From Harford County Public Schools:
In the last month, legal developments at the federal level have occurred regarding the rights of transgender students to use bathrooms in public schools. For the purposes of this announcement “transgender” means a person who identifies with the sex other than his or her biological sex.
The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidance which states that public schools must allow a student to use bathrooms that correspond to his or her gender identity rather than his or her biological sex. This guidance has been upheld as valid by the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in the case of G.G. v. Gloucester County (VA) School Board, (April 19, 2016). The state of Maryland is subject to this jurisdiction of the 4th Circuit.
All public schools in Maryland, including Harford County Public Schools, are required to comply with the court’s ruling and the United States Department of Education’s guidance on this matter or may face sanctions from the federal government or legal action.
Harford County Public Schools will work with the State Superintendent, and the Maryland State Department of Education and other resources, to develop any procedures and practices that may be necessary to implement this requirement. In doing so, Harford County Public Schools will act consistent with its commitment that all students, including transgender students, enjoy a safe and discrimination-free school environment.
Should you have a question regarding the above, please contact the principal of your child’s school or Ms. Laurie Namey, supervisor of Equity and Cultural Proficiency, at or 410-809-6065.
How does this practice make my daughter safe in a restroom and not infringe on her rights to safety and privacy? It seems like this infringes on the rights of 99.97% of the country to cater to the legitimate issues of .03%. This doesn’t even address the issues of abuse by people staking this claim. It is ripe for abuse. I am all for trying to accommodate transgender students…but not at the peril of others. Something else has to be done to protect EVERYONE. let the name-calling from the far left begin…anytime one disagrees with far left agendas they are peppered with hate speak…I hope common sense however may rule this thread.
This is complete nonsense. If you have a male body part your a male use the mens room. If you have a female body part your a female use the woman’s room. I already see it all over MEn with mens body parts dressed as females, what do I tell my kid, This is crap.
Tell your kid, “kid…you see those men over there dressed as females? Well, those are men, but they’re dressed as females”.
This should clear up any confusion your kid has upon seeing men dressed as females.
Right, that’s exactly what you say. I don’t understand what else you would say to your child, that’s the truth.
If my daughter goes into a bathroom and a woman with a penis or a guy in drag tries to walk into the bathroom with my daughter, you bet your ass there is going to be a problem.
If you asked your school you would know that your child can use an individual facility if they are uncomfortable. Second do you believe transgender students don’t follow normal restroom behavior that the rest of the population follows like not looking into stalls or at other people in the urinal?
In response to your second point.
1) I would think a man would think he is a man and act accordingly – a transgender thinks he is a female.
2) The rest of the population thinks a man would go to the men’s room – transgender does not.
So why would I think a transgender would act like normal people? (Yes, I said normal).
Did you know the author of the NC bill is a convicted pedophile? You don’t think pedophiles love this bill?
Back in my day boys used the boys room and girls used the girls room. I’m sure that there were a couple of students that may have identified as being opposite of what they were but they followed the rules just as everyone else did. We followed rules, we were a generation of rule followers. In high school we had a female student that identified with most of the guys, short hair, liked cars and working on them, she wore jeans when girls were starting to wear slacks, and she looked at girls they way a lot of the boys did. She was comfortable with who she was, she used the girls room, unfortunately 2 boys drug her in to the boys room and commented about making sure she wanted to be a boy even though she was a female. It didn’t end pretty, ripped clothes, attempt rape by today’s standards. If a female identifies as male and uses the male bathroom and gets attacked by some simple mind will the government demand a third bathroom choice?
Time to stand up to Obama and refuse this unlawful order. Let him take the funds. They only go to the poorest students.
Yeah, dude! You go! Stand up to Obama! Just take yourself and some other people, too, and go and stand up to him! Tell him, say “hey! Obama! See us here? Well, we’re here standing up to you! Now, take heed.”
See if that doesn’t get this whole situation reversed back to the way it was before it was like it is now, with you having to stand up to Obama.
It was a court order. I am pretty sure that makes it lawful. Want to pay more in taxes to pay off a civil rights violation settlement?
Had a friend raped in a public school bathroom. Why are we making rape and other abuse easier?
You tell us Mom….. you are the one who had a friend raped.
Another fine example of what we get in Harford county by under paying our teachers….. Illiterate idiots posting garbage on the Dagger..
Don’t be so hard on yourself! I’ve read many of your posts, and I can honestly say that there have been a few of your posts that weren’t garbage. Well, maybe not whole posts, but parts of some of your posts haven’t really been garbage. I mean, some of the parts of some of your posts haven’t been completely garbage…although, that is not to say those same parts, while maybe not being garbage, were not trashy. They were. For the most part.
Take your above post, for example. Ripping into a woman who had a friend raped? Very trashy. And calling others illiterate while simultaneously demonstrating that you don’t know that “underpaid” is one word, that an elipsis only has three dots, and that you don’t have to capitalize the first word after an elipsis? Garbage.
Regarding teachers being underpaid? There’s that rare snippet that is neither garbage or trashy. I couldn’t agree more.
