From Del. Glen Glass:
Maryland State Delegate Glen Glass from Harford County will have his Smart Meter bills heard on March 11, 2016 in the Economic Matters Committee at 1pm. The two Smart Meter bills are House Bill 1354 and House Bill 1355. Delegate Glass will also be having a Press Conference on smart meters just before the hearing at 12:45pm on Friday, March 11 in room 145 in the Lowe House Office Building.
Delegate Glen Glass plans to address the topic of BGE Smart Meter installation within the state of Maryland. He feels that there needs to be a serious discussion regarding the disrespectful treatment of constituents as well as a review of the installation procedure conducted by BGE. He also wants to discuss the dangers, health concerns, privacy invasion that Smart Meters pose, and the proposed rate hike.
Delegate Glass said “There are numerous incidents where BGE installers have conducted their installation practices with poor regard for customer decision. Smart Meters are being placed on their customer’s houses in replacement of analog meters without their consent. There have even been cases when a consumer opposes the installation of a Smart Meter on their house, yet it is installed anyway. A single mom had the cops called on her for refusing a smart meter, and others were told there was a $75 monthly fee which is actually an initial fee of $75 and then a fee of $11 per month. A lady became sick when she moved into a condo with smart meters, two days after she moved out she was fine”. Delegate Glass says, “Smart meters have caused nearly 1000 fires and are a big brother invasion of privacy, monitoring our activity. Smart meters make your bill increase. Last year BGE installed a smart meter on my house without permission, my bill doubled! “It is time for this bi-partisan bill to become law, allowing the citizens of Maryland to come first, not the MONOPOLY Utility companies.”
Delegate Glass continues “BGE has put in a request for a huge rate hike. This has been the real purpose of smart meters all along: make mad money for BGE. All these claims about passing all these savings along to the ratepayer are inaccurate. BGE wants an extra $15.20 per month or $182.40 per year from each ratepayer. This increase is across the board with even those opting out being forced to pay for the smart meter program and rate increase if BGE gets its’ way. This extreme rate increase by BGE and all the other rate increases over the years, are regressive; they hurt the poor, minorities, low income, and the elderly the most.” There are to be 5 public hearings on the proposed increase. and Delegate Glen Glass are attending the final hearing at the Public Service Commission headquarters at 6 St.Paul Street on March 17th. This hearing starts at 6:00 PM, and plans to have a rally outside of the building starting at 5:00 PM.
Delegate Glen Glass is a leader in the fight against smart meters and is working with to pass legislation and protect the citizens from Maryland from the many dangers of smart meters. You should also know How To Relocate When Battling With Respiratory Problems Like Asthma.
On the contrary, since the installation of the smart meter, I’ve felt more energetic then ever, and haven’t felt sick ever since.
The most scary thing in the world is that Harford County Voters actually allow this man to represent them in Annapolis. He is the joke of the legislature and by representing this county, that make us the butt of many jokes. The “data” he has to support this big conspiracy is that a woman got sick and then better in two days! She is likely as looney as he is!
The sad–and indeed scary– thing about this is that we have a bunch of people like him representing us at various levels of government. Let’s start with the mayor of Aberdeen….Then there’s our state delegate who thinks she’s the second-coming of Sarah Palin….
how do people like this get elected. “NOBODY” voted for the person then how are they in office? obviously more like the person than NOT…………..unless the claim is the “election was fixed”
“Delegate” Glen Glass is a “one trick pony” (or should I say “ass”). This is the ONLY “issue” that his pea-sized malfunctioning brain has focused on since he was sworn in to office for his first term (and this idiot was re-elected to a second term, coming in FIRST PLACE!) Wake the F#$K up District 34! This guy is a total embarrassment to Harford County! Don’t believe me? Just ask ANY Delegate or Senator from Maryland (Republican or Democrat), and it they answer honestly (and I know, it may be tough being honest AND a politician), they will tell you that this guy is a moron and a total waste of tax payers money.
BGE is heavy-handed with smart meters but the new rate hikes on distribution charges may make sense IF it means a) that the much more significant reduction in natural gas / oil prices and lower electricity generation costs are correspondingly passed along to us, b) BGE uses the distribution money to speed improvements that we’ve long wanted like burying power lines and improving grid reliability. Dunno if actually happening but this should be a negotiation, not a fight, and certainly not a circus that escapes the realm of reality and reason as Del Glass appears to be attempting.
If voters would take just some time to look or listen to a candidate they would have heard this non-sense during the last campaign. It is his only issue. I do believe that if you sleep with a working smart meter next to your head in bed it may not be good for you. And I believe that there were 1000 fires nationwide in houses with smart meters. Where are the fire department reports that directly blamed the smart meter? Facts seem to be mysteriously missing from this “National Enquirer” type story. I have heard this fighting like a tiger story of Del Glass on countless occasions. It has been 6 years of fighting like a tiger. When in the hell is the tiger going to win anything. Seems more like the cowardly lion in terms of success fighting. Is BGE rude in their treatment of customers in the installation process? Probably…do something about that…and then move on to more meaningful business in Annapolis. Virtually nobody gives a damn about this…they just vote for the guy waving every morning during an election year because he doesn’t have another job to go to. This is his full time employment…it was never meant to be that way in state government. Mr. Glass has 2 more years to prove your vote for him worthy…my guess is he will ask for 4 more as the fighting Tiger who is still winless.
The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies wireless radiation as a 2B carcinogen.
Everyone should watch this video and educate themselves:
This woman is about as nuts as Glen Glass. Tin Foil Hats anyone? 🙂
It will also keep UFO’s and elephant stampedes away.
I got in the car today and Glen was speaking on about smart meters on WCBM. I almost lost my lunch and had to turn it off. Too bad smart meters don’t put out waves to make you smarter, Glenn could use a warehouse full.
I thought one of the justifications behind smart meters was that they would lower BG&E’s costs. Why, then, are they going back to the PSC hat in hand for higher rates TO COVER THE COST OF THEIR SMART METERS!!?? You listening, BG&E? EAT IT!!!
The only reason for BG&E to install the meters was to improve their bottom line. Now that some family member of some top executive has reaped the benefit of selling the meters, the savings will be passed on to the top executives in bonuses. Wouldn’t you like to know how much the top dogs make?
“A lady?!?” “He feels?!?” Who are the “constituents” receiving “Disrespectful treatment?!?” “He also wants” “BGE Installers” “customer decision” “customer’s houses” “had the cops called” “make your bill increase” “my bill doubled” “a huge rate hike” “make mad money for BGE” “passing all these savings…” this is our representative?!? It’s one thing to talk like this in public but to actually put it down in writing? lol and somebody allowed him to send this?