From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski:
Following mass shooting in Orlando, Senator has continued to push for action to strengthen gun laws and curb gun violence
After joining Senator Murphy’s filibuster on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Senator Mikulski joined House Democrats in their historic sit-in on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives demanding action to keep communities safe
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), Vice Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, today spoke out on the Senate floor calling for action to pass the Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act of 2016, bipartisan legislation by Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) that would keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists.
The bipartisan compromise legislation introduced by Senator Collins builds on an amendment blocked earlier this week by Senate Republicans to close the terror gap. Senator Collins’ legislation would prevent people on the “No Fly List” or the “Selectee List” from purchasing firearms.
Specifically, the bipartisan legislation would:
1. Give the Attorney General (AG) the authority to deny firearms sales to individuals who appear on the No Fly List or the Selectee List.
2. Provide a process for Americans and green card holders to appeal a denial in U.S. Court of Appeals and to recover their reasonable attorneys fees if they prevail.
3. Set forth a procedure for protecting classified information during the appeal.
4. Protect ongoing Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) counter-terrorism investigations by giving the AG the discretion to allow gun sales to go forward to individuals covered by this Act.
5. Include a “look-back” provision that ensures prompt notification to the FBI if a person who has been on the broader Terrorism Screening Database (TSDB) within the past five years purchases a firearm.
Following the mass shooting in Orlando, Senator Mikulski introduced an amendment with Senator Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) to fully fund the FBI, increasing funding for counterterrorism efforts and support active-shooter training grants for law enforcement across the country. She also introduced an amendment with Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) to fund Department of Justice programs that prevent bias-motivated attacks and discrimination. Additionally, Senator Mikulski cosponsored Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) amendment to close the terror gap.
Senator Mikulski joined Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on the Senate floor during his filibuster, speaking out in support of his amendment to close the gun show loophole and expand background checks for private gun sales. She also joined House Democrats on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in a historic sit-in led by civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) demanding the House be allowed an up or down vote on legislation to curb gun violence.
Senator Mikulski’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, follow:
“I rise today in support of the bipartisan compromise amendment from the Gentlelady from Maine, Senator Susan Collins. Some say it is a good first step. I say it is a significant step forward in violence control.
“Now I can assure you, those of us who want to control violence, in no way want to impinge upon Second Amendment rights. But we do want to curb violence in our country which is at epidemic levels. That’s what Senator Collins’ amendment does, and I salute her efforts.
“Senator Collins’ amendment is a true bipartisan compromise. Democrats, under the leadership of Senator Dianne Feinstein, introduced a ‘no fly, no buy’ amendment. The Feinstein amendment did not pass, neither did the Republican alternative.
“Now, Senator Collins has introduced a compromise. Her amendment does not go as far as Senator Feinstein’s, but it follows the principles we want to establish. If you don’t want someone to fly because they are so dangerous we’re afraid they are going to commit a violent act that will kill people, why should that person be able to buy a gun to kill people? Senator Collins answers this in a very specific way.
“The Collins amendment allows the Attorney General to deny firearms to those on the No Fly List or the Selectee List. These lists name known or suspected terrorists – the vast majority of which are not American citizens. The No Fly List has 81,000 people on it, and includes fewer than 1,000 Americans. The Selectee List has 28,000 people, including fewer than 1,700 Americans.
“Under the Collins amendment, the FBI will be notified when a person who has been on the Terror Watch List anytime within the last five years tries to purchase a firearm. If the Collins amendment had been law, the FBI would have been alerted that the Orlando shooter wanted to buy guns.
“The Second Amendment is protected with due process for individuals mistakenly put in the database. Someone who believes he or she has been mistakenly prevented from buying firearm can find out why they were denied and challenge the denial without the Department of Justice revealing classified information.
“Using the words of my Maryland colleague Congressman Elijah Cummings, after living through our own turmoil in Baltimore, ‘We seek not only common ground. We seek higher ground.’
“I salute Senator Collins for seeking higher ground with her compromise amendment to curb violence in our country. Compromise is not a word to be dismissed or denigrated. Compromise does not mean capitulation on principle. It means putting our patriotic duty before party or personality. It’s what the American people want: civility, intellectual rigor and commitment to responsibility.”
The same moron politicians that lambasted O’malley for throwing hundreds of thousands of inner city blacks in jail without due process; (Actual number was over 200,000) are now championing denying due process to people the government puts on a secret list. You know its a con job when the ALCU comes out against it.
