From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Detectives with the Aberdeen Police Department have filed charges in the stabbing of a 17 year old girl that occurred last week. Nineteen year old Gabrielle Joyner of Smarty Jones Terrace in Havre de Grace was charged with attempted first & second degree murder, first & second degree assault, reckless endangerment, dangerous weapon with intent to injure and concealed dangerous weapon. Joyner was arrested with the assistance of Havre de Grace Police on April 28th around 8:30 p.m.
The assault and stabbing occurred on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at around 11:18 p.m. in the Warwick Apartment Complex. The victim was driven to the Wawa on N. Philadelphia Blvd in Aberdeen where her friends called for help. The week long investigation revealed that the Joyner and the victim had argued over the image messaging application “Snapchat” prior to the assault. The argument was allegedly about Joyner’s boyfriend.
If Obama had a daughter.
Stop it. The girl in the mug shot is much too pretty to be an Obama. Obama looks like Mr. Potato head and his wife looks like Aunt Esther on Sanford and Son. There is no way she could be an Obama.
Are you sure she isn’t one of yours?
I was wondering the same thing myself.
You people are so full of hate, here is a situation where another young life is destroyed and you make idiotic comments. Grow up and stop with the hate. And for the record, the Obama’s or the best looking couple to have ever live in the white house and they have two beautiful daughter.
Stop it Word. You shouldn’t use drugs this early in the morning. Your perception is badly distorted. You might be hallucinating .
“Another life destroyed”
Am I supposed to have compassion to this arrested/suspected criminal who apparently stabbed another human being over notbing? Kiss my ass. I HATE criminals.
She was going to start college next week, she just turned her life around, she was……. aaaaaa nevermind you’ve all heard it before.
I wouldn’t want to be in the same college as her..she has anger management issues and is a bully!
Well, if you ask Hannah…she has the mind of a child. She shouldn’t be charged, she was not in her right mind since she didn’t know that stabbing someone would cause harm.
Mind of a child….
what are you talking about?…mind of a child? Really? She 100% knew what she was doing and had the faculties to take an illegal knife and try to kill someone! Mind of a child my fat aunt Hannah!
Stop it! The poor girl is just resolving conflict the way all too many AAs resolve conflict in this country. Violence! Look at Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore …..don’t call them down for it or you will be called a racist. Kind of makes the blacks lives matter argument a little weak doesn’t it.
What’s an “illegal knife”?
Thank God for the life that was not lost to this unfortunate situation. I have known the victim since she was 6yrs old a very close friend of my daughter and well mannered. Not everything in life is a joke so please stop making a joke out of the situation. Two young people’s and their family/friends lives are now changed forever and just imagine if it you yourself or family/friend in this situation how would you feel knowing that people can be so insensitive about the matter.
When you say ‘ victim ‘
Who is it you are referring to?
Smarty Jones Terrace – that is not a socioeconomically depressed neighborhood. Hmm…
Do they have any Section Eight people there?
What does President Obama have to do with this you all are so small-minded and ignorant
He has nothing to do with this incident, just like he had nothing to do with the Travon Martin incident. But of course he had to inject himself into the issue by stating that if he had a son, his son would have looked just like Travon Martin. Now, anytime someone says the same thing it is because Obama made the stupid comment to begin with.
I wish the dagger would shut off the comment feature of this site (if that’s even possible). Stop giving the idiots a forum to be ridiculous.
Never going to happen. It generates revenue. Welcome to the internet.
I know the defendant. She is not the sweet and innocent young woman everyone thinks she is. I know from first hand experience how cruel and vindictive she can be and how well she manipulates those around her and turn them on others simply because she decides she no longer likes them. I know for a fact her senior year in high school she tormented someone and bullied them to the point they went into a deep depression and still are not the same! Someone lied to the defendant about this person and instead of going to the person who supposedly was the issue, the defendant decided it was more fun to ostricise and bully this person and have others join in on her fun. She had her teachers, other parents, and school administrators fooled, but not me. To me she was nothing more than a wanna be gangster/hoodlum..which if that was her goal in life, she has more than exceeded that goal.
I lived with and am still living with the mess this defendant created for my family, She had a lot of people fooled into thinking she was a nice young woman. I have no sympathy for her! What she did was premeditated and she deserves the maximum sentence the law can impose on her! It should not matter it was her first offense, she tried to MURDER someone. No excuses and no 2nd chances. She is a bully and needs to spend the rest of her life in a cell where she can’t hurt or bully anyone else. The fact that this incident occurred because of a boy is further proof how vindictive the defendant is.
Facts are facts…her argument with the victim is documented on SnapChat, she knowingly had an illegal knife in her possession to do harm, she knew she was going to inflict harm or death with that knife, she had no disregard for the safety or well being of this young woman which equates to negligence.
The ones who I really feel sorry for are her parents. I am sure the last thing they ever thought their daughter would do is try to murder someone. Let’s not sugarcoat things. The facts of this incident and her actions speak for themselves. This is not the first time she has been vindictive and now she is starting to act out by trying to murder someone. Luckily the victim will be ok but what about the next person that does something the defendant doesn’t like? No one is safe if she is acquitted of these heinous charges. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. She must be made to understand actions have consequences and the consequence of her actions are life in prison!