A cigar humidor containing more than 2,000 cigars was among the property lost when fire destroyed an outdoor shed in Pylesville on Wednesday evening.
Just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday, emergency personnel were dispatched to the 4000 block of Heaps School Road in Pylesville after the report of an outdoor shed fire. The owner of the home was asleep and awoke to small explosions. Upon checking the source, he observed his shed on fire. The 24′ x 32′ shed was mainly used for recreational purposes and was equally divided for both a TV/recreational room and wood shop.
Fifty firefighters from the Whiteford Volunteer Fire Company responded to the single-alarm blaze and had it under control within 20 minutes, but not before the shed and all its contents were considered a total loss. The Office of the State Fire Marshal estimated $25,000 in damage to the structure and another $25,000 in damage to the shed’s contents.
No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire, which was discovered in the interior of the shed by the homeowner, remains under investigation.
50 firefighters for a shed fire, 2 put the fire out and 48 stood around smoking cigars
Phenomenal response in my book. To have that many volunteers ready and willing to respond to help, at no cost to the tax payer, while the majority of us were getting fatter at the dinner table is truly amazing. Great job Whiteford!
Unbelievable response, no cost to taxpayers?? How often do you receive a donation “Bill” from the FD. Who is paying for 50 firefighters and equipment for this response, nothing is free. A little over kill don’t ya think.
Listening to Broadcasting/Harford Fire and EMS, I’ve formulated that a “call” comes in, and at se point a “ranking officer” usually from the “first due” company, such as the Chief, Assistant Chief et al is deemed the ‘incident commander.’
I have listened where aforementioned “incident commander” talks to ‘dispatch’ and other ‘units’ by requesting MORE or ‘calling off’ the units enroute as the aforementioned ‘incident commander’ see’s fit for the particular incident they are ‘commanding.’
I don’t know if you are a renter or a home owner. If you do own a home do the math and see what a paid fire and ambulance service would cost you as county property owner at property tax time. God bless and thanks all of the fine volunteers.
FYI: Ambulance service provided by the Volunteer Fire Companies is not free. Not only that, they are not “Preferred Providers” under Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
Let’s play Jeopardy! Under the category ” ‘How Many’ Jokes”. Hedley has already given the answer. The question is:
What is “How Many Firefighters does it take to subdue a burning humidor?”
How much weed was wrapped up in the Cigars?
I don’t care who you are, that’s funny!
For all those who think we don’t pay for volunteer fire service, realize that each of the 12 companies gets some money from the county government. As you can find on the Sun web site right now, each company gets six figures, from Bel Air’s not quite one million to Whiteford’s almost $360,000. So, yes, we’re paying for volunteer service.
OTOH, I’m reminded of the (probably apocryphal) story about the guy who had something like (I’ll say) 40 Cuban cigars insured. Now, I can’t think of any insurance company that would actually issue that policy; but as comedians like to say, you buy the premise, you buy the bit. He insured these 40 cigars against loss; but then, of course, he smoked them. He then claimed damages for the loss of the cigars, since they were lost to fire. As the story goes, the case went to court, where a judge ordered the insurer to pay on the claim, since the 40 cigars were lost to fire. The insurer then turned around and had the policy holder charged with 40 counts or arson, for which the policy holder was sent up the river. Like I said: You buy the premise, you buy the bit.
That’s “40 counts of arson,” before the grammar police show up.
In me shed, shed, my lovely little shed,
might as well get a Chesterfield, a toilet, and a bed.
It’s the only place I can go and tinker with my toys,
Or go and find solitude with a bunch of ugly guys.
“The Shed Song” – Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers
Many a fire is caused by friction between the insurance policy and the mortgage.