From the New Harford Democratic Club:
New Harford Democratic Club
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Wednesday July 06, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
At the next NHDC meeting, our Guest Speakers will be George Harrison, who will hold a discussion on the Harford County Master Land Use Plan and Jack Barham, who will discuss the Harford County Public School system.
Pathetic club, pathetic membership, pathetic attendance, pathetic speakers, pathetic pathological lying leader Art Helton.
Hey Harford County, SoulCrusher here. How about you guys start talking about Senate Bill 146. This is a bill introduced by Bob Cassilly, to get his brother Joseph Cassilly a raise. Apparently Joe will never be a Judge, so the next best thing is to pay him like a Judge. This bill only affects Harford County. No other County in the State benefits or is affected by this bill. The bill is unethical, immoral and probably illegal. Bob has used his influence to give his brother, Joe, a pay raise. When are you guys gonna learn that the Cassillys are a bunch of Cassholes……..
Now there is a provision to this bill, if Joe doesn’t seek reelection, it won’t be unethical as it does not apply to the current salary of an elected official. However, we all know Joe will run again. He said he wouldn’t run last time, but he lied and ran anyway. This is because Joe is incapable of telling the truth. Just like every other member of the Harford County Criminal Justice System. What makes a Harford County State’s Attorney deserve more of a salary than another county’s State’s Attorney? Why would Hogan sign such a bill? The answer is pure Republican corruption. You guys have a nice day…….
At least when you were posting under one of your many other screen names you would refrain from directly talking about the legal system and how you felt it did you wrong and why it was OK to knowingly break the law providing that you remained in the confines of your residence. It was a refreshing break but now sadly has come to an end.
Blah, Blah, Blah….. The Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls has not been on the Dagger in at least 6 months. I only use the screen name “SoulCrusher” and no other. You don’t like it, too bad. Now, I do browse the Dishonest Dagger every now and then, but have not contributed. However, I did feel the need to contribute this time. As always, GFY…..
Dissociative Identity Disorder sadly can’t be cured and is a chronic disorder lasting for years or even a life time
Kinda like your Herpes?!?!!
Soulcrusher you are pathetic. You must be one big dumb–s. Tou are just bitter because Cassilly spanked you more than once. If you took the time to look, cassilly was one of the lower paid states attorneys in Md. The cassilly brothers have more integrity and guts than you will ever know. Why dont you go crawl back in your hole!
Well FARMER, why do you think his salary is so low? Might it be that the Harford County case load isn’t anywhere as high as other counties? Just think about it. Howard County has far more going on. So does Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, Montgomery, etc…. His salary is complimentary to the case load. Except now, he’ll get as much as a Judge. All because his brother used his position for a personal gain for a family member. Can you say “Conflict of Interest”. Its amazing it went thru the Senate without someone questioning it like I am right now. However, there will be NO conflict or ethics violations if Cassilly does NOT run. What do you think he’ll do. I’m betting he’ll run just like he did last time…….
By the way, his salary is middle of the road. I counted 12 States Attorneys above him and 11 below him. What are you talking about? I think it goes by the county’s population and case load.
Why personal attacks? If you object to what SoulCrusher said, state your objection, unless, of course, that you dont have any objection.
The objection is that soul man is a drug addict criminal loser who wines incessantly about how the government wronged him. He admittedly was doing illegal crap but should be allowed to get off because the government was dishonest. Basically he’s an asshat!
When are you going to announce your objection? You just said you don’t like the Crusher of Souls. You didn’t give any objection to the facts. The Cassilly’s pretty much just broke the law, in plain view and your not upset about it? I doubt your integrity……
Criminal d bag
Whines *. Pardon my mistake
It’s ok to be a criminal, the FBI made that ruling yesterday morning, and the FBI’s ruling was backed up today by the Attorney General. Who cares if he gets his brother a raise… he will just use “that was not my intention” defense!
Dontcha hate it when things don’t go your way?
Go my way or not isn’t the issue for me… what I despise is the double standard that’s applied to the rich and powerful in this country when we’re supposed to be equal. Al Sharpton walks the street today owing millions to the IRS. You would be in prison. He gets invited to the White House. A sailor takes a selfie and accidentally includes a sonar screen behind him… he’s prosecuted for espionage. Hillary’s infractions are far worse but they’ve chosen to play word games… what the Clinton’s are best at. I no longer have any faith in the FBI and that’s a sad day indeed. Apparently you are a Hillary supporter, is there a threshold? Is there a limit to how much she can lie to you before you stop supporting her or is it just open ended? Is there a limit to the hypocrisy you’ll endure or would you throw yourself on a sword for her no matter what? That kind of loyalty to any stranger – particularly one who is a proven liar – is alien to me. In all honesty, if she’d never married Bill Clinton do you think you’d even know her name? She’d just be another crooked lawyer fleecing victims in Arkansas or wherever she carpetbagged from…
I’m a law enforcement officer… the laws were broken, at least charge her, if she pleads out and gets no jail time that’s on the charging attorneys. She should have been arrested and let the courts do their thing. I’m not a Trump fan, but starting to see and understand his talking points!
