From Maryland State Police:
On Friday, May 20, 2016 at approximately 1023 AM, Maryland State Troopers from the Bel Air Barrack responded to the Scarborough Garage and Store located in Darlington, Maryland in reference to an armed robbery.
The victim, Lloyd Scarborough, advised Troopers that the suspect entered the store and attempted to purchase a candy bar. As Mr. Scarborough opened his cash register the suspect brandished a large knife approximately 8 to 10 inches in length. The suspect demanded the cash from the register drawer. Mr. Scarborough complied with the suspect’s demand and handed over an amount of U.S. Currency. The suspect then demanded for the victim’s wallet to which Mr. Scarborough refused and attempted to run out of the store. According to Mr. Scarborough, the suspect grabbed his shirt collar to keep him from exiting the store. Mr. Scarborough stated that he and the suspect struggled inside the store, however he was able to break free from the suspect’s hold and exited the building.
Mr. Scarborough advised the suspect ran north in the direction of the Darlington Library. The suspect was described as a young white male, approximately six feet in height, average build, brown medium length hair, wearing a stocking cap, sunglasses, and dark clothing.
Anyone with information related to this robbery is requested to contact the Bel Air Barrack at 410-838-4101.
Damn white guys…
Glad Mr. Scarborough was not seriously injured. Hope this punk is found soon.
If Obama had a half brother.
It would be you?
Is the store owner now going to sue the knife manufacturer?
Nice spoof of our county executive. Your sarcasm and candor is noted.
Please, move to Texas. This is Maryland, where none of you eager to carry big gun on your hip white males will ever be granted a, ‘shall issue’ carry permit. It will never succeed in court and our legislator will always be majority dominated in the right political party.
It’s dominated by the wrong political party now, has been for generations. That’s what’s wrong with Maryland. But you wouldn’t know that. Party uber alles, right? “My mind’s made up; don’t confuse me with the facts!!”
How’s it dominated by the wrong political party when thr majority is elected by the people they serve?
We get the government we deserve, and we deserve the democratic majority represented state government we have.
@ N Democrat
This is Maryland that is for sure. A state with some of the toughest gun regulations in the country. My question is why are the Democrats in Baltimore killing people like it is free? Yes, I am a white man so you don’t need to go there. Yes I own a gun. Yes I have a permit to carry being a retired police officer. Yes I feel that armed qualified responsible citizens contribute to the overall safety of our community. Obviously you are a Democrat and that is your right. You probably believe in the original concepts of that party which was to help the average guy. I was once a Democrat also and believed in those same concepts. That party has evolved in to a party of people who believe in their own personal entitlements and do what ever they want as long as it benefits them personally. What happened to JFK’s “ask not” speech? What a bunch of hypocrites. How come all most all of the top ten poorest cities in the U.S. Have consistently voted Democrat since WW2? Maybe in your subsequent posts you can explain why you are so proud to be a Democrat. It would be an interesting read. Oh, one last thing. I don’t claim to be the all omniscient one but your antagonistic trolling reminds me a whole lot of my old friend the Soulman. Silly Goose.
I vote Democrat because that’s the future, can you not see?
I have no statistical reason why and how large urban cities vote Democrat.
You don’t need to a carry a firearm anymore than the average Joe. You are in no more danger than the average Joe.
True, he is in no more danger than the average Joe, but, apparently he is smarter than the average Joe. Probably because he is a retired police officer who has, unfortunately, seen the result of violence on many occasions and understands the danger that the average Joe does not.
Peace officers who are no longer working as a peace officer should only carry with LEOSA, I believe a 12 year (?) Retirement in good standing. That way they are still qualified.
Not a skirting the obvious and get their unrestricted Maryland permit because our state government still has yet to define what “good and substantial” is. In my opinion, far too many people are getting permits.
1) I have LEOSA
2) and I will respect your right to have your own opinion. My opinion is if you are waiting for your liberal Democratic friends to keep you safe you could soon be a victim from one of your own. Remember what political parties membership commits the most crimes. Baltimore is 20:1 Democrat. Check out the crime rate compared to Harford County.
Yes sir, Baltimore city has urban population, lower income and crime infested individuals.
Harford County still has lots of crime, albeit, no where near the homicide rate as the city.
When I was born,the Sheriff office had a DUI sign, now it’s a heroin sign.
Bud, you know just as well as I do the drug problem will never be solved, neither will crime in all shapes and form. It’s only going to get worse and keep getting worse.
Is it what I want? Nope. The Democrat party is the front runner in gun control and other laws to give people the help they need.
You made a slight error: “The Democrat party is the front runner in gun control for law-abiding citizens and other laws to take what they need from the people.”
We have to be fair about some of the successes of Democrats. Kennedy set forth the initiative to put a man on the moon and now Obama has paved the way for a man to pee in the lady’s restroom. The man continues to build his legacy.
Maybe we should dream about how we can solve the daily heroin overdoses in our lovely County before conservative fear mongering of gender specific restrooms?
No other group of humans on this planet is xenophobic like the conservatives are.
Heroin is a huge problem that is for certain. There are different philosophies. China once had a very large opium abuse problem. They considered both the supply and demand sides of the problem. They chose to address the demand issue. You got caught in possession you got incarcerated for an insane amount of time. There were very few compromises. The usage rates went down significantly. People in the U.S. Would never tolerate such measures. So then you try educating people about the problem. The success rate of education, although well intended, is sometimes suspect. So that takes us to supply. This is an interesting topic. Literally tons and tons of heroin and other dangerous drugs come into this country on a consistent basis. How is this happening? I can see a uniform police officer having somebody with a pill or a small bag of heroin in their pocket accidentally letting that slip by but tons. Come on. Where is Obama’s Drug Czar? Probably golfing with the president on our dime. Every once in a while you see extremely large amounts drugs being seized by the Coast Guard or DEA. That could be a really great thing or very possibly a controlled loss by large drug dealers who could be very well working with someone in our government. Large recoveries give the appearance of progress in dealing with the drug epidemic but very well be just a facade to appease our citizens. If I appear cynical I guess I am. I have personally witnessed too many drug abuse tragedies in my life and wish that I would never hear of or see anymore.