From the office of Rep. Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to the Maryland State Education Association’s call on the Worcester County school system to cancel Donald Trump’s rally at Stephen Decatur High School:
“The Maryland teachers’ union should be ashamed of their undemocratic and hypocritical protesting of Donald Trump’s event in Worcester County. Their protest is a national embarrassment to Marylanders. Stephen Decatur High School is a publicly owned forum and the hardworking taxpayers on the Eastern Shore deserve to hear from the leading Republican candidate for president, as well as any other candidate running for president. The very people who are supposed to be teaching our youth about our constitutionally protected First Amendment right to free speech are obstructing it. The Maryland teachers’ union is the real bully here, and I believe they should apologize to Mr. Trump, as well as the hardworking people of the Eastern Shore, who deserve to participate fully in the election process. I applaud the Worcester County school system for agreeing to host this historic event.”
Is this a joke or does Harris really not know the Constitution. The only violation here is Andy ( a representative of the government) trying to silence the people. Which is exactly what the first amendment was to stop.
People of Maryland we really need to get Andy another job he makes us look like idiots.
You already look like an idiot. Mr. Trump has every right to speak, the first amendment affords him that right. The Teachers Union has no business in trying to shut down or deny anyone their protected right to speak. It is amazing how you take the position of the Teachers Union who has a history of trying to silence any position that does not fit their political narrative. Many people have given their lives to protect our first amendment right to free speech and it is an insult to them and to all Americans to deny anyone, especially the leading candidate running for the office of President of the United States the right to speak in a public, tax payer funded facility.
Another idiot who doesn’t understand the Constitution. You voted for Andy didn’t you.
Enlighten us with you extensive knowledge of the Constitution you moron, Andy was clearly voicing his opinion and there was nothing in his statement that infringes on the
Teachers Unions right to object Mr. Trumps rally. Andy has the right to speak his opinion
just as the Teachers Union are afforded their right to speak their opinion. If Andy proposed a bill to cut funding or block assess to schools from members of the Teachers Union you would have articulated a valid point.
Conversely, the Teachers Union tried to STOP Mr.Trump from speaking in a public building because they oppose his ideology. This is a violation of Mr. Trumps First Amendment right to free speech.
You’re clearly another jackass who votes for anyone with a “D” next to their name on the ballot that runs for a political office.
Momma you really aren’t too bright. You should be pissed at those teachers for not doing a better job educating you and Andy.
Here’s a clue for you. The teachers Union is not a part of the government and has every right to silence anyone they want. Just like the Dagger has the right to remove your dumbass embarrassing posts.
The First Amendment says THE GOVERNMENT cannot take away a persons freedom of speech. Andy as a member of the government trying to silence the union is a clear violation. You should really stop digging
You did read that this is an official release from his congressional office? He used official Congressional resources. Donald Trump, The MSEA and Andy Harris are all entitled to their own opinion and to vocalize it. Donald Trump is entitled to host a rally and to use a School according to it’s public use policy to do so. The MSEA, a private organization, is entitled to say they disagree with this. Them expressing their disagreement is not infringement as they have NO power to stop it. If a member of the group used their official capacity to deny Trump a rally without following the policy the Local Board has that would be an infringement. If Andy Harris expressed his view as a private citizen and used only his private resources to deseminate it all would be fine; However Andy Harris has crossed that line when he used Congressional resources (His official Congressional Page on the .gov server) to deseminate this view. Ethicly this is a very Grey area but can you really claim to be a Constitutional conservative outraged by Trump’s POV being oppressed while doing this. As a member of Congress he is claiming who does and does not enjoy first amendment rights.
Bottom line is Mr. Trump’s rights have in no way been infringed. The MSEA is experienced no real damage. Andy Harris is however misusing government resources!
he union that represents most teachers in Maryland called on the Worcester County school system to block Donald Trump’s campaign from using a high school gym to hold a rally Wednesday evening.
“Donald Trump and his divisive, fear-mongering rhetoric have no place in the halls of Maryland’s public schools,” Maryland State Education Association president Betty Weller said in a statement.
I assume block does not mean physically BLOCK in your world.
Just don’t show up if you don’t like him .I plan on not showing up for Clinton or sanders.
So the private association doesn’t have a right to free speech because Mr. Harris disagrees with their opinion? How constitutional of him being a bully using his official government office to suppress free speech!
How about Mr. Harris’ sticking to matters in Washington. Maybe he then might manage to get something done of a positive nature.
