From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Division were involved in the fatal shooting of a 35 year old male in the 300 block of Althea Court in Bel Air.
Patrol Deputies assigned to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Southern Precinct were dispatched for the report of a suicidal subject at approximately 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 2nd.
Upon arrival, deputies attempted to initiate contact with the male subject by personal contact and phone. After 30 minutes of deputies attempting to engage the subject in conversation, he exited the rear of the residence and fired a gun, causing deputies to seek cover. The suspect then retreated back inside the residence. No one was injured at that time.
After the suspect’s gunfire, Patrol Deputies established a perimeter and moved to safeguard nearby residents. Deputies assigned to the Special Response Team of the Special Operations Division were requested to the scene and assumed command of the incident. Members of the Special Response Team, with assistance from the Crisis Negotiation Team, attempted to engage in negotiations with the suspect to bring the incident to a peaceful end.
After extensive attempts at negotiation, and repeated attempts to convince the suspect to peacefully surrender, he exited the residence in the direction of deputies. His actions caused Harford County Sheriff’s Office Deputies to be in fear for their personal safety and that of the surrounding community leading deputies to fire upon the suspect, mortally wounding him. No deputies or civilians were injured during the incident.
Following the shooting, members of the Office of the State Fire Marshall conducted a thorough search of the residence to ensure no improvised incendiary or explosive devices were within the residence or surrounding area.
Investigators and Forensic Service Unit Detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division are conducting a comprehensive investigation into the incident.
During the initial investigation, several firearms were seized from the residence. Upon completion, the investigation will be forwarded to the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office for routine review. The deputies involved have been placed on routine administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
What did the man do when “exiting the building in the direction of the deputies” that caused them to be in fear of their safety?
Why don’t you go to HCSO and ask them yourself. But I’d say after a suspect exited and fired at officers, that pretty much takes the “hug approach” off the table. But feel free to play home keyboard lawyer! Btw this was Bel Air not Abingdon Dagger!
Althea Court is in Abingdon.
No it’s not, it’s in Bel Air and the zip code is 21015.
Edgewood North.
You must be a new comer to the neighborhood. This area was once called Abingdon and when the developers came in they started calling it Bel Air South because they knew everyone wanted to live in Bel Air. The 21015 zip code circles Bel Air 21014. One day soon the people that live in the Abingdon area of the 21015 zip code will wake up to a new zip code.
Wondering what happened does not equate to armchair attorney. Curiousity used to be viewed as a sign of intelligence.
Did you read the whole article? The article said in about 3 paragraphs where it states they were in fear for their safety, that ” he exited the rear of the residence and fired a gun, causing deputies to seek cover. The suspect then retreated back inside the residence. No one was injured at that time.”
The second time he came out he went towards the officers.
So, in short, he had a gun and had already fired it once and was then coming towards them is the reason they were in fear….as anyone would be.
I agree the deputy was in fear of their lives. Do me need to see more officer killed. The deputy did the right thing
yes, what is that about?!
It’s Country Walk in Bel Air- not that this can’t happen anywhere.
You are correct, please excuse my Edgewood North comment, it is racist and I apologize for being a complete idiot.
How is Edgewood North a racist comment?
People in ALL zip codes can lose their minds.
I pray for the day when we can do something for the mentally ill other than shoot them.
Clearly a case of suicide by cop. Considering recent events I can understand the police being a little quick to fire, but from other news agency presentations it is said that when he came out the front door, there was no real threat, just one that was misperceived.
Unfortunately the other idiots on this site are too busy arguing over what to rename the area that it happened in.
Right, because you can believe everything the media reports. Especially when it comes to a reporter with a Journalism degree, stating that a guy with a gun was “no real threat”.
The officer’s don’t take a life just to protect their own, they also consider if the subject has the intent / ability to harm other life in the immediate area.
Shut up, asshole. I am correct.
Often imitated but never duplicated.
I was simply trying to open up an intelligent discussion but I should know better than to find it here.
It will be interesting if the internal investigation could be made public and provide some of the facts that are missing here. It has been reported that the victim here was a member of our armed forces, who had served two tours in Iraq, and had been diagnosed with PTSD. My sympathy goes out to his family.
I’m, me.
jojo – You wanted “intelligent” conversation here? Good luck.
If you post anything in contradiction to what is written, you are immediately lambasted for being different.
Well you need to talk to the Lib-Dems and the ACLU about that. We are where we are because of them.
The article in the SUN in vague about him approaching the Officers. He had his hands in his pockets…UN-armed.
This story makes me hate the War Machine and Those who run it even more so. Many vets are suffering from PTSD, Depression and all kinds of injuries from the needless fake war. The profits made from this war are staggering. The lack of care for who is sacrificed in the name of these profits is unconscionable. It just makes me sick. This should not have happened to this guy, because he never should have been over there in the first place. I cannot imagine the pain his family is going through.
Needless war, maybe. Fake war? I’m sure there are several hundred thousand vets who would strongly disagree with you.
Call the White House, Lila. Asked to speak to the President. He has had nearly 8 years to fix it.
I’m also curious what the actions were that made police fear for their lives. Was he pointing or going for a gun? Was he pointing at the neighborhood? If he didn’t have a gun was there something during negotiations said that made them concerned? We all know officers have to make decisions quickly but the way this is written is just vague. Usually when a suspect comes out with a gun its reported that way.
Just for the record, I find all comments enjoyable, informative and amusing. Keep up the good work.
Also ,just for the record, the family of this poor individual has my sincere condolences.
George W. Bush should be dragged before the Hague and made to answer for his crimes against humanity. He must have known what he was going to unleash on the people of Iraq when he preempted the UN vote on this action. His thinking is impaired enough that he should be taken to a quiet facility where his mental illness can be treated in a loving an nurturing environment. But I doubt he would recognize a loving environment.
Bush? And what of the 7+ years of Obama? And Kerry? And Clinton? That would be the Clinton with the classified documents on her personal e-mail server.
Correct. That would be the Clinton who either ignored or, while running an efficient State Department, never knew of the repeated requests for additional security thus contributing to the deaths of four Americans, one of whom, was an American Ambassador.
Should we also drag the Majority of Congress who voted to support Bush in invading Iraq? One of those supporters voting to invade Iraq was Senator Clinton.