Wow, two comments directed toward questionable activity in our government involving a politician giving his brother a potential pay raise and the clowns come out. Lets see, I was called a “criminal drug addict”, someone who suffers from “Dissociative Identity Disorder”, “pathetic”, “one big dumb__s” and a “criminal d bag”. You guys do remember I got caught growing my own pot right. You realize that your comments show how ignorant you guys really are. Look, the Cassilly brothers have potentially broken the law in the Maryland Senate and General Assembly and the only thing you can do is slam the man who pointed it out. If its not criminal its definitely unethical. So you guys don’t think Harford County has any issues greater than giving the State’s Attorney a pay raise? I mean, what a waste of legislation! Get real…..
While I honestly have never agreed with his points you have to admit his posts certainly bring out entertainment at the very least. Welcome back Soul Man thanks for making us laugh.
He never left. He has just been annoying people under other names. This is all he has. A prior poster summed it up ver succinctly. PATHETIC!!!
You’re completely outta your mind…..
I cannot see why this doesn’t apply to Senate Bill 146. Please enlighten me……
§ 5-506. Use of prestige of office
(a) In general. — An official or employee may not intentionally use the prestige of office or public position for that official’s or employee’s private gain or that of another.
(b) Exemption. — The performance of usual and customary constituent services, without additional compensation, is not prohibited under subsection (a) of this section.
I’m assuming that, “official’s or employee’s private gain or that of another” is implying that of “another” official. Joe is “another” elected official……
Nor can I see why this doesn’t apply to Senate Bill 146
§ 5-501. Restrictions on participation
(a) In general. — Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) of this section, an official or employee may not participate in a matter if:
(1) the official or employee or a qualifying relative of the official or employee has an interest in the matter and the official or employee knows of the interest; or
(2) any of the following is a party to the matter:
(i) a business entity in which the official or employee has a direct financial interest of which the official or employee reasonably may be expected to know;
(ii) a business entity, including a limited liability company or a limited liability partnership, of which any of the following is an officer, a director, a trustee, a partner, or an employee:
1. the official or employee; or
2. if known to the official or employee, a qualifying relative of the official or employee;
(iii) a business entity with which any of the following has applied for a position, is negotiating employment, or has arranged prospective employment:
1. the official or employee; or
2. if known to the official or employee, a qualifying relative of the official or employee;
(iv) if the contract reasonably could be expected to result in a conflict between the private interest and the official State duties of the official or employee, a business entity that is a party to a contract with:
1. the official or employee; or
2. if known to the official or employee, a qualifying relative of the official or employee;
(v) a business entity, either engaged in a transaction with the State or subject to regulation by the official’s or employee’s governmental unit, in which a direct financial interest is owned by another business entity if the official or employee:
1. has a direct financial interest in the other business entity; and
2. reasonably may be expected to know of both financial interests; or
(vi) a business entity that:
1. the official or employee knows is a creditor or an obligee of the official or employee, or of a qualifying relative of the official or employee, with respect to a thing of economic value; and
2. as a creditor or an obligee, is in a position to affect directly and substantially the interest of the official, employee, or qualifying relative.
(b) Exceptions. —
(1) The prohibitions of subsection (a) of this section do not apply if participation is allowed:
(i) as to officials and employees subject to the authority of the Ethics Commission, by regulation of the Ethics Commission;
(ii) by the opinion of an advisory body; or
(iii) by another provision of this subtitle.
(2) This section does not prohibit participation by an official or employee that is limited to the exercise of an administrative or ministerial duty that does not affect the decision or disposition with respect to the matter.
(c) Participation notwithstanding conflict. — An official or employee who otherwise would be disqualified from participation under subsection (a) of this section shall disclose the nature and circumstances of the conflict, and may participate or act, if:
(1) the disqualification would leave a body with less than a quorum capable of acting;
(2) the disqualified official or employee is required by law to act; or
(3) the disqualified official or employee is the only individual authorized to act.
Both Andrew Cassilly and Bob Cassilly voted on this bill, yet were not supposed to participate. Am I reading the law wrong?
Furthermore, if Joe doesn’t run, but he, Andy or Bob have knowledge of who the next candidate or candidates will be and have any type of relationship whatsoever with said candidate(s), then this will be a violation of at least lending the prestige of their offices……