I’m sure the teachers union would be just as vocal in their objection to a Clinton rally. NOT!
Probably but again that is their first ammendment right! Mr Harris is using his government office to suppress that right!
Wouldn’t happen she’s smart enough to know better than use a government facility for a campaign event.
Is there no building on the shore that Trump could have rented for his event?
Ms Clinton and her campaign have used many government buildings during her campaign. There is nothing wrong with using a government building provided the campaign pays for using the space.
You asked if there is no building on the shore that Trump could have rented for his event? The answer is yes, he rented Stephen Decatur High School.
Yes I have since read that he is renting the school facility. I wonder, as someone else here has stated, if the school would rent to a NAMBLA or pedophile recovery group? How about a KKK rally? Seems as appropriate as a hate filled Trump rally.
The only people filled with hate at a Trump rally are the ones protesting it.
“The only people filled with hate at a Trump rally are the ones protesting it.”
Hitler is that you?
DISREGARD my posts.
If Black Lies Matter, La Raza, Casa De Maryland, CAIR, NAMBLA or the NBPP wanted a rally in any school in Maryland the teachers wouldn’t open their f’n mouth.
Ironically the school officials wouldn’t let any of those groups rally in a school.
You fail.
Sit on the back of the bus, where you belong “BOY”
Learning Together (LT) is led by CASA DE MARYLAND and Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS),
Learning Together (LT) is an integrated, place-based parent engagement program to build parents’ skills, confidence, and social capital to navigate the U.S. education system and decisively affect their students’ academic outcomes in spite of limited English proficiency (LEP), low education attainment, and immigrant/cultural challenges.
Is that a bad thing? When you have a generation of parents who don’t know to advocate for their child you gotta start somewhere.
Towson High School student Marcus Shaw emerged from a recent meeting with his principal believing he’d been barred from reciting a poem about his experiences as an African-American who fears the police.
Now the principal, Charlene DiMino, says she never issued such a ban and says she has told Marcus Shaw, 18, the president of his senior class, that he will be allowed to read the poem, “Believe Me,” at the school’s senior talent show Wednesday night
The poem, which was earlier published in the school’s literary magazine, Colophon, extols the value of getting an education, especially for young African-American men growing up in a society that, the poem contends, is still marred by bigotry toward blacks.
It mentions the Black Lives Matter movement and expresses the view that there are police officers who “start riots instead of keeping the peace.”
The La Plata High School World History class is currently studying Middle Eastern empires.
Charles County Public Schools said students learn how different empires throughout history were shaped by the different religions, in addition to geography, politics and culture, among other things.
The Wood family requested that their daughter be excused from the lesson on Islam and be assigned another project. The school did not allow it.
La Plata High School ultimately issued a no-trespassing order on Kevin Wood in the hopes of avoiding a confrontation on school grounds, according to Charles County Schools.
Wood said there was no reason for the order as he made no threats.
“We just want to be involved in our daughter’s education,” said Melissa Wood. “We as parents should be able to choose what our kids are learning.”
Charles County Schools told WUSA9 that the World History class is a required course in the county curriculum.
Zainab Chaudry is the Maryland Outreach Manager for CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. She said she was “saddened but not surprised” when she heard the Wood’s objections to Islam being taught in the classroom.
“Unfortunately there is a growing anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States,” said Chaudry.
Chaudry points to current events around the world – from beheadings by ISIS to kidnappings by Boko Harram – as culprits of Islam’s negative image.
The Woods argued, if you’re going to teach Islam, include those current events in the lesson.
“That’s I guess our biggest concern right now is how they’re teaching it and what is really going on right now in this world,” said Melissa Wood.
Her husband Kevin is a firefighter and retired United States Marine. Before being honorably discharged, Kevin Wood said he has been to war, fought against Islamic extremists and watched as those extremists killed his friends.
“[Schools] are not teaching about radical Islam right now – going around beheading people in America and Australia and they’re not teaching that. They’re just teaching, ‘Oh, it’s peaceful.’ And it’s not peaceful,” argued Kevin Wood.
“It’s important that if these [extremist] groups are mentioned [in schools] and that students are taught about that, that a distinction is made so students understand that these groups are not following the teachings of true Islam,” said Chaudry.
What was your source or point?
