From Cecil County Campaign for Liberty:
Dear Friend,
They betrayed their conservative and liberty minded supporters by casting votes to advance the progressive agenda during this year’s legislative session. But that’s not stopping them from hosting a “Victory Breakfast” and asking you to continue to support them by donating $50 to the District 35 team. We have a better idea.
Please come out and join us for the “Betrayed by District 35 Representatives” protest and rally.
May 26th @ 8 a.m.
On the public sidewalks in front Buck’s Restaurant
314 East Main Street
Rising Sun MD 21911
State Senator Wayne Norman and Delegates Kevin Hornberger, Andrew Cassilly, and Teresa Reilly are hoping you weren’t paying attention to their votes during the Maryland General Assembly.
Norman, Hornberger and Cassilly teamed up with progressives to help pass radical legislation mandating a whopping 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. This law makes Maryland the third most regulated state in the nation – all in the name of combating highly disputed climate change.
The entire District 35 team voted to bail-out Baltimore City with $75 million of your tax dollars to demolish buildings and replace them with “sustainable communities.”
But that’s not all.
Hornberger and Norman voted to expand ObamaCare by requiring insurance companies to provide “free” contraceptives and morning-after drugs. Delegates Reilly, Cassilly and Hornberger voted for the “Equal Pay for Equal Work Act” during this year’s Maryland General Assembly. Laws on the books already mandate that men and women are paid equally for the same work. This legislation added “protection” for transgenders and puts businesses at risk of frivolous lawsuits by allowing former employees to sue their employer…
…if they feel they were discriminated against for up to three years after their employment has been terminated.
And finally, the entire D35 team voted to approve the largest state budget ever which still includes taxpayer funding for abortion. With a voting record like this, it’s hard to imagine what “victory” this team will be celebrating at their fundraiser breakfast. We need liberty warriors like you to show up at this protest and join us in sending a clear message that these votes were unacceptable.
Please consider bringing a sign that expresses your thoughts about their voting record. Let’s send them a message they will remember when casting their votes during next year’s legislative session. Politicians at the local level fear angry constituents and they will not be able to ignore our presence as they arrive at their fundraiser.
If you are a Facebook user, please visit our event page, sign up to attend and then invite your Facebook friends.
Thanks for your support!
For Liberty,
Joe Tropp
Cecil County Coordinator
Maryland Campaign for Liberty
I’ll be coming but in support of what they have voted for.
Will somebody please tromp on Joe Tropp (and the rest of his ilk).
What a hate filled message, Against anything that helps people the community and the environment.
It’s no wonder the only place they can meet is on a sidewalk at 8AM on a Thursday.
Joe and anyone who supports him should really review their broken moral compass.
Some of this “liberal legislation” is will support the public good and is needed.
Unfunded mandates are bad and they need to be kept in front of media attention so we know what they are and how to prevent and/or get rid of them.
What we don’t need are public rest rooms, locker rooms, toilets, and bathrooms where a man can walk into a designated facility for women just because he feels like a woman (and vice versa for women).
This is funny. People who support the things these “representatives” voted for are completely OK with how they apparently ran a campaign promising how they’d behave if elected, then voted completely opposite the platform they were elected on… I wonder how you all would feel if you voted for a liberal who, once in office decided to eliminate all the feel good claptrap they had promised to support. If these folks ran on conservative values, got elected by a conservative base and now fail to support them, they’re hardly deserving of the label “representative” or even to remain in office.
OH NO! Free birth control!! Everybody run!! The end is nigh!
Apparently you don’t understand that “free” is paid for by the middle class. You know, the only ones that actually work.. If storm clouds rolled in and birth control pills fell from the sky I’d be all for it. The poor don’t have any money, the rich have enough to pay people to hide and shelter theirs, so it’s left to the middle class to pay for all the “free” stuff and as a member of that class, I don’t appreciate having to pay for some chick to have a carefree good time… unless of course they want to have it with me… always remember, 19 trillion in debt and it went up millions while you read this.
Idiots like you can’t seem to figure it out; more birth control, educating children about sex ed, you know the things right wingers can’t stand = lower young birth rates, less people ending up on social services, having kids out of wedlock, people less likely to be in need of your (and my) tax dollars. The War on Drugs and the abstinence lie are two of the most harmful things this country has done to itself and we’re too stubborn/stupid to admit it, even in the face of mountains of statistical evidence telling us we could fix the problems we’ve caused. Instead, we’ll keep pushing abstinence and “just say no” as solutions, and we’ll keep paying the price – literally.
They conservative base is uneducated, living in a trailer with 5 kids on government assistance. They need stupid people pumping out babies to ever win again. Just look what they have done for fine states like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana etc….
Just to throw this in here… At the beginning of the 1990’s, the law enforcement community was gearing up for a major increase in crime resulting from an expected increase in young unemployed males. ages 16 to 24..
Surprisingly, the crime wave did not materialize. People went looking for the reason why.