Outlaw assault rifles in all 50 states, not just 7!
Absolute liberal bs. Numbers can say whatever you want them to. I’ll take my chances here… You ca move to the UK
Cant mandate smart citizens . But we can mandate smart guns, registration and licensing, gun safety training and gun storage.
Your doing a great job mandating terrorists now.
Take your commie ass over to France.
If this wasn’t a purely partisan weapons grab Babs would have supported the Republican sponsored bill which authorized no-buy/no-fly but required the government to justify inclusion on the list and within a 3 day window to enforce a no buy restriction on anyone. It put the onus on government to provide proof – justification for stripping someone of their constitutionally protected due-process. Without that any bill would be blown up the first legal challenge.
Another example of Dumbocrats seemingly believing that bad guys will follow laws. Anyone ever consider that the millions of wetbacks waltzing across the non-existent boarder from mexico are bringing guns along with drugs? People are far more likely to get shot on the streets of Baltimore or Chicago in spite of the most restrictive anti-gun laws in the nation. Laws clearly don’t stop shootings (or any crime) – more laws wont help, putting criminals behind bars and keeping them there would reduce shootings, problem with that is the criminals all seem to vote Democrat and they cant reduce their voter base.
Intolerant and racial innuendos, typical bubba put beef eating Harford County Republican. See: “wet back”
I can’t wait until semi automatic rifles are banned. All you tough guys will be lined up at the Police station turning them in.
Republicant’s talk big game, but they won’t risk going to jail, losing their family and losing their job over a gun.
Come on Billy Badasses, tell me about your 2nd Amendment rights while you est your chicken sandwich over to the trash can at the convenience store. Don’t forget to wear that big belt buckle and your ropers, and a neon green safety t shirt with your company name on it.
Hyuck hyuck hyuck.
Question there Mr. DNH. Who is going to protect the law abiding public from the thousands and thousands of illegally armed entitlement feeling hood rats who only know how to resolve their differences with violence and have no regard for any one but themselves? They will continue to find weapons like they continue to find and sell drugs. Please don’t whine or cry when one of those hood rats victimizes you. Liberals make me laugh.
Who’s protecting you now, sir? Not ol’S&W under the night stand.
Very few gun owners actually “use” their guns in a self defense shooting, for a lack of better words.
Unless you are a criminal involved in criminal activity. I doubt you have to worry about some mass invasion of a threat on your life besides the occasional vadal, thief and other quality of life issue that professional Police officer’s handle.
Show me where Harford County residents are defending their life in a daily basis similar to Battle of Mogadishu and I’ll agree with you guys keeping your big round capacity, semi automatic rifles.
Bad analogy. By your logic, I shouldn’t have a fire extinguisher either.
Bad analogy?
Don’t worry bud, once our first woman President nominates a few more supreme Court judges. States like Maryland keep enacting common sense gun laws without overturns in Court, we’ll soon see what the “Second Amendment” means.
Better enjoy your AR15s now, you all will be standing in line to hand them over in less than 10 years.
A fire extinguisher is not a device made to kill people.
Are you allowed to buy a fire truck AND respond to fires? Analogy. LOL
My weapon (firearm) of choice has always been the 12 guage pump action with short barrel and extended mag tube in close action. Worked well in combat and serves me well for defense here. In a combat situation, if the objective were to inflict max casualties but not necessarily kill, they probably would go with a semi or full auto .223/5.56 mm with several high capacity mags or similar weapon. I see zero need for civilians to have that type of weapon. Sure they are fun to shoot, but so is the M134D but also not appropriate for civilian use. By the way, no one who is taken seriously is suggesting that my or your legal hunting and self defense weapons be outlawed or confiscated. I will agree that their are unreasonable people on the extremes of this issue some of which have commented here.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein
Good for you! My choice is to NOT reload. Or over penetrate. I’ll take the semi-automatic in .223. Because I can.
Insanity: agreeing with idiots just to get along!
1. What is the Selectee List? 2. Why let green card holders ( not American Citizens) own guns? 3. What the hell is the TSDB ? How many lists do we need? 4. Smart guns do not work. Its like mandating smart chain saws or smart knives. 5. Licensing,registration then confiscation. Just ask the law abiding citizens of England and Australia. I guess DINH doesn’t like people who want to defend themselves,people who work for a living or people who like chicken or beef. LOSER.
You can keep your single shot, break action 12 gauge shot gun. Just your semi automatic with its 100 round beta C mag..