All politicians are unnecessary human beings: Trump, Sanders, Hillary and this turd Harris too. All of ’em. We know how to run our own lives better than these mediocre and venal “representatives”
The teacher’s union tried to stifle the appearance of a political candidate that they don’t support. Nothing wrong with that on the face of it. Harris pointed out the hypocrisy of their position. Nothing wrong with that either. What they said is hypocritical. The union uses the money they collect in dues to support candidates of the choice of their leadership. Not necessarily their members but their leaders. The only thing wrong I see is that even if I, as a teacher, don’t agree with the union’s support of a candidate I am still required to pay my dues so they can support stuff I don’t agree with. That’s wrong. That’s why we shouldn’t require teachers or anyone to be a member of a union if they don’t want to.
You as a teacher have every right not to join the association!
The hypocritical part is Andy released this from his congressional office!
I thought you went home?
And if you don’t belong to the union, then you should have to negotiate the terms of your employmemt by yourself. You should not be entitled to the benefits that union negotiators obtain for its members.
Hold on here….. Andy as an elected government official is calling for the silencing of the people because he does not agree with their message?
This is exactly why the first amendment was added.
Anyone know how we start the impeachment process for Andy Harris? This traitor needs to go.
Why impeach. Don’t vote for him. Primary next week and general election in fall!
Jackson, who’s running against Harris, looks good.
Next to Mr Harris, a real live donkey would garner votes.
How many school teachers “blub blub blub” from the bong yesterday at 4:20PM?
You have smoked yourself retarded.
Nah bruh. I don’t partake in inhaling or not inhaling the “cheebah” as they call it. Maybe it’s cheddar?
I was interested in how many school teachers do, though?
Why? That’s my business. Either answer, or skip the question, little doggie.
Define what Bernie means by “fair share” Say i make 100K a year. No kids in the public school system. never had fire/ambulance/police to my house. Own my house outright, never collected a disability or unemployment check. I drive on the public roads alot, I appreciate the relative safety as a legal USA citizen for foreign occupiers. How much should I pay a year in federal taxes? What is my fair share???
oh, I should add” I own a company that has 5 employees that make between 44k and 100K per year with some other perks. Ie-I sign the front of payroll checks not just the back, you may understand what that implies.
Well presumably you are one of the 5. Also the fact that you employ people doesn’t some how make you superior they provided you a service you paid them. At that moment it became their money not the company/yours!
You presumabely paid 18,000 in federal tax.Of course the schools fire and police are paid out of your local taxes.
I made no mention of my status as being superior–not sure where you got that? you are correct that my employees provide me a service for which they are paid. However, the question is what’s fair share? That went unanswered.
Lastly 18k is way off, what a lot of non-business owners don’t understand is that(at least small business LLC’s) pay personal tax on the company’s earnings–even if the owner does not take those profits/earnings “home” with them. At the end of the year, I have to leave money in my company that I paid personal taxes on–it’s at risk to be lost should the company fail at any point. I have to make payroll for my employees. So the net result is: owners pay taxes on monies that they do not get to take home. Yet, many people think just because you own a company, you a “one percenter” and therefore demonized….
You did not pay it.The LLC paid it.That is the advantage to an LLC. I understand that owning a company does not make you a one percenter. you said your take home was 100,000 and according to this years tax tables that made your FICA tax 18,000.
While you may own the LLC you keep that risk money in their to inulate you personally from lose. If you didn’t have an LLC than you would risk personal liability for the company.
Did you pay your fair share? well since it is a tax on income than you paid your fair share.
The LLC does not pay any tax. I get a K1 in addition to a w2. I pay taxes on the earnings of the company. no check in the name of my company is cut to the IRS. It’s all personal. Save for inventory tax and such.. That’s a discussion for another tax board. 10-4 on my fair share. Bernie would say otherwise though..
Understand the k1 my point is it is a trade off to not being personally responsible financially if your buisness fails.
I know he does but as I said it is an income tax. Those screwed the most are the middle class which you are part of! Although the 1 percent paid more but no longer do!
Way to keep the conversation civil WHAT? Ok here’s another site: is that neutral enough for you? It says everyone’s is getting a 2.2 increase to fund more HC. As a business owner, I’m going to get hit with an additional 6.2% payroll tax–guess what happens then.. no raises unless we are really, really successful. And since you say I’m middle class–I’m getting bumped up too: says:
Sander’s plan creates a 2.2 percent health care premium tax for households and a 6.2 percent payroll tax for employers to fund single-payer health care; a 0.2 percent payroll tax on employers and employees to fund paid family leave; and a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund free college tuition;
• Replace the top estate tax bracket of 40 percent with four brackets, taxing estates worth more than $3.5 million at 45, 50, and 55 and 65 percent; tax capital gains and dividends as ordinary income for households making over $250,000;
• Eliminate the alternative minimum tax and the cap on payroll taxes for incomes over $250,000 to expand Social Security.
