From the New Harford Democratic Club:
3 S. Rogers St., Aberdeen, MD 21001
President Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Johnson led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Johnson thanked everyone for coming out tonight despite the winter weather.
Johnson recognized Jason Robertson, a club member and a member of the Democratic Central. He noted the club has a special relationship with the Central Committee.
Johnson then asked those present to identify themselves.
Treasurer George Harrison present the financial report, noting the operating account currently holds $12,340.05. Johnson asked and received unanimous approval of the treasurer’s report.
President Johnson asked for a received approval of the minutes of the February meeting.
Committee reports:
Steve Johnson noted that the Fundraising committee is still working on a date for a fund raiser.
George Harrison reported that the membership effort will include sending a mailer to group of Super Dems culled from voter rolls by the state party to encourage their membership in the Club. The mailer will go to about 2900 committed Democrats this month. Some are already members, but many are not, and this the first time we have targeted this group.
Art Helton noted the mailer will include the recently completed brochure designed to encourage new membership.
Discussion ensued about encouraging more Democrats to become involved in political activities.
Jack Barham reported on the club’s webpage, noting it contains a legislative update page as well as a page on Gov. Hogan’s activities.
Jason Robertson noted the Central Committee will be holding a fund raiser March 31 at the Richlin Ballroom from 8-10am. Congressman Chris Van Hollen, a candidate for the Democratic nomination to succeed Barbara Mikulski in the U.S. Senate will be the featured speaker. Details can be found at
Robertson also noted the Central Committee will be holding a registration drive on Feb 20 the Amish Market on Route 40 in Joppatowne.
George Harrison reviewed the newly published book by New Yorker writer Jan Mayer call “Dark Money”.
The book details the extent that the Koch brothers and their assortment of billionaires have been working for 30 years to take over the country’s political system. So far they have spent several billion dollars to infiltrate academic institutions, create so-called think tanks to develop and defend their right wing message and elect state legislators to pass laws and gerrymander congressional district lines in order to further their agenda. The result has been a virtual takeover of the Republican Party and a stalemate in the U.S. congress. The details are frightening and most people have no idea of what has been happening. It is a must read for anyone who wants to really know what has happened, and is still happening, in our country.
A discussion followed, with one person stating he would have a hard time sleeping tonight.
President Johnson ended the evening with a report and commentary on the council situation in Aberdeen. He noted that the council remains without a 4th council person because the new mayor has not been able to find a candidate agreeable to the other 3 council persons. The new mayor has taken over the duties of city manager which is currently vacant. Johnson noted there is a potential illegal conflict of interest with the mayor holding both jobs. The drama continues.
President Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:20pm.
Minutes courtesy of George Harrison, acting secretary.
You people are so butt hurt a big bad Republican won in Aberdeen?
Blind leading the blind. “The Democrats really won” wah wah wah.
Aberdump is a dead zone anyway, ask any developer.
You are living proof ignorance is still born and bred right here in Harford County
Disregard my post. I’ve thought better on myself and decided it was wrong of me to reply in the matter I did.
I’m a sorry excuse for a human being.
So, enlighten me. What’s hot in Aberdeen? Besides the road widening SHA project, what’s the haps?
Auto auction being moved to an Aberdeen zip code, but not quite in city limits? Wow.
If you have a strong and present Mayor you really don’t need a city manager. Bennett let the city manager run the city. Simmons ran the city and Miller did clerical work.
There is no conflict. The job description for the city manager is ” whatever the mayor tells him to do'”
Something must be awry in the universe…..for the first time ever, I agree with Steve and Art!
This is a blatant conflict of interest! Is there a candidate search in progress for the City Manager position? Would McGrady qualify for the job if there was?
On another note, why can’t there just be a runoff election between the two tied candidates for the Council seat? Let the citizens decide who they want to represent them instead of allowing someone to try to sit a crony on the panel.
“The drama continues.”
Dear Butthurt in Aberdeen,
Get your council members to approve a nomination, and move on with your life.