From Harford County government:
Travelers in Harford County can save money on gas and ride Harford Transit LINK buses for free all day on Thursday, June 16, in recognition of National Dump the Pump Day. Harford County’s Office of Economic Development is offering the free rides on fixed routes of the county bus system to promote public transportation as a convenient, low cost alternative to car travel. Public transportation networks can also empower economic growth and community revitalization.
“Harford Transit LINK buses provide vital connections for our local economy and our citizens,” said County Executive Barry Glassman. “I encourage travelers to see for themselves by taking a free ride on June 16, and downloading our free bus tracking app, RouteShout.”
Harford County Transit LINK operates 45 vehicles Monday through Friday with seven routes countywide and into Cecil County. The LINK also connects with MTA/MARC trains, MTA commuter buses, and regional Greyhound, which then connects with main terminals in Baltimore and interstate travel. Key service areas include Harford Community College, the Mary Risteau State Office Building, Upper Chesapeake and Harford Memorial hospitals, Aberdeen Train Station, Harford Mall, Constant Friendship Shopping Center, and Save-A-Lot Shopping Center.
For real-time Harford Transit LINK route information, including bus stops, schedules, arrival times, and more, download the LINK’s new RouteShout app free of charge from Google Play and Apple’s App Store. The app can also be accessed at Once the application has been downloaded, choose “Harford County Transportation Services” from the menu to view Harford Transit LINK routes.
For more information about Harford Transit LINK and Dump the Pump Day on June 16, please call 410-612-1620 or go to
Typical of government to use an oxymoron like “Ride Free” to promote what really is a “Taxpayer-funded Taxi.” Where is the so-called “conservative” County Council on this issue? They are anything but conservative.
What about reducing spending and regulations to put money back in the taxpayers’ pockets and allowing services like Uber flourish instead?
Why call it “Dump the Pump Day?” Another oxymoron aimed at getting more people out of their cars.
Barry Glassman, you drank the social engineering Kool Aide of the Progressives. Shame on you!
Please explain how public transportation networks empower economic growth and community revitalization in places like Baltimore City. It doesn’t. What empowers economic growth and community revitalization is for local government to eliminate taxes, regulations, permit processes, fees, bureaucracy and let entrepreneurs and the free market flourish.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
Shame on anyone who takes the free ride.
Typical of government to use an oxymoron like “Ride FREE” to promote a service paid for by the taxpayers. Call it what it is, “We are taking your heard-earned money to allow others to ride a bus around town on your dime.” How many of those actually riding these buses on “Dump the Pump Day” actually pay taxes?
Here is another thought. Why not let services like Uber prosper?
Please explain how public transportation networks empower economic grown and community revitalization in places like Baltimore City? They don’t.
What results in economic growth and community revitalization is for the government to reduce taxes, regulations, permit processes, fees, fines, layers of bureaucracy and let a free market economy prosper.
You have this all backwards and that’s why it doesn’t work. The “Harford Next” vision should really be called “Harford’s Future Toward Communism” — just another scheme to rob Peter to pay Paul.
“Dump the Pump” another oxymoron that should really be called “Our goal is to get you out of your car, so we can control your life.” As the County gets more congested with high density housing over the next few years, car insurance premiums will rise.
Barry Glasssman drank the progressive, Kool Aide with all this social engineering agenda.
Shame on him and the so-called conservative, County Council.
Well, yeah, ok. But does it really make sense to put “We are taking your heard-earned money to allow others to ride a bus around town on your dime.” on signs and websites and advertising? I mean, come on…if you think that “We are taking your heard-earned money to allow others to ride a bus around town on your dime.” makes for a good advertising slogan, I have to say, you really don’t know much about advertising. I mean, neither do I, really, but I do know that ““We are taking your heard-earned money to allow others to ride a bus around town on your dime.” just doesn’t cut it.
What it is see, is that you have to look at a) what they are trying to accomplish by this campaign, and b) what they have to say to get what they are trying to accomplish by this campaign. I think we can safely say, and even agree, that they are trying to get people to use public transportation more, in lieu of using privately owned vehicles. Given that stated goal, what would make someone take notice, what would make them say “hey, you know what? I think I’ll try to use public transportation, in lieu of using my privately owned vehicle. Now here, honey…hide the keys to the Hummer before I change my mind”? Do you think saying to someone ““We are taking your heard-earned money to allow others to ride a bus around town on your dime.” would make them leave the Hummer behind and ride the bus? I really doubt it. Now, how about saying “Hey! It’s dump the pump day! Come on and take a free ride!”? Would that convince them? Well, ok…maybe not, unless you actually have the Edgar Winter Group playing in the background and fitting seamlessly into your campaign. But still, I think you have a better shot with the “Dump the Pump” thing than that other thing that you said.
On the other hand, if fanning the flames of anti-government sentiment is your campaign, you may well be on the right track. But I doubt you’ll find an Edgar Winter Group song that you could play in the background that would fit seamlessly into your campaign.