From Maryland State Police:
On April 7, 2016 at approximately 11:19 AM, Troopers from the Maryland State Police Bel Air Barrack responded for a report of a motor vehicle collision on the Route 1 Bypass at the Winters Run Bridge, Bel Air, Maryland. During the time of the collision a heavy rainstorm was passing through the area.
Upon arrival, first responders found a severely damaged Infinity passenger car in the south bound lane and a school bus just south of the Infinity on the shoulder. The driver of the Infinity was pronounced deceased on the scene by emergency medical personnel. He was identified as Brandon Tolson, 20, of Forest Hill, MD. The driver of the school bus, Carlito Pascual, 58 of Joppa, MD, was transported to Bay View by ambulance for his injuries.
The investigation revealed that the Infinity was travelling north on the Rt. 1 bypass prior to the Winters Run Bridge. As the vehicle entered a curve it spun out of control and into the path of the school bus when the two vehicles collided.
This is so horrific! God be with the Family and Friends of this young man.
My heart hurts for you!
So sad….
Slowing down for poor road conditions can save a life and it could be your own.
If you don’t know the exact details, keep ur advice to ur self! That young man was my cousin and he was a great driver. He was cautious. Not enough that an incredible person was killed, but anyone can stick their noses in and give “advice.” Anyone can lose control of a vehicle in a downpour, on a curve… even you.
Then I suppose you know the exact details then? Just because he was family, and you believed him to be a good driver, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.
Yes, anyone can lose control in a downpour…especially when driving too fast for conditions. Cars don’t just magically lose control, there has to be an external force to cause it.
Sorry for your loss.
You got the “Pig” part of your name right.
It’s a plrsuaee to find someone who can think so clearly
Winter; I am an old fart so I don’t understand “plrsuaee”. If you could take the time to enlighten me, it would be very informative and you would be helping an old fart to get on board with the latest…
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Terrible day.
Just this morning while sitting cars deep in a traffic light, some impatient asshole tore ass across double yellow in opposing traffic, racing their engine to the turn lane (green arrow), narrowly avoiding a “t-bone” style COLLISION as a driver up a head left enough space for a car to perpendicular drive from a parking lot and get into the turn lane, I heard the tire squeal from 60 feet away that asshole locked them up so hard not to crash into that guy.
This young man might be alive today if the the dividing wall promised years ago when a family was killed by a car crossing the center line had been installed. When are the press and citizens going to hold politicians and State authorities to their promises?
How many dividing walls, barriers, traffic safety devices et al do we need?
What’s its going to come down to (think: future) is self driving cars.
The operator won’t be able to speed, the car will slow down in adverse conditions, etc.
The problem is not because there isn’t enough safety, the problem are careless, inattentive operators (not saying the person in the news article is such).
“If that utility pole wasn’t there. I wouldn’t have totaled my car.” Think long and hard at how ridiculous that is, perhaps “If I was driving correctly, I wouldn’t have crashed” applies to over 90% of the MVC’s in this county.
Someone crashing into a safety barrier can sustain major trauma just as well.
I opined to my husband just today that it would be convenient if speed limit signs would send a signal to be picked up by the car’s computer so that it could warn the driver when this limit was exceeded.
At the time I was traveling down Rt. 152 at 60 miles an hour with no traffic in from of me. I was appalled when I look at the speedometer and discovered my error. I of course quickly reduced my speed and paid closer attention to the speed limit as I travelled on down the road.
That was my exact thoughts too! Mandatory headlights! Where’s the wall???
May I ask what headlights (during the day and in good weather conditions) are going to do? If someone can’t see a red… blue… white… whatever color car/truck… then what exactly is making it mandatory to drive with them on going to really do?? If they “can’t” see a car in the day light then I’m pretty certain they still wouldn’t see that same car just because the headlights are on… it’s already law when weather conditions require… that i agree with. Seems like a waste of time as well as resources… if i’m missing something… please do tell… just seems pointless… I wonder about this every time I’m on the bypass…
If we can’t see the other cars, we shouldn’t be driving. That’s why we get our eyes checked when we get a DL. That’s why driving and texting is illegal. That’s why DUI is illegal. It’s not about responsibility, it’s about common sense. If we don’t care about driving and be responsible adults, it is careless driving.
It;s all about generating revenue. There is no real traffic reason for headlights on a road where passing is illegal.
