From the Aberdeen Police Department:
On Saturday, February 27, 2016 at approximately 11:40 PM, officers engaged in community patrol heard the distinct sound of gunfire ringing out in the communities around the CSX tracks dividing Baltimore and Edmund Streets. Over the past two (2) weeks six (6) complaints of “shots fired” have been investigated in the same vicinity.
Aberdeen Police Officers converged on the area. Officer Nelson and Officer Giganti located four people walking in the roadway on Baltimore Street. After a brief investigation and a subsequent pat down of Cyres Rose, 22, of Aberdeen one AR-15 Assault Rifle was seized. Rose had secreted the rifle down his pants leg.
Police believe the rounds were fired in the middle of Baltimore Street in a southerly direction. No injury or property damage has been reported at this time.
After his arrest Rose suffered a medical emergency for a pre-existing condition and was transported to Harford Memorial Hospital for treatment. Charges for Reckless Endangerment and Discharging a Firearm in Aberdeen City Limits are pending.
I know . . . I know . . . I’ll be told that this guy has a second amendment right to bear arms. Yikes – what is this world coming to?
No, not at all. I have the same rifle and when I want to use it I go to the range, I don’t light rounds off in my backyard. This is not representative of law abiding gun owners.
And you sir are a jucking ferk.
Hope that wasn’t directed at me…
Visit Baltimore City, this type of behavior happens nearly every day.
The things I get from the article: it appears the suspect is not prohibited person from firearms.
Looks like he wasn’t charged for “carrying” the long arm, as there is no law against doing so.
He was shooting his rifle apparently in public, Harford County I believe you need 150 yards from an occupied structure to discharge a firearm (think:private property).
Aberdeen appears to prohibit the discharge of a firearm in city limits, even if ones property was well suited for informal target shooting.
Now I’m confused. I hear people saying that Maryland is a liberal, anti-second amendment state. But given that, it isn’t against the law to carry an assault rifle down the street in Maryland??
Last time I looked at COMAR there was no law(s) against open carrying of a long arm in public, as the charges presented in this article show as such.
Please feel free to research and come to the same conclusion.
Just because it’s “legal” doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
No such law exists. Only carrying a handgun openly or concealed (without a permit) is illegal in the People’s Republic of Maryland.
“Is that an AR-15 down your pant leg or are you just happy to see me?”
Technically it is legal to OPEN CARRY a long gun. No law abiding gun owner in their right mind would do so, however. It is against the law to conceal the rifle, as he did. He should get charged for that. My rifles leave my house in a locked case yo go to the range, by the book. I enjoy shooting and will not do anything to screw that up, unlike this guy.
Nothing in COMAR says a long arm needs to be in a “locked case”
Heck, transporting a handgun to a legal destination COMAR says Enclosed holster or case.
That’s it.
But seriously – I thought Maryland was one of those liberal, anti-gun states. That’s why I’m really surprised that the current laws allow someone to walk down the street with a rifle.
Yeah, you’ve said the same thing a few times. Liberal anti gun. Okay, we get it, you got wits, man.
Read COMAR and come up with your own conclusion other than “I thought.” It will help you better reply without your in the closet comedy routine.
I would still believe Maryland is still politically unfavorable for firearms.
So Maryland isn’t a liberal, anti-second amendment state?
Buddy, I have no idea?
Liberal, anti second Amendment? What does that even mean in your terms as someone who was already clueless to firearms to begin with? As compared to what?
Maryland is not shall issue, it’s may issue for carry permits (handguns).
Maryland bans for sale some long arms.
Maryland has a ‘handgun qualification license’ to purchase handguns, with certain individuals exempt. There is also State Police paperwork involved with (regulated) handgun sales to include a 7 day wait that was from 40 years ago, when the “wait” was time allotted when paperwork was mailed.
Other states like Pennsylvania have similar stare police paperwork for handgun transfers, yet no ‘7 day wait,’ PA is also shall issue and does not “ban” anything.
All I know is that I work in Aberdeen with several folks who live in PA and commute here because (in their words) Maryland’s gun laws are “against the gun owner and for the anti-gunners.” Their perspective (which they rant about often,) is what leads me to believe that Maryland is an anti-gun state. Now to be honest, they complain so much about how they hate Maryland’s gun laws, I often wonder why they just don’t also get a job in PA, in addition to living there.
The answer is clear, there is no other do nothing all day, get every other Friday off .gov contractor big money job local to lower York County, PA.
“gov contractor big money job”
The rate the contractor charges the Govt might be big money, but nobody I know is getting rich working for a Govt contractor.
If you are dumb enough to walk down a public street carrying a loaded AR15 you deserve to be shot by police, if you were to survive you should be banned from EVER possessing a weapon again.
So people should be executed for doing something stupid, or that which you don’t agree with?
Walking along a public street carrying a loaded AR15 goes way beyond stupid. This behavior is dangerous to everyone within 600 meters of the person carrying this weapon. Considering this weapon was being discharged in a public area, who knows exactly where the rounds will land. Maybe these rounds will go through the woods and into your home and killing your wife or your child. This type of weapon has absolutely no business on a public street, it belongs in a controlled area and used in a controlled environment. Because of people like this is why more and more laws restricting guns get passed
If I was a police officer and someone walked up on me carrying a loaded AR15 with a full magazine, I would not hesitate to eliminate that threat.
Hence, why you are (and will never be) a Police Officer.
Law enforcement agencies screen potential candidates enough to easily flunk people out like you.
Like you? Those who yearn to get their first human kill. You make me sick.
User “what” , you are interested in ‘stopping the threat’ when someone walks up to you with a loaded rifle such as pictured?
Let me ask you, are you an angry, white male? Convenience that you happened to type that when the suspect is not white.
People like you shouldn’t own guns, neither.
Idiotic and irresponsible people like this guy deserve to lose their weapons. No self respecting gun
owner would ever do something like this. That is what gun ranges are for.
He must have been wearing 70’s style baggies (pants) to get the AR down there. Idiots like this give all gun owners a bad name. He should be locked up for 20 years just for general stupidity. I’ll bet this isn’t his first run in with the law.
Checking MD Judiciary Case Search yields nothing on young Mr Cyres Rose
I was in lock down at his middle school for two weeks b/c of the stuff he pulled, this is a trend, it will only get worse.
Note the Maryland compliant 10 round magazine lol.
That looks like a 20rd with a piece of crap AR.
Windham Weaponry # R16M4A4PTMA
I have a gun down my pants leg. When it goes off my pants get all sticky. Too bad he didn’t bag a couple of porker’s. He could have offed them from federal hill. I heard they got a couple last month in Abingdon…lol Did any body get a good picture of they hanging up after being cleaned? Oh that’s right, the state only hangs citizens, …right?
I have a gun down my pants leg. When it goes off my pants get all sticky. Too bad he didn’t bag a couple of porker’s. He could have offed them from federal hill. I heard they got a couple last month in Abingdon…lol Did any body get a good picture of they hanging up after being cleaned? Oh that’s right, the state only hangs citizens, …right? …who dahell is dissents…lol
Weapons of war from the gun show loopelhole don’t belong on our street.
I highly support fingerprinting and licensing for each round of ammunition a private citizen wishes to purchase.
Guns don’t belong in the hands of anyone but security guards, police and the armed forces.
Don’t let these fatass middle aged white males convince you otherwise, I fully expect Heller decision to be reversed.