From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) is pleased to announce that the 2016 Congressional Art Competition is now open for submissions. The competition, supported by the Congressional Institute, Southwest Airlines, and the House of Representatives, recognizes talented high school artists around the country. Winners from each congressional district will be eligible to attend the National Reception in Washington, D.C.
All high school students in Maryland’s First Congressional District are encouraged to apply. A winner from each congressional district will be chosen to display his or her artwork in the U.S. Capitol building for one year.
“Every year the Congressional Art Competition highlights the artistic talent in Maryland’s First District,” said Congressman Harris. “I am continuously impressed by the submissions we receive and am honored to display the First District runners-up in my office. I eagerly anticipate seeing the winning piece from the First District hanging on the wall in the U.S. Capitol.”
Since the first Congressional Art Competition in 1982, over 650,000 high school students have submitted their art work to the competition judges. For full competition guidelines and the student release form, please visit Congressman Harris’ website at Go to the “Serving You” tab at the top of the screen and click on “Art Competition.”
The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 22, 2016.
Does this mean that our illustrious representative will start voting to provide monies for NEH, NEA, NPR, and other programs to promote the arts in the U.S. ?
So kids would be unable to draw or paint unless taxpayers subsidize national public radio? That’s a leap…
There’s a reason the term is “starving artist” and not “obese artist.”
This is just what the country needs now; more money spent on “arts” instead of math and science. Art will not create middle class income producing jobs in the global economy.
This country and Maryland;s first congressional district need to look at the big picture. This country is head over heals in debt with a bottom line that all the assets of every American will not pay off. We need to become a export producing economy again. I don’t see the BRIC countries being interested in buying motel art from a bankrupt country.
Where is your head Congressperson Harris? Do something to help rebuild the middle class in this country and then we can afford to applaud the artist achievements of public school students.
I really don’t think it’s going to cost the taxpayers that much to hang a student’s painting up in the Capitol. Absolutely times are dire, but that doesn’t mean we can’t encourage students to live and dream just a little bit. Yes, if we all worked in factories, ate ramen noodles every night and wore the same colored clothes, we might be a little better off financially…but is that really the life we want to live?
Is this the same “Forever Amber” who so enthusiastically supported the heroin play? That’s high schoolers making art instead of producing exports too, you know.
I wonder if you would have been so critical of this program if someone other than Harris was associated with it?
The lifestyle you describe is awful to contemplate. I just think more emphasis should be placed on Math and Science – such as the Science Fair.
The world would be a much sadder place without the beauty the arts give us. However, it is hard to appreciate this beauty on an empty stomach.
This country is in debt to the tune of $222 Trillion dollars. This is more than the GDP of the entire world. There are two ways out of this mess. Debt contraction or increased export production.
Debt contraction means that wealth is wiped out with no return. This means your savings can be wiped out without any recourse. The FDIC is only as good as the Fed is solvent. Our last bank bailout nationalized (this means giving it to the taxpayers) private debt to the tune of several TRILLION dollars. This country cannot keep printing fiat money backed by nothing more than thin air. This is debt your children and grandchildren will inherit unless we, their parents, do something right now.
Improving our balance of trade is another way
.Isn’t it bad enough that the good paying jobs in this country, the ones that support a middle class level of life are going and there ain’t no bringing them back unless we become more competitive in the global market.
And yes, I am the Forever Amber who is wildly enthusiastic about bringing the “Addicted” production to the High Schools. Art with a message is a blessing. As Shakespeare said, The plays the thing to raise the conscious of the king.
It’s no wonder our children find escapism in drugs. America is not the land of opportunity is once was. About 50% of college graduates can not find employment, but they still have high interest loans for their college education they have to pay for.
Our economic recovery depends on giving our children a chance for a life at least as good as their parents have. We must save our children from the economic disaster facing this country and we are going to need the help of our children and grandchildren to do it. They can’t help if their lives are wasted in the pursuit of drugged euphoria.
Amber—can you point out to me where Harris talked of spending more on arts? I read the article three times, and from what I can tell, this is a just a competition for high school artists to submit their work, with the winners having their work displayed in the US Capitol. I didn’t see anything about increased government spending in this area, but you seem pretty upset about it.
Here…read this article. Maybe it will help you get a better perspective on how much the government spends to support the arts, although from your comments, I don’t believe you would be happy until the government spent zero on the arts.
And yes…until the US becomes an exporting country, is out of debt, and has a strong middle class, we certainly should discourage children from painting pictures, and we definitely should not publicly honor them or their work.
I wonder if you feel the same way about young athletes?
Yes, I think young athletes are a very good thing. An active young person is a healthy young person. A healthy young person is better able to absorb the difficult and often tedious subject matter in Math and Science – subject matter that leads to wonderful new discoveries like the Intel microprocessor.
There is no money spent. The winning pieces are pit in display at the capitol. Some really outstanding work done by a really talented bunch of kids and the bonus is it costs you almost nothing.
I appreciate your response. It is apparent that I did not closely read the article.
My point still stands; more emphasis should be placed on math and science, However I concede that the humanities are essential as exemplified in the following:
Science tells us that we could clone dinosaurs, but the humanities make us ask if we should.
I’ve yet to find a practical application for all that algebra I took…… just saying…..
I disagree. I use algebra frequently. I’m still trying to figure out how much silver a 90% silver dollar must weight in order for it to have a one ounce troy of pure silver. Lets see… .9X = something where X is the weight of a 90% silver dollar. I’m still working on this one.
I could be mistaken, but I think it depends on the speed at which the silver dollar is travelling when it encounters the westbound train. Like I said, could be mistaken.
.9X = 1 ounce silver
X = 1 / .9 = 1.11111 ounce
So to have one ounce of silver, the coin would weigh 1.1111 ounce. You’d have 0.11111 ounce of alloy in the coin.
Remember that silver (and gold) is weighed in Troy ounces, which are a little bigger than the ounces we use for regular weighing.
Thank you for the answer. This has been bugging me for a few days.
Who says you can’t learn anything from the comments to The Dagger?