From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
The Harford County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a burglary that occurred in the 2200 block of Churchville Road in Bel Air at approx. 4 am, this morning.
One suspect has been apprehended. The second suspect remains at large and we, along with allied law enforcement partners, are conducting a manhunt, actively searching for his location. He is identified as Blaze Lavan Jerome Hollingsworth, a 24 year old black male, with long dreadlocks. He is considered to be armed and dangerous.
Area schools are on lock down as a precautionary measure.
Please dial 911, if you see anything suspicious or believe you see the suspect.
Anybody in Northern Harford County be sure to aim for center mass.
String em all up!!
Stunner that this crime was committed by black males.
Previous commenters – I truly hope and pray that a black police officer gets to have the pleasure of pulling over your confederate flag waving a hole-driving pickup trucks while chuckling at your surprisingly short fingers as he hands you your citations. We all know your racist bluster is because you need to compensate for your micro-peni. Good thing your mommas are there with some tweezers when you need release since no one else loves you.
The teacher of the year is in N.Harford and yet the above commenting idiots still came out of that system. Looks like lots more work to do,
The best doctor in the world can’t prevent the guy who lays on his couch all weekend guzzling beer, smoking, and eating bacon sandwiches from having a heart attack.
So what does bad cholesterol, high blood pressure and poor diet have to do with this article? Going off topic?
Medical Doctors and their ilk are partly to blame for the narcotic abuse and addiction. If you and your ilk didn’t give some 18 year 50 pills of pain killers for a tooth ache, we wouldn’t have as many neighborhood tweekers walking around at night yanking on car door handles.
Got ilk?
You just made yourself a part of “that” system. I would add that everything they said is true.
Go back to the city where you came from. Don’t move out here and try to change us with your liberal ways. Go back to Baltimore and vote for the commie Bernie
It doesn’t make any difference what color the guy is, he’s obviously a piece of filth who deserves what ever he reaps. It’s just another reason to put the bad guys/girls away for a long time. I suspect this is not Blaze’s first encounter with the criminal ( justice? ) system.
Right “Dr. D” the best doctor wouldn’t prevent someone’s set in stone behavior.
It surely couldnt be family unit, religion, morals, integrity, going to school, having employment either.
Has anybody heard if they caught this POS yet?