Under Sanders’ plan, the top 1 percent of taxpayers would pay $525,000 more on average or about 34 percent in after-tax income, while the top 0.1 percent would dole out $3.1 million or 45 percent more in 2017, according to the Tax Policy Center.
Middle-income households would see their taxes rise by about $4,700, equal to about 10 percent of after-tax income. Those in the lowest-income bracket would pay an additional $165, or 1.3 percent.
I am being civil. The buisness is hit with the payroll tax not you personally. I agree that paying that tax costs the buisness money but it is what all businesses do.
Sorry—I wasn’t calling you uncivil CDEV. But you are not getting it. even if you were correct and say the business was paying tax–well guess what? I am the business. So I am paying the tax. If I didn’t pay so much tax; I could keep it, buy stuff with it, pass some of it to the employees, they could buy stuff or keep it.
And to you point of “it’s what businesses do” no they don’t, like you said before, they provide a service or product and get compensated for it. The problem is, the government is taking too much of that compensation…
Have a great evening–Harford county weather has been great this week. Enjoy it while it lasts. Must be that great government we have providing it LOL
When your company buys stuff or you pay your employees more money that is not a deduction for the company?
What country are you operating in?
At 100k you are solid middle class.Where have you seen Bernie wants to raise taxes on the middle class?
all tax brackets get raised by Bernie’s plan.
That would be wrong but since you use Tax Foundation and their Koch brothers bias I’m guessing you are a foxbot that prefers to be spoon fed your news.
Vote for the reality tv host with plenty of bankruptcy experience everything a president needs.
You should practice your reply skills here.
Sorry to burst your bubble but Bernie plan will actually give you a tax cut. But feel free to cast you vote to help the 1% and against your own self interest.
Thanks for the permission. But you don’t get it. I own a company, my $29,000 a month payroll is going up by 6.2 % with Bernie’s plan. That means more expenses to keep my company in business. This added burden doesn’t nothing to help me. When you sign the front of paychecks let me know. As Prez Obama says, Let’s talk over a beer sometime.
Good luck in your pursuits and paying you student and other debt.
$29000 I’m impressed…..
I just sold my business and it’s 92 employees.
Maybe one day you will get it. but I’m not holding my breath. Good luck… you clearly need it.
Yeah right. Clearly you think quite highly of yourself
17400 Falls Rd
What’s your’s or what was yours?
Just sold your business? No, kidding?
I sold a business for 3.4 million, few years ago
Just sold my other business for nearly double.
Been living in South Carolina, got another 30 rentals I’m going sell next year.
30 rentals as in houses.
Bar code solutions…. That’s just beyond cute. Dude the check I wrote to United Healthcare every month was more than you make in a year.
Oh and by the way
17400 Falls Rd
The copy write on your website is out of date by 3 years. I’m guessing there is a reason you are struggling.
As usual you talk a great game. But can’t back any of it up. Just ignore the question that you can’t answer. I feel sorry for people that have to build themselves up over a keyboard. Anyone that sold a 92 person company, if they were smart; would have a enough cash not to support bernie. It really doesn’t take as much as people think to be in the “1%” You’re just upset you still have student debt probably. Else you would have answered.
Who said anything about struggling? Nice playing with you..
Almost everyone gets a 2.2% increase. This is from his own website.
A 2.2 percent income-based premium paid by households.
Revenue raised: $210 billion per year.This year, a family of four taking the standard deduction can have income up to $28,800 and not pay this tax under this plan.
A family of four making $50,000 a year taking the standard deduction would only pay $466 this year.
Andy Harris putting the concerns of NYC Billionaires ahead of his own constituents. Nothing new here.
I must chime in here that I think Trump is a buffoon. That said, I’m having a hard time ginning up enough naiveté to convince myself that electing another – ANY other dirt bag, snake licking politician will do anything to change things in this country. We hear “rich need to pay their fair share” kicked around, yet the current snake licker didn’t do anything but stick it to the middle class even harder. Hillary snake licker says the same thing but takes hundreds of thousands for “speeches” on Wall Street… everyone wants to know what was said, but I say “what’s it matter?” She could have made armpit noises for an hour… they weren’t paying for her opinions, they were paying for influence. Who believes Wall Street elites care what Hillary thinks? What an appallingly stupid country we live in.