Much to their surprise, they discovered that 18 years earlier, Roe v Wade was decided by the Supreme Court and abortion on demand became the law of the land. The result was a massive decrease in births to young unmarried women.
Imagine that. Few children born to unmarried women resulted in fewer young males with nothing better to do than sit around the house, get high and watch the tube – and commit crimes to finance their lifestyle.
Firstly, you’re showing your liberalism by starting your post with insulting me. You then proceeded to argue against a point I never made. My post merely pointed out the fallacy in stating that the government is giving out something for free. Someone will be paying for it and no matter what Bernie or Hillary might tell you, it’ll never be the rich. However, since you bring up the issue of folks on social services, I’ve never had a problem with providing BC to those unable to afford it… just not people like Sandra Fluke who simply want the rest of us to support her midnight creeping while she attends a College I could never afford.
Let’s just take it out of the taxes Walmart and PNCs pays. If they pay any at all.
Wayne Norman will tell you how staunchly he opposes abortion…right before he votes to force insurance companies to provide free “morning-after” pills and votes for a state budget that includes taxpayer-funded abortion.
What has the tea party turned into liberal Bernie supporters? Most of us have to work on Thursday.
The protest is at the same time and location that the politicians are holding a fundraiser. Apparently, politicians don’t have to work on Thursday.
Well, technically none of them are working. They are part time seasonal workers. The Assembly is over and they are basically back to doing whatever they do the rest of the year.
How about asking Wayne Normal why he voted the way he did, he will tell you. He has always in my opinion kept the interest in those that elected him to office as best he can. I am sure that he has not always liked a vote that he has made, but thought it in the best interest of his constituents or the lesser of the two evils. I wouldn’t want the job of a Politian, cause your damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
If the Campaign for Liberty folks were in charge of government, there would be no schools, libraries, colleges, parks or any services. Fortunately, Harford Countians are not so naive about this group of idiots. America is a great country where theses heathens have a right to express their crazy doctrine. I just hope that they will move on to Alaska or some place where they can be happy in their miserableness. Senator Wayne Norman, Delegates Theresa Reilly, Andy Cassilly and Kevin Hornberger are good legislators who bring honor and good will to Harford County.
Fucking queer.
Ol’Bel Airian, I completely disagree with your comment about schools, libraries, colleges, parks or services.
Let’s rephrase that: Under the principles of liberty there would be abundant choices in schools, libraries, colleges, parks, and other services that would operate under a free market economy. These enterprises would operate as businesses adjusting to meet supply and demand of the citizens instead of government-run monopolies. Almost every so-called government service can be provided by the free market. All that is needed is for the Harford County Council to set start eliminating all the regulations and taxes that are standing in the way of folks who want to start businesses that create jobs, employee people, and puts food on the table. Start teaching your children to be entrepreneurs using their God-given.
If you care capable of searching your soul, it is all about the sanctity of individual life from conception to death and what happens in between. Government operates via thievery and force because it takes money from people and forces them to comply.
Ol’Bel Airian, I recommend if you aren’t too old to read Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt for starters.
Yea that idea has brought us polluted bay and polluted oceans, Letting big business poison our foods and make them unhealthy in the name of profit.Letting the middle class support those in poverty while the corporations turn a blind eye with corporate profits at all time highs. Spending more money trying to invent better ways of waging war with people who are no threat with total disregard to this countries needy veterans. The ignorance here is not realizing you have been brainwashed by a tea party that hates this country and everything it stands for,.
Wake up…. More, more – we need more people with your intelligence and insight. Where are you hiding????
The tea party “hates this country” by wanting a constitutional federal government to live within its means? Nothing more then Liberal hysteria.
Supporting a standing army is one of the duties of the federal government as per the constitution. 16% spent on our defense. Way higher percentage on entitlements and hand outs and you want more. Again, not a power granted in the constitution.
Government taking money from one person and giving it to another is not a power granted to the government in the constitution, it is slavery.
You claim those that love the constitution hate this country, then attack what the country is and has been, because it’s not the “what it stands for” that is In your head.
The powers granted in the constitution you don’t like, the policies that aren’t in the constitution, you like.
Who hates this country?
Thank you Cecil for Liberty for your drive, endurance, and strength. Most men and women would not take up a cause as worthy as yours. Liberty solves the problems of yesterday and today and creates a better tomorrow.
You are the remnant of our Founding Fathers keeping alive the sacred principles of life and liberty. If it weren’t for you, Cecil County would be continually moving in the direction of socialism like Harford County under the guise of a “Republican Council.”
Your efforts make me want to move to Cecil County where I can at least see hope for some freedom and prosperity instead of Harford County which continues to implement social engineering on all levels.
Republicans + Progressives = Neoconservatives. Neoconservatives are the Establishment arm of the Republican Party.
Hasn’t Donald Trump succeeded in defeating the Establishment’s candidates in the presidential primaries so far?
Isn’t this one of the reason so many voters are supporting Donald Trump because he “claims to be” outside the Republican Establishment?
