From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On Thursday, March 24, 2016, at approximately 12:47 AM, the Aberdeen Police Department received a report of a pedestrian struck by a commercial motor vehicle (tractor and trailer) westbound at US Rt. 40 near Carol Avenue. Officers responded and located a male lying injured in the roadway.
At the time of the crash the pedestrian was crossing a dimly lit section of US Rt. 40 in a non-crosswalk, non-intersection portion of the roadway.
The male sustained significant injuries and was transported by Maryland State Police Medevac to University of Maryland Shock Trauma.
The identity of injured pedestrian is known and is being withheld. At the time of this report the pedestrian is listed in critical condition.
The exact cause of the crash is under investigation
In a dimly lit area, one would think the pedestrian would be able to see the lights from the truck, assuming he actually looked before ambling out into the street.
Way too many people cross expecting drivers to stop for them rather than the other way around.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Wow. I’m sure your kind words will be of great comfort to his family.
“Seriously?”, do us a favor, go high five a bus.
If a pedestrian has never driven a car or truck, than they usually don’t understand it’s capabilities. Most people driving cars don’t understand the limited capabilities of a large truck. It would be like stopping a train. I cringe every time somone stand in the road waiting for the road to clear, they don’t seem to realize that the mirrors on the side of trucks are at their height and that if a truck is pulling a trailer, the mirrors reach out 2 feet from the side of the truck.
I am surprised the article isn’t saying if the truck stopped or if it was a hit and run. I am a little surprised though, I don’t remember seeing anybody J-walking when I lived there in aberdeen. That was back when nobody followed the 30mph speed limit though.
That’s a nasty intersection for pedestrians and traffic.
To the Aberdeen resident who said play stupid games win stupid prizes you are a complete asshole….the person but is my family and I wish that I could meet you so I could spit on you…you have no idea the details or the person so you should just shut the he’ll up
That’s pretty foul, you’re going to spit on someone based on words typed on a news articles comment?
Who raised you? A trash can?
By the way, where would you like to spit on me? How about meeting me in a Police agency parking lot?
Put your money where your mouth is.
Gee Kelly, you sure get around. Are you the same Kelly that is taking up for the POS that was just busted for shooting someone. You must have graduated from the same school that he did. Your grammar is awful and by the way., it should be ‘shut the hell up’ not ‘shut the he’ll up’. Just trying to help you better yourself. Maybe you can get a job and get off of the public dole.
I would like to say the person that got hit is still in critical condition and is down shock trauma fight for his life how do know because that is my cousin yes he was walking at night he did look both ways the drive did stay on the scene
Reading these comment’s from the family members, I’m going to go out on a limb and say these are Obama’s cousins and the victim here is the driver of the vehicle that hit the guy that walked out in front of the car.
Who cares? You’ll never meet then,just talk about them from the Internet.
My guess a zombie
West bel air Ave, Pulaski highway. Amtrak station.
Any given day there are tons of zombies hanging out by the foot bridge over the tracks doing the tweeker shuffle.
What’s a tweeker shuffle? Usually involves someone with their pupils dilated, eyes wide open, they usually have an enormous amount of body lean like gravity on earth is messed up just in that spot, and they usually sway left and right a little.
Im sure your not only rude, but disrespectful comment brings much comfort to the many hard working commuters that use that foot bridge daily! They way some of you people speak is sickening! Maybe if our county would do more to help the homeless and addicted, there would be less people wandering the streets to get hit by the many motorists who carelessly ignore the speed limit through Aberdeen! You should spend more time trying to help others instead of judge others!!!!!
I should help others?
Why don’t you invite all these people over to your home to hang out? Maybe for dinner?