From the New Harford Democratic Club:
Monthly Meeting
Holiday Inn Express
1007 Beards Hill Road
Aberdeen, MD 21001
Wednesday March 02, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Ann Helton will introduce us to and review “Between the World and Me” by Baltimore native author Ta-Nehisi Coates. Author Toni Morrison says “this is required reading”.
The book is a lyrical letter to Coates’ 14 year old son wherein he tries to answer two questions:
1. What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live in it?
2. How can we honestly reckon with our fraught history and free ourselves from its burden?
The author is a national correspondent for “Atlantic” magazine and the recipient of the 2015 National Book Award for non-fiction. He was also awarded a Genius Grant from the MacArthur Foundation.
Also speaking will be candidate for City Council, Jason Robertson. He is married and the father of a young son. Candidate Robertson also served in the Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq. He has a BA in Public Policy and is currently working as a Budget Research Analyst for the City of Baltimore.
Who is Jason Robinson, where does he live, and what City is he a Council Candidate for?
(way to give all the important information NHDC!)
Havre de Grace City Council
Vote May 3, 2016
Havre de Grace City Council election on May 3, 2016
Picture standing with Joe Biden. He would lose my vote just for that if I was able to vote for him.
Can anyone win with the backing of TNHDC?
Does anyone else wonder why the local elections are non-partisan but the HDC pushes the democrat agenda. Take Helton out of the picture and his lap dogs and you may get some elections where the elected body is the will of the people and the elected body actually does some good for the citizens. The Aberdeen situation is a simple case of 2 sides not understanding what non-partisan means but also a prime example of Art pulling his strings and screwing up local government for people that actually live in Aberdeen.
I can appreciate your point of view but I have a slightly different opinion. I believe that the HDC helped us get rid of two of the worst people ever to sit on the town council. And they did this by endorsing them.
A Non-Partisan election is just an election without a primary . Everybody runs in one election without party designation on the ballot. It doesn’t mean you cant organize the election around party politics.In the last Aberdeen town election the Bennett ticket had four Democrats and one Republican. The McGrady ticket was all Tea Party Republican. The NHDC being a “Democratic” club naturally endorsed an all-Democratic ticket.
In the last election we should of had a Louisiana jungle primary for Mayor. In that kind of election if no candidate gets 50%, you have a runoff between the top two candidates. McGrady would have lost a runoff because Posey-Moss votes would have gone back to the Democrat. Posey-Moss helped McGrady win the mayor race.
Hey Art, isn’t that cry baby political babble about Posey -Moss helping McGrady just like your last run when you blamed the Blacks and women for your loss?
Hey Henry , the concept of a tin foil hat for protection against interference of the mind was mentioned in the syfy short storv by Julian Huxley in 1927 (The Tissue Culture King)..
Since then the tin foil hat has been considered the best method to prevent paranoia and conspiracy thinking (see Faraday cage).Henry, put your hat on, I am not Art Helton..
Your political opinion does not change the political fact that Marla Posey-Moss helped McGrady win the mayor race. She split the Democratic vote enough to let McGrady win. My point was that if no candidate for Mayor gets 50% of the vote there should be runoff of the top two candidates. And I further pointed out that had there been a runoff—all of Posey-Moss’s vote would have returned to Bennett.. Fact: Posey-Moss split the Democrat-Independent vote! Fact: McGrady would not have won a runoff!
Art, we all know you; who you are and where you really live. And that Aberdeen has been your little fish bowl for the time Bennett was in office. I’m assuming that your undue influence is gone under this new administration.
I disagree Henry! I believe the NHDC helped get rid of two of the worst people who ever sat on the Aberdeen town council by OPPOSING them —–1. Rebublicrat Mike Hiob and 2. Libertarian-Repub Fred “Tax Tax Annex” Simmons.
NHDC is just an Art Helton vessel to stick his nose in local politics where he doesn’t live. His political accomplishments minimal at best but he knows how to pull the strings behind the scenes and it’s all about the art of benefiting Art.
I disagree with Tony V. All things political in Aberdeen do not lead back to Art Helton. That is ‘a conspiracy theory.
The Aberdeen “situation” is caused by a wrongheaded legal opinion that suggests it’s not kosher to have a runoff election.
The Aberdeen “situation” is also caused by a Mayor who is incompetent at being at being a leader. (See The Aegis editorial “Time To Lead” 03/04/16)
The NDHC is just a Democratic political club and Tony V’s application to be a member was rejected because he is paranoid and a Republican.
Mike I’ve lived in Aberdeen for a long time. Back when Art had the Western Auto he was a string puller, Art got what Art wanted when Wilson was mayor, not so much with Simmons, and pretty much got what he wanted under Bennett. Corners were cut and other developers had to sit idle waiting for the scissors to cut through the red tape but not the senator for life, the farmer from Darlington. For the record I’m not pleased at all with the business going on with the new mayor or should I say lack of business.
Aberdeen sucks. Developers are scrambling to dump properties to anyone they can with barely any bites.
I even heard it’s crickets over by Ripken stadium.
Aberdeen sucks. Pot holes all down “main Street”, every single asphalt crack on the road has been sealed with that rubber gimmick. Looks like shit, the whole way from Route 40 to Ollie’s.
All the people driving on 715 trying toerge eastbound 40 suck ass everyday too, at 430pm.
Drivers coming to a complete stop on 40 to let the APG assholes yield, APG people merging into 40 without looking.