Please explain how this makes it “easier” for rapists? Clearly your friend was victimized by a non transgender rapist. Gender designations did not stop them!
If you are more afraid to use the bathroom with a transgender 14 year old than Denny Hastert you must be a conservative.
Never did understand why old white guys are so consumed with looking at school kids junk…… Must be the way they are wired. Bunch of backwards assed Duggar family cheer leaders wishing Jarred could get a pardon because they loved his foot long.
Sick bunch the whole lot of you
Have fun stomping your feet at the 40 year old who is apperance wise not “transgender” but walks in obviously not their XY or XX born chromosome locker or restroom.
You can’t have it one way and not the other.
“I’m confused, I’m transgender.” The get out of jail argument of the future.
Where is the spine of Harford County? Or is our government bought and paid for from above?
Looks like Cultural Marxism is at it again.
Don’t be surprised if, in a few years, they start campaigning for pedophiles, another minority persecuted for their sexual orientation. Once they get approved, rapists will be the next minority to be championed, saying that outlawing rape is denying a man’s right to choose!
I’ve been hoping for years that someday the grown ups would take charge again.
No, that will never happen.
By the way…the “slippery slope” is one of the basic flaws in rational thinking.
Yes, the Marx Brothers were a great influence on popular culture. I mean, “A Night At the Opera”, anyone??? But what does that have to do with bathroom use based on sexual identity?
This will work out great with the cell phone policy that is so abused in the high schools. BYOT has allowed all these high school kids to freely text, share the drama, cheat, and take pictures with no consequences. Its time to wake up parents and realize the nonsense going on in these schools.
I know the parents need to wake up and start parenting! After all the kids doing it were raised that way by their parents.
You’ve got your mother
In a whirl
She’s not sure
If you’re a boy or a girl…
Mother of teenage girl who does not want to use a restroom, locker room and shower with a male that identifies as female. I see UTI’ s in the future. Why don’t they ask the girls about their comfort levels?
Better get past it. It’s the wave of the future in civil rights cases.
Wait until you walk into your female restroom and there is an obvious adult male just hanging out in there.
There ain’t a damn thing anyone on corporate America and local .gov US of A is going to do about it once the words “I identify as transgender” are uttered.
Conservative fear? Nah.
Maryland, to its credit, has rejected the scare tactics in the past. Accommodating the transgendered few is noble and enlightened.
The MD Petitions group was a joke they failed at everyone of their referenda!
It’s starting already! Just this morning while I was out having breakfast, I got up to use the bathroom and two women followed me in, and said “we just wanted to get a closer look at your ass. It’s pretty fine”. Now that was nothing I hadn’t heard before, but ladies, please. There is a time and a place for this….or there was, but now the time and place is in any given restroom! So, what could I do??? I no longer have the right to stop women from rushing the bathroom every time I have to take a leak. So I had to give them the “grand view”, so to speak. I did, however, have to draw the line when they whipped out their cellphones and were insisting on taking selfies next to it. Is there no dignity left in this world of ours???
This morning I feel deep down inside that I’m a black lesbian who is a crippled little person. Which room should I use? Oh the conflict!
Someone please explain to me why the government manufactured this problem and why it is that for a small percentage the majority must be bend?
They want you to get used to obeying and believing what they say, regardless of how absurd. They want sheep to lead, not citizens to represent. Read “1984”, it gives a blue print for them.
No, that’s not it.
Obama is not quite a dictator. He can not order schools to do anything. Nor can the department of education. They issued guidelines. If your school board goes along with it then vote them out.
“Adherance to Title IX was a condition to condition of receiving federal funds”.
So the board of ed could choose not to go along, but there are financial considerations involved.
Yup like were will FARMS money and Title I money come from? Get used to paying quadruple for a school lunch!
It is my understanding that Target allows transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice. That is why I nolonger shop there. I do not agree with their bathroom policy. It is worrisome that men can now go into the same bathroom as young girls. Sickening. If they cannot create a shopping environment that is emotionally and physically safe for my family and me, they don’t need my business.
You and your kids can shop with me anytime you wish Miss Gulch
Harford County is shaping up to be a great place to live. Not only will everyone be forced (eventually) to bend over for every single minority issue thought of, the way I figure it, in 10-20 years half the population in the County are going to be on drugs.
When I grew up, it was a DUI sign infront of the Police buildings, nows it’s Heroin overdoses.
Think things get better? They get worse, and will always get worse.
Sorry, salvation lies in moving to an isolated part of this country with very few people per square mile.
When are you leaving?
Already left, years ago. In West by God Virginia, 5 hours from Harford.
150 acres, modern contemporary home. 30 minutes away from civilization.
Paid less than $350,000.
Enjoy the “Baltimore Lean” coming to a suburbia neighborhood near you. Google image search of you need help.
Before you make a “marry your cousin” comment, know that’s illegal in WV, but not illegal in MD.
But you obviously left your heart in Harford County, Maryland.
I left some rental properties that I get income and return to for business.
