From Smigiel For Congress 2016:
1st District Congressional Candidate Michael Smigiel, who was raised in Harford County, where he graduated from high school and joined the US Marines, is hosting his 3rd Town Hall Meeting in the district at the Fallston Library in Harford County on Thursday, February 25, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
During recent Town Hall meetings in Baltimore and Wicomico County, Former Delegate Michael Smigiel spoke to crowds about important issues that affect Marylanders including the Second Amendment and Smigiel’s position on the Iran Deal, Obamacare, illegal immigration, spying on American citizens, abