From Harford County Public Schools:
On Tuesday night, the Harford County Council approved its fiscal year 2017-18 operating budget. As a result, the Board of Education of Harford County will hold a budget work session on Monday, June 6, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the A.A. Roberty Building in Bel Air. This meeting is open to the public.
Finally a real open Board of Education meeting about the HCPS budget. A number of the past board meetings about the budget were held behind closed doors in someone’s house, and were probably illegal because they didn’t follow the open meetings law. Let’s hope there finally some transparency with this board on the budget. The board members need to stop being vague or silent about the cuts that need to be made since there may not be enough funds from the county and state. And no, that little open discussion about a budget transfer at the last board meeting doesn’t count.
By the way, where’s that pricey investigation that was done by a Howard County lawyer on the closed board house meetings? If we paid for it, we should see the investigation. Or is a secret document?
I think private meetings with only a few members happen all the time at the Roberty building. The members that may have met outside probably just didn’t understand that the rules only apply to them not the entire board. It’s pointless to talk about transparency. Closed session meetings that run into AND after the open meetings are an insult to the public. I’d be interested to know how much this “intimidation investigation” cost us. How many kids should we have sent to Harford Glen with that money? SSDD.
Harford Glen? Please. Keep them in the classroom and teach them what they need to know to get thru life. Let the parents take the kids on vacation during the summer.
And if you plan on attending the meeting then take a clothes pin for your nose and maybe a barf bag. More of the same. Cut the dead wood in administration and get some good teachers in the class room.