From the Edgewood Development Corporation:
The Edgewood Development Corporation is a local non-profit organization with the mission of improving the quality of life and economic viability of the Edgewood Community. If you live, work, play, volunteer, worship, attend school – in short, are personally invested in the daily life of Edgewood, Maryland, then you are welcome to join the Edgewood Development Corporation.
We will elect board officers Tuesday, June 7th 2016 at our 7:00pm annual public meeting, held at the Edgewood Recreation and Community Center, 1980 Brookside Drive, Edgewood, MD 21040. Come see what we are working on and add your input. If you are web savvy, you may be interested in becoming our webmaster, or add content on We believe Edgewood is the best kept secret and a welcome retreat, within Harford County, and well worth our best effort.
There’s an Edgewood Development Corporation?
Is this just another front by the development lobby of Harford County to push their development schemes onto an unsuspecting public?
Ms. Teary, my name is Michael O’Hern, the Vice-President for the Edgewood Development Corporation. I am taking this opportunity to invite you to the meeting this evening. Please bring your friends and neighbors so as many folks can see what we are about and what we are planning. The more good news that gets out about what we are trying to do, the easier it should be to accomplish our goals.