green from a red light? Me neither.