I like to laugh, hence why I’m on a Harford County news website.
By the way, why aren’t you replying to me under DOJ & BOE?
I have way too many personalities to satisfy to keep using the same screen name.
I’m actually planning the same thing. I have rental properties here, but I don’t plan to stay here, for the same reason. Too expensive. I’m close to where I can retire. I’m thinking more along the lines of South Carolina. The wife likes the ocean, and you know how that goes…
I’m not originally from here, but I also keep tabs on the news back home, not for the laughs but because I’m continually amazed by the rampant corruption back there. I still have family there too, and fortunately they aren’t involved in politics, government, or any of the businesses subjected to the corruption.
The Big O in the WH is doing the full court press for transgender restrooms in this country.. The man is a joke. Always worried about his legacy. What a tool. What is next? I think he should out law all sales of pork in this country as to not effect the 3% Muslim population in this country. What about the comfort concerns of the majority? Why don’t we let anybody do anything they want anytime. No laws. No police. And some people get upset when some politicians say they want to make this country great AGAiIN. The U.S. Is the turning in to the joke of the world. Thanks a lot Big O!!!
The letter was issued jointly by the Department of Justice, and the Department of Education, not Obama and the Whitehouse. But feel free to place blame where it most angers you.
If you don’t believe that the Big O is pushing hard on this one you need to put your liberal head back in the sand.
Like I said….feel free to believe whatever angers you the most.
Who do you think runs the DOJ?
That is correct. Who do you think pulls the strings for the DOJ and the DOE? The Big O aka: the puppet master. The egotistical narcissitic maniac in the WH who is constantly trying to build a platform for his legacy. Affordable care-joke, Iran nuke deal-lie, war against ISiS-facade and the list goes on. This recent Gender Identity stuff is not something that the Big O really cares about. He is only concerned with his own ego. What he and the Democrats have attempted to bait a trap. They were hoping that the Republicans would get caught up in it. Personally I think this and the aforementioned concerns will bite the Big O in the butt. The Big O has established his legacy. He will surpass Jimmy Carter as the worst all time president. It is too bad that the first African American president turned out to be such a big loser.
In politics, we always feel better believing that the other side is inherently evil than we do admitting otherwise. A lot of people have actually been hoping that Obama fails as a president, just like a lot of people wished the same for Bush. Believing our opponent is a complete failure feels much better than seeing them have any degree of success.
What would make you feel better, if everything you wrote was true, or if everything you wrote was untrue?
And if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make a noise? Are you picking up what I am putting down E.M.?
Our Kids, Our Schools, & Our Freedom!
This isn’t a bathroom issue. It’s a government overreach, mandate and threat issue.
It is unacceptable for government to act like a dictatorship and decide how our local schools are to manage themselves. When does government at all levels come to the people and ask permission? Where is our collective voice? Every level of government has failed the people. (over and over)
The Federal Government made a mandate and threat to withhold money from schools.
The State Government of Maryland has said nothing.
The Local Government, the people we entrust to educate our kids rolled over less than 25 minutes after receiving the mandate from the Federal Government.
We know the Harford County Board of Education, the Harford County Council nor the people of Harford County were asked to weigh in on the mandate, The administration of HCPS told us, with no discussion, no input, they were going to follow the mandate. They shoved it down our throats.
Parents, Teachers and Students needs you all to speak up. As a Nation and community we can’t afford to let government fail us.
This issue and failure falls squarely on a spineless Harford County Public Schools Administration. Everyone involved in the decision should be fired and the schools should be audited.
You’re seeing this all wrong. HCPS administration is not “spineless” as you say. They are quite the opposite. They are standing up, just like the MSDE and the federal government are, for an extremely small minority group of people against a strong vocal majority of people like yourself. When was the last time you did something like that? It’s about time HCPS did something right.
Spoken like a true liberal. Talk about going down the craper…JFK wanted to put a man on the moon.. Barry wants to put one in the ladies room. These are school bathrooms for children, not adults.
I find it interesting… a very small minority (what, less than 1% I believe?) of the population is confused when they look in the mirror and see the opposite of how they wish things were. (on a side note, I wish I were taller… maybe I’m trans-taller and everyone should be forced to look up at me even though I’m short … having people look down on me is uncomfortable… probably a micro aggression… but I digress.) These folks are just the kind of underdog liberals love to fight for. So, in order for them to not feel uncomfortable for a couple minutes going to the restroom that matches their original factory equipment, we’ll fight for their right to go where they choose by suppressing the rights of everyone else to NOT feel uncomfortable. See how easy it is for a liberal to decide the rights of one person outweigh those of everyone else? If people don’t like it, we’ll just call them names and insult them… there are all kinds of “obic”’s we can label them with. We’re 19 trillion in debt and this is the crap that Mr. Potato Head thinks is important. Politicians suck.
I should clarify that if I were still in high school I’d love this stuff… I’d be the first one to identify as female so I could join the girls in the showers. Thirty years out and with a daughter of my own I’m not so keen on the idea…
Mental Illness through and through.