From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
Bomb technicians from the Office of the State Fire Marshal and Harford County Hazmat Team responded to the Harford Waste Disposal Center in Street on Monday morning after a suspicious item discovered was in a Dumpster.
A citizen observed a person dispose of a wooden crate with military markings into a Dumpster. The citizen questioned the person and they advised they were cleaning out their grandfathers house and came across the crate. The citizen later notified Harford County Waste Disposal Center personnel who called 911. Bomb technicians with the Office of the State Fire Marshal were later requested and responded.
An inspection of the discovered items was completed and it was determined the items in question were cardboard tubes used to store 105 mm TPDS-T – a M724A1 cartridge used for gunnery training in tank mounted 105 mm gun cannons. No rounds were actually inside the tubes.
Couldn’t one of those MES personnel standing around doing nothing; actually check the load? When I asked last week why 4 people were standing around, I was told they were there to check loads and make sure garbage is put in correct places. But this isn’t as bad as the women operating a loader at the yard waste facility smashing the cab of a pickup truck causing the windows to blow out! Ohhhhhhh I bet that’s residents gonna get a new truck!
It’s the culture we live in now, bro.
It would behooved that individual to use more subterfuge in everything they did in trashing completely lawful, spent and inert munition remnants.
ignorance is not bliss when the public is full of fuhkn’ ignorant (and nosey) people on top of your own ignorance.
I’m not sure who couldn’t discern a cardboard box and cardboard containers other than calling the “authorities” but it’s hilarious that there are some real dumbasses out there.
If it was me, I would have spray painted the wood box, and broke it apart.
Then I would have cut up the cardboard containers.
Man…If I had known they were going to trash that stuff, I would have snarfed it up! That would make a great lamp!
So, it is now illegal to own spent casings? Unreal…..nosing farking people. This is NOT newsworthy
Where in this article did it say that the person couldn’t keep the spent casings? Did they go into the person’s home and take them? That might be justification for calling people nosey. But the person was disposing of them in a dumpster at a public landfill. Sounds to me like the person didn’t want them anymore to begin with, and whoever saw them thought it was odd to see someone dumping shell casings with military markers on them.
You’re right, though. This is definitely not newsworthy.