From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Earlier today, Deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Division were involved in the non-fatal shooting of an adult male in the 2000 block of Stratton Court in Bel Air, MD.
At approximately 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, April 21st, Patrol Deputies assigned to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct were dispatched for the report of a suicidal subject who was reported to be drinking heavily and had fired shots from a handgun inside the home during a domestic dispute.
Information gathered by patrol deputies from witnesses at the scene identified the subject as James L. Ward, 42. Deputies also learned that Ward was suicidal and confirmed that he had fired several gunshots within the home. No injuries were reported as a result of those gunshots.
Patrol Deputies established a perimeter and moved to safeguard nearby residents. A number of additional shots were heard by responding deputies while positioned on the perimeter. Deputies assigned to the Special Response Team (SRT) of the Special Operations Division were requested to the scene and assumed command of the incident. Members of SRT, with assistance from the Crisis Negotiation Team, attempted to engage in negotiations with Ward to bring the incident to a peaceful end.
Ward remained in the residence while deputies engaged in negotiations, and repeated attempts to convince him to peacefully surrender. At approximately 2:40 p.m., when phone conversations with the suspect had ceased, Ward shot multiple rounds in the direction of deputies who were taking cover in the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Tactical Rescue Vehicle. In fear for their safety, the safety of other members of the Sheriff’s Office, and that of the surrounding community, two deputies fired upon the suspect, injuring him. Ward exited from the residence and was arrested without further incident. No deputies or civilians were injured during the incident.
Medics from the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company, who were staged in the area, immediately began to render first aid. Ward was then transported by Maryland State Police Helicopter to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center where his injuries are considered serious but not life threatening. During the incident, dismissal of students at nearby schools was coordinated with Harford County Public Schools to ensure the safety of all students.
Investigators and Forensic Service Unit Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division are conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident. The deputies involved have been placed on routine administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
It’s a tragedy what happened here today. It seems now that this messed up society has put far too much pressure on our law enforcement officers now and they have to deal with situations like this with their own. This is a sad state of affairs we are living in now in this country. Let’s see if the media makes this a black versus white issue, just compounding a bad situation. What are the answers…we need to fine them and fast. I hope all officers on both sides of this will be ok.
Thank goodness the walmart was stopped in that area just imagine the added violence that would have come to such a bucolic area.
I don’t see how this incident (or similar incidents) would be at all affected by a Walmart nearby.
The gentrified residents of Bright Oaks where all asunder at the thought of the riff raff and violent criminal types those sort of establishments would draw to their upscale neighborhood.
I know. I still don’t see the connection to this incident or a similar one.
He shot at the police f#%# him.
He did indeed. One might suspect that he wanted the police to kill him but they didn’t accommodate him. Now, over the next several months and years, the taxpayers will have a big bill to pay attempting to obtain some kind of positive outcome from this incident.
This guy was an off-duty cop. And all cops are heroes. That’s what we say anyway, even though we don’t really need police and their main function is to monopolize violence for the state.
Yep, and you can rest assured that HCSO knew that as they were responding to the scene. And instead of escalating the situation and creating justification (in their own minds) the ability to kill the offender, they proceeded with caution and care so as to not wind up shooting one of their own. If it were any standard civilian, especially one of color whose life is clearly less valuable than anyone wearing a badge, this would have been resolved quickly and the coroner would have handled the rest of the story. A mentally ill teenager beating up a sno-ball machine? BLAMMO – dead on the scene. But a cop actually shooting at others without rhyme or reason gets the kid glove treatment.
I’m actually glad it ended up this way, put me on the side of wanting less people shot by the cops, not more. It just shouldn’t be because we’re “one of the guys,” it should be the standard of conduct.
Way to make your point with misinformation. The snowball stand dude was high on drugs and picked up an atm machine before the encounter showing off his drug induced stength. He then was burglarizing the business and fought with the police. Then he was shot after assaulting the officer. Not the same as a suicidal person in the the least but hey you don’t wanna put the truth out there only wanna show your opinion.
Not even close to just the facts jack, why do you people insist on spinning what really happened to fit your native?
It’s sickening
And again that old article has info which again doesn’t show that the police officer acted brashly. We can revisit again and again your differencing of opinion in regards to your dislike of police but that article clearly shows an out of control person who after even striking a friend, along with various other crimes, then tries to fight with a police officer. I can see the issue with the end result but hardly is that result due to the officers actions. You can’t just blame one side all the time, it doesn’t work.
“doesn’t show that the police officer acted brashly.”
He murdered the kid in less than 60 seconds of arriving on scene. One of us is clearly an idiot and for a change it isn’t me.
I guess 60 seconds isn’t enough time for someone to inflict fatal injuries to another. . . again we can debate the end result for ever but you can’t blame the officer for dealing with a clearly out of control person who was assaulting him, and others before, in the manner that he did when confronted.
Unfortunately if someone is that high on mind altering drugs in which they would not only commit other crimes of violence but also attack their own friend, all prior to contact with the officer then 60 seconds would be more than enough time for the officer to be assautled, injured, and hurt. Sadly those facts so not fit into your argument since you seem to leave them out.
Granted the end result was tragic but your “mic drop” statement of a minute can be refuted nighty by fights that turn deadly in less time via any media outlet. .
What about the war veteran with PTSD who was killed by the police a little while back? Where was his preferential treatment?
@Jubal Early,
Isn’t it nice to be anonymous here! You can make completely idiotic statements and know one knows who it is that has such moronic thoughts going through their head. Getting shot by a police sniper is being treated with “kids gloves”! Look in the mirror if you are curious who posted the dumbest comment yet. You will find a complete _ss staring back.
Ignore my comments, I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Herp durppp.
@ Jubal Early
You sir are sadly misinformed. Your contempt for police is grossly apparent. The minute the suspect fired upon law enforcement he immediately was not in any ones mind a police officer. The suspect was not given any special treatment. With regards to the snowball stand incident you call him a teenager at 19 years of age. I perceive him as a young adult on drugs who after a serious of unlawful acts including attempted burglary of a fitness center, at least two assaults on juveniles in the 7-11 store, attempted assault of the BP clerk, burglary (with his bare hands) of a locked snowball stand, and then rushing a police officer and trying to obtain his weapon. If you had any real idea about being a police officer you would know a few basic things. If a man rushes a police officer who has his duty weapon pointed at him he has only one intent. That intent is to take the gun away from the officer and kill him. That sir puts a gun into play for the bad guy. Until you walked in the shoes of a police officer you will never know. PS. Are you a Sanders supporter?
Let me show you what contempt is. You mean to tell me my black friend shot how many rounds and never hit or kill not one hcso pig. What a pathetic shot. You’d think he would have a least offed one pig….Don’t waste a good time like that again. Now, don’t forget to bend over n spreadem. The pigs up at the detention centre love licking n smelling assholes…or is it smelling then licking?