Aren’t they supporting him because they have finally woken up and see the betrayal of the past by the Establishment-run Republican Party whom they have blindly voted without any results and only matters of deteriorating?
Clearly District 35 is represented by the same kind of Establishment betrayal. I am not sure why the people stand for this.
Keep up the good work Cecil Campaign for Liberty!
Trump, a racist reality TV star that has bankrupted multiple companies with a stripper wife.
A fine example of what the C4L supports.
Sounds like an atypical Harford voters wet dream.
I’ve dealt with racial innuendos and uncomfortable vibes from people up here for years and finally social justice is happening.
The era of “you’re not from around here” is coming to an end as more Democrats move to Northern Harford County.
Conservative values aren’t what I teach my kids.
Thank God for Public water/sewer expansion to bring families up here.
Let’s see, you say that you don’t teach your kids conservative values, then you “Thank God” for Public water/sewer expansion.
One of the mainstays of conservative values is faith in God. Exactly which conservative values do you not teach your children?
Perhaps such values as taking responsibility for their own actions, believing in accountability for ones actions, having only as much government as necessary, a strong defense to keep our citizens safe, living within ones means, a good education to rely on for a future career, working hard to get ahead, etc..
Democrats are not allowed to believe in a faith?
Typical Harford County Republican.
I’m sorry, you must take me as an EBT card carrying free loader with no ethics? Not the case.
All those values I teach Barbara, are human values, not Republican Conservative values.
I don’t teach racial bigotry for starters.
I also don’t believe anyone should be allowed to own firearms, our state has done great for gun control but we can do a lot more. It’s time to update the Second Amendment with contemporary times.
I teach to respect everyone, not hate everyone and be a homophobe.
I’m pretty sure a lot of conservative men are such homophobe ‘s because they are really homosexual themselves.
Sorry to disappoint you there North, but you will find nowhere in the Republican platform anything to do with bigotry or hate.
You will find support for the second amendment. Should you find a congress willing to amend the second amendment and 38 states to ratify the amendment, fell free to do so. That’s how our government system is supposed to work. What is not supposed to happen is having judges deciding what the constitution really says by adding words outside what is actually written in the constitution.
I believe in our constitution and have no problem with it changing if the majority of the citizens want to change it. There is a process for doing so, and it is not through the courts.
Since I am neither homosexual or a homophobe I really have no idea what you are talking about when you accuse others of homophobia. It does sound like you have a real issue with homosexuality.
Look at the Republican Presidential candidate, no further questions.
How does it sound like I have an issue with homosexuality? I was merely pointing out the facts of Republican males who identify as homophobia. It is my conclusion that they identify as this because they really are homosexuals. I never had a problem with any choices anyone makes.
I don’t have to feel free to do anything, I’m in Maryland. One of the best states for gun control, as NONE of the passed gun control since the 1960s in this state has been overturned in a COURT.
I will admit defeat on the shell casing law of new purchase handguns, I understand there was some and had been some logistic issues with the program.
I thought Baltimore was in Maryland. How is it that (in your opinion) Maryland is one of the best states for gun control? How is that working out in Baltimore?
Barbara, North Harford Democrat is obviously a parody account or a troll looking for reactions. Do you really think an intelligent, educated person would believe the garbage he writes?
Hey, I have a constitutional right to live here as you do, bro.
Criminals never abide and or follow the laws they breaking.
Only ethical, law abiding people with careers, family, homes and reputation’s have something to lose; hence the gun control.
They won’t conceal carry without a permit because the penality of being caught outweighs the fallout of their criminal charges.
Banning classes of semi automatic long guns keeps the possibility of them getting into the wrong hands, even if case by case. If you could save one extra life, would you?
Are you trying to out wit me?
Not trolling bro. Progressive Democrat born and raised in an obviously hate filled area. I love the area, but apparently my fellow countrymen hate me and what I stand for.
What’s your phone number? I’ll give you a call and we can talk politics. Maybe you’ll be a registered Democrat afterwards.
Where were the CFL wackos when Dan Rudolph voted FOR O’Malleys budget that Did nothing but raise taxes everywhere and delegate and senator Wayne Norman voted AGAINST that budget. Larry Hogan for two consecutive years presented a budget with ZERO tax increases what part of that budget does CFL not understand. Thank you Larry Hogan and senator Norman
The “CFL wackos” staged a 400 person protest in front of Rudolph’s office when he refused to vote against O’Malley’s gun grab. Rudolph folded, voted the right way and then was later excused from service. You should strive to do something half as productive.
Barbara, we don’t need a ratification of the 2nd Amendment. Conservatives are doing it for us, and us who are Pro gun control. They keep pumping their own money to get their gun lawsuits and not overturned, and get current laws on the books stayed and kept the same eventually.
You really want a outside the home handgun carry case to get to the supreme Court? I do. Hahahaha.
Open carry is already permitted in 46 states.
So what does that have to do with my comment?
Maryland’s Handgun Carry Permit doesn’t specify open or concealed.
You Republicans think you are “one above” us Democrats in regards to firearms, I laugh.