From Harford County government:
Glassman Administration’s Final Draft of HarfordNEXT Goes Online May 4; Countywide Master Plan to Enhance Quality of Living in Harford County
On Wednesday, May 4, the administration of County Executive Barry Glassman will publish online the final draft of a countywide master plan to enhance the quality of living in Harford County. Known as HarfordNEXT – A Master Plan for the Next Generation, the draft will be accessible from the homepage of the county website Those without Internet access may arrange to view the plan by calling 410-638-3103.
In development since April 2015, HarfordNEXT is a visionary document outlining broad goals, big ideas, and actionable recommendations to guide county planning decisions through the year 2040. The Glassman administration’s balanced plan promotes opportunities for economic prosperity while protecting the county’s valued natural resources.
HarfordNEXT is a departure from previous master plans that were over 700 pages long and organized around separate “element plans” such as the Natural Resources Element Plan, Transportation Element Plan, and Priority Preservation Area Plan. HarfordNEXT unifies the separate elements into a cohesive, streamlined plan. Focus areas include land use, mobility and connectivity, environmental stewardship, agricultural and historic preservation, economic vitality, and healthy communities. A separate section highlights the unique assets and opportunities for seven planning areas that together comprise the entire county. The draft is further enhanced by infographics, specialized maps, and lists of facts and figures including population projections, building permits, and acres of land preserved.
Big ideas introduced in HarfordNEXT include holistic transportation planning that emphasizes livability over simple vehicle mobility. Other ideas include green infrastructure planning, a renewed emphasis on preservation, and “form based” zoning that considers the design and operation of a proposed development.
Community input considered throughout the development phase of HarfordNEXT was facilitated by unprecedented levels of public outreach, including a variety online engagement tools.
“I would like to thank the many citizens, businesses, and community organizations who gave us their ideas for HarfordNEXT,” said County Executive Barry Glassman. “I would also like to thank my Dept. of Planning & Zoning and Director Brad Killian for their outstanding work bringing together this shared vision for our county.”
HarfordNEXT is subject to approval by the County Council followed by submission to the state. The state of Maryland requires countywide master plans to be updated at least every 10 years.
The following is the text of a letter from County Executive Glassman introducing his administration’s final draft of HarfordNEXT:
Dear Harford County Citizens:
In May of 1608, Captain John Smith wrote the following passage in his diary as he navigated the rocks and viewed the Susquehanna River near what was to become Harford County:
“Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man’s habitation. Here are mountains, hills, plaines, valleys, rivers and brookes all running most pleasant into a faire bay.”
As a native of Harford County, I know that we live in a special place, and it is very important to me that we plan to keep it that way. Yet our maturing county is at a crossroads. As we take steps toward a vision that allows us to remain successful for the next several decades, we must find the right balance between our future and protecting our precious land and water resources.
With that in mind, I am pleased to present HarfordNEXT – A Master Plan for the Next Generation. This forward-looking and visionary comprehensive plan lays out our aspirational policies and goals in a flexible framework that will allow the county government to encourage economic growth while enhancing our quality of place. Arising from the most transparent planning process in Harford County history, HarfordNEXT is also our most accessible master plan, written in plain language for anyone to understand and share in our county’s bright future.
Our ultimate goal is to maintain and enhance Harford County’s quality of life. HarfordNEXT represents a bold and imaginative vision that will make our community stronger and prosperous for generations.
I look forward to working toward this vision and I thank you in advance for helping to make it a reality.
With every good wish, I remain
Very truly yours,
Barry Glassman
Harford County Executive
K says
Only time will tell if the holistic approach of our County’s visionaries will enhance the lives of Harford County residents. From what I see, based on current nonsensical construction, plus the invasive nature of the utopian HarfordNEXT master plan, we’re in for massive traffic congestion on pothole filled roadways.
A Realist says
Agreed!!! Build,build,build… and cut down more and more trees. Precious resources my a**.
RU KIdding says
By 2040 the quality of life in the county will be reminiscing over the loss of trees, wildlife and areas like Pylesville, Dublin or Darlington.
noble says
I like how this is a plan for decades. Just like the last one, which lasted, what, 6 years?
This is a plan for something else. And it will be replaced in 5 -10 years.
squasage says
Google image search “Baltimore lean”
Coming to a middle-class neighborhood near you.
Figure in 20 years 1/3 of the County population will be on drugs.
What? Why? I’m willing to gamble that illegal narcotics will be decriminalized at the state level (federal conflict I know) in the next 20 years.
squasage says
When I say illegal narcotics, I mean CDS other than Marijuana.
Puff the Magic dragon will be legal soon enough in this state, it’s already decriminalized. Those vape shops will be a leg up once you can buy “grass” from a commercial business.
It’s basically just ways to gerrymander votes without redistricting. More people will vote for the Democrat who made it OK for them to not worry about crimanl convictions in their self destructive habit.
Harco says
None of this will matter until the leadership of this county gets on board in better supporting its public schools. Until this school system is adequately funded all this planning for growth will be a waste. If you want to build a better county, attract new residents, attract new and vibrant businesses then you better be sure the school system has what it needs. And yea, I’m afraid that means having the courage to raise taxes.
squasage says
The County will always grow. Just not what you think
HUD, FHA, et AL will be your neighbors.
Social Justice says so.
Hedley Lamarr says
More section 8, share the misery, Fallston, Jarrettsville, Bel air. I’m in favor of anything that drives HC in the ground, as well as the Sht State of Maryland.
Harford County NEXT Citizen says
Harford County Citizens had a chance to comment on the Master Plan ON-LINE for their district. Planning and Zoning marched all around the county through Glassman’s advisory board meetings touting this and explaining their advertising campaign to the masses. I think the response was dismal at best. The Master Plan is NOT LAW! Remember that. Every step of the way decisions can be fought by its citizens and land owners. Call your County Councilman that represents your district, your Delegate, your Senator. COME TO AN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING for your Community. Barry Glassman appointed members of YOUR community so YOU could be heard yet no one shows up.