Loser? Work for a living? People like you is why the “gun nuts” stigma is still around.
I work just like every other tax payer.
Babs is a fat disgusting C U Next Tuesday… Good luck prying my legally owned constitutionally protected forearms from my cold dead hands…
Why would someone try to pry your forearms from your hands?
Only my forearms are constitutionally protected
Firearms. Chuckster
A lot those firearms did you if they are prying them from your cold, dead hands.
I am a citizen, I have rights! Put a non-citizen on your list. If I screw the pooch, put me on a list AFTER a judicial hearing! San Bernadino and Orlando were terrorist events. Not typical gun violence.
TERRORIST Babs, learn it, live it. stupid Democrat!
Good choice of a name – very appropriate.
When are pressure cookers going to be outlawed? and add these to the list, propane tanks, hammers, nails, knives, fertilizer, cars, trucks, bats, jets, planes? and anything else that could be used as a weapon.
Who are you F…ing MacGyver?
Lamarr, Hedley Lamarr you simp.
Well, if you consider propane tanks, hammers, nails, knives, fertilizer, etc to be similarly lethal to guns, then you should feel very comfortable in giving up your gun and using those items in self defense.
Most of the violence in this country is committed by people who have gotten their firearms illegally. While it is a good idea to vet a person who aspires to gun ownership, a person submitting to this vetting process most likely does not anticipate using the firearm illegally.
Terrorism shows itself in what a person says. If you want to find a terrorist, listen to who is and what they are saying. If they are advocating violence, they most likely will commit it.
The “No fly” and “Selectee” lists are there for a reason. Anyone who publically advocates the violent overthrow of the government of this country and death to its people, needs to be watched, and when the time comes, denied their request for guns They have already demonstrated their intentions to use a weapon for crimes against citizens and humanity in general. Keep the guns out of their hands at all costs.
Unfortunately, the guns they use will most likely be acquired illegally.
Sadly “thought crimes” are not illegal.
Out of the last 10 mass shootings how many obtained their guns illegally?
Most mass shootings firearms used were legally purchased or obtained. Whereas, most general criminal gun violence the firearm is illegally obtained.
So where do these illegal guns come from? Is there people making illegal guns in their basements? Or are they being smuggled in over the borders?
Who’s making and selling these illegal guns?
Illegal guns are guns that have been stolen from someone and resold on the black market.
For example, in the movie “Taxi”, the lead psysho bought his guns from someone he met in a hotel room. Other illegal guns are bought from street dealers. Another example would be guns that are purchased from an acquaintance.
The point is that these guns are purchased on the black market or other unregistered or unlicensed dealer. The purchaser is not subjected to a sanity test or some other test such as whether they have declared themselves enemies of the U.S., and the gun is not registered with law enforcement.
So if there were no guns to steal from law abiding citizens who lack the ability to secure their weapons the black market would disappear.
A lot less stolen firearms would make it to the hands of prohibited persons.
If we banned the AR15 for good, there wouldn’t be umpteen more chances after today for a new one to be stolen. Right?
Baltimore City Police routinely post pictures of recovered firearms from arrests. I’ve seen what appear to be +600 dollar handguns pictured with the typical hi points and ‘saturday night specials ‘
It’s obvious to me there is a high likelihood that a $1,200 1911 style handgun was stolen from a non prohibited person at one point, for example.
Just more instance to reduce the number of guns.
Fifty-six people were shot over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago this year. Of those 56 victims, 13 died. And Father’s Day weekend followed a May that was the deadliest May Chicago has experienced since 1995. The Chicago Tribune reported “nearly 400” people shot and 66 killed in May 2016 alone.
hey babs, where is the sit-ins? where is the outrage?
you cannot even purchase a gun in chicago.
just another excuse to grab weapons and blame your opposition.
Father’s Day isn’t a major holiday in the ghetto.
It is a Democoratic No No to talk about incidents like the Chicago shootings. That would involve holding black people accountable for their actions. Democrats won’t do that. They could lose votes. Gun control issues are significantly diminished when it involves black folk.
Over the last 40 years, although reactionary asswipes have repeatedly proclaimed that the end of gun ownership was coming if somebody got elected or some common sense restriction was proposed, I still legally got all my guns and have legally acquired more. It is called the second amendment and unless it’s repealed take a chill pill and quit working up all the mindless idiots unless it is to crack down on gangs which account for a large percentage of the urban “gun” violence most of which are obtained illegally which is a whole different but related issue.