From the New Harford Democratic Club:
3 S. Rogers St., Aberdeen, MD 21001
President Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Johnson thanked everyone for coming out tonight.
Johnson introduced T[GH1] om Myers, member of the Democratic Central Committee, as well as fellow committee member, Jason Robertson who also was a candidate for the Havre de City Council. He acknowledged the presence of Cassandra Beverly , a former member of the Board of Education. He then asked for those present to introduce themselves.
Johnson then discussed the Have de Grace race, thanking those who stepped up to run.
Treasurer George Harrison presented the financial report, noting the operating account currently holds $11,637.24. He noted that dues income for the year to day totaled $2,210 with additional contributions of $305. Expenses included $488.07 for a mailer supporting Jason Robertson’s campaign. Additional expenses included for $773.02 for postage and mailing for the membership drive and $1,258.03 for printing and production of materials for the mailer. There was an expenditure of $636 for rent of the meeting room space for the first 5 months of the year.
Art Helton moved to approve the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the members present.
Johnson asked for approval of the minutes from last month. Moved and approved unanimously.
President Johnson asked for committee reports;
Voter registration- Art Helton reported that currently efforts were in a holding pattern until the national presidential race has been determined.
Fundraising- Steve noted that Wendy Sawyer was working to have a prominent Democrat speak at a future fundraiser, but nothing definitive has been determined.
Membership-Steve noted that Rosemarie O’Brien has submitted her resignation from the board to allow her more time to working with Cecil County Democrats.
Harford County Democratic Central Committee-Tom Myers reported that the committee is preparing for attending various events in the county this summer, including the Dublin Fair and the Harford Farm Fair and is looking for volunteers to help man the booth.
Johnson reminded members that if they have any issue they believe is important to discuss contact himself of other board members to get on the agenda for the meeting.
Johnson thanked Jason Robertson and Robert Robinson for making the effort to run for office even though their effort fell short.
Jason Robertson was asked to make comments about his race. He noted that he fell short by just 10 points. He said he felt pretty good about the race considering that he was a relative newcomer to the community. He thanked members of the club who helped him. He said he talked to hundreds of residents walking door-to-door and got good reception from most. He said he got a lot of good support from a lot of good people.
Art Helton was introduced to discuss the presidential campaign. He noted that Hillary Clinton would undoubtedly will be the Democratic candidate and whether you like her or not, she is by far more qualified than Donald Trump, the presumed Republican candidate. He noted that Bernie Sanders continues to wage a strong campaign, and that some of his ideas probably will make it into the party platform.
Helton said the Republican viewpoint is that giving tax concessions to the very wealthy will result in more investment in the country resulting in a better economy for all. He noted that this “trickle down” theory has never worked. In fact, our best economic times have occurred during times in the past with higher tax rates. He also noted that tax rates today are considerably lower than tax rates 60 years ago.
He also noted that despite the reduction on tax rates over the years, the buying power of the average citizen has gained in those 60 years.
A discussion followed.
There being no further business, Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes courtesy of George Harrison, acting secretary.
Helton is as corrupt as Hillary
Got any proof on either? No? Didn’t think so.
I have a question: Why is the voter registration project being held until after the national presidential race is determined?
Isn’t it in the best interest of both parties to register as many voters as possible BEFORE voting day?
Helton is a Communist like all Demo’s these days. Art, YOU go ahead and step to the head of the line to pay higher taxes. OR, you can wait for Sanders to tax you at 92-percent. HItlary is your Socialist Queen and she’ll also be glad to raise your taxes. Then again millionaires like you can afford to “pay your fair share.”
News flash: Democrats happier, with an abundance of other people’s money.