I quite disagree. The whole point of running with your headlights on, mandatory or otherwise, is to make your vehicle more visible to oncoming traffic. It’s not whether you think you can see down the road without the lights. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve encountered dark vehicles blending into the road surface and driving imprudently. BTW, how many readers realize that you’re supposed to turn on your headlights when you run your windshield wipers? It’s a law. And it’s for the same reason: Ensuring oncoming traffic can see you, especially in conditions of lowered disability. But since common sense is in such short supply on the roads, we get attempts to legislate behavior.
Headlights on do attract your attention better than no headlights. Your eyes respond to movement and light. Why do you think there are all these web advertisements with light and motion? They want to attract your attention.
The accident was with a full sized yellow school bus in the middle of the day Which I can guarantee you had it’s headlights on.
Sp what is the point you are trying to make?
Mandatory headlights (daytime) prevented this and previous motor vehicle crashes how?
Please tell me how a large number of Harford County distracted drivers (cell phone) will be able to see head lights (and brake lights) when they crash while looking down at their phone?
Thkining like that shows an expert’s touch
Yea we need bigger government to help us in our lack of driving skills.
Ahhh the republican lack of responsibility solution.
It’s the Dems who want bigger government to take care of us. The Repubs, at least the true conservative ones want smaller government. But that wouldn’t fit your stupid narrative and allow you to rant. Go have some free cheese and shut up.
Rather than a divider, what we need is completion of the entire length of the bypass to two lanes each way with a median, and ramps/bridges instead of the traffic light. This would have two benefits: a safer bypass and less traffic in the overcrowded intersections on Business Route 1 in Bel Air.
Funny, I was driving in the middle of that rain storm too. I didn’t need any barriers or head lights or any other help.. I just slowed down and was fine.
OK, I’ve been up too long. That should be “lowered visibility,” not “lowered disability.”
A terrible tragedy and loss for the friends and family of this young man. There are no words.
(I do have some words for those who use this space to crow about how this could have been avoided, if only the world was run by you. You all are so pathetic, shame on you)
The Dip***t was driving too fast and/or not paying attention. “Accident” was ENTIRELY his fault for being stupid! Walls and signs and headlights don’t change stupid! I’m not saying he deserved it – but I am saying it was entirely his own fault!
Slow down in bad conditions, pay attention to what you are doing and pray that another idiot like him doesn’t hit you.
There was a sudden downpour and he hydroplaned. He overcorrected to get control of the car and swerved into the bus. He wasn’t drunk or texting; he hydroplaned. This is something that could happen to anyone, especially a young driver.
You have a lot of class, getting online just to call a deceased young man names. From all accounts, he was a good kid, a good soul. The same can’t be said for people like you.
i pray this NEVER happens to you or one of your loved ones
This wouldnt have happened if that school bus wasn’t on the bypass.
I see it clear, time to ban school busses from the bypass and all other roads a committee of well paid people study where motor vehicle operator negligence is rampant.
Keep us posted; tell us when your vision becomes reality.
No problem. The reality is, it isn’t far away.
The way our local .gov operates and the way our country is going, I can definitely vision how lawsuits, social warrior justice, and ecetera will prevent a school bus from droving on a “dangerous road.”
That vision is far fetched from you?
How many bus stops are on the Bypass?
Right. The Bus Route would be extended minutes to avoid said “dangerous” road.
Keep us posted; tell us when your vision becomes reality.
BTW…the word is (words are) “et cetera”.
I know what the words are. I just love trolling you types.
Cool story, bro.
Sarcasm *keep us posted* right.
It’s not really out of the question. I believe major safety changes would come to School Busses before anything else. Something like airbags, seating improvements, seat belts (?).
I have no clue, but I can tell you everything operates as reactionary. I fear the day that a mass casaulity school bus accident due to an inattentive, negligent driver will spark controversial debate to change something.
Scratch ya ass all you want. I remember the 350 Small block Chevy under the hood of the bus burning the tires going up a hill while it was snowing. Now they close school if it might snow
You don’t think some roads deemed “dangerous” in 10-15 more years when there are more people crashing, more people under the influence and distracted driving?
Okay. LOL
We are coming up on a year since the 20 year old young man died, The only comment that got it right was “he hydroplaned”
He wasn’t speeding or texting.
It was an awful accident. I pray for all of you with the snarky comments that nothing like this happens to anyone you love. I loved him and miss him everyday
It was a tragic accident regardless of the cause. May God give you solace in your grief. Know that there are many of your neighbors, including me, who grieve with you. Thank you for reminding us of the truth about this tragedy.