From teh Harford County Public Library:
Wednesday, April 13, 2016, marks National Bookmobile Day, a day set aside to celebrate our nation’s bookmobiles and the Library professionals who provide this service to the community every day. Harford County Public Library is proud of the service that our Silver Reader has provided to our assisted living, senior housing, adult medical day care, long-term care and senior centers for the last decade. The Silver Reader, with its wheelchair lift, regular and large print books, movies, magazines and audio books, provides access to seniors who might not otherwise be connected to the Library.
Harford County Public Library understands the value of partnership. Our 26 partner organizations are what make this service the success it is today. Carrie Lurz, Activities Director at Forest Hill Heights Assisted Living shared, “The Silver Reader offers an expansive variety of resources for my residents to enjoy, as well as materials that aide in providing interesting and meaningful activity programs in our Assisted Living community.”
In the spirit of celebrating National Bookmobile Day, and to recognize the tireless work of our partners at the Harford County Office on Aging, we are collecting spring cleaning supplies. Suggested donation items are small sizes of the following items: dishwashing soap, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, sponges, paper towels, multi-surface cleaner, trash bags, dustpan and broom, bleach wipes and dusters. These supplies will be distributed by the Office on Aging to seniors in need throughout Harford County. Collection will take place on Wednesday, April 13th from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the McFaul Senior Activity Center located at 525 West MacPhail Road, Bel Air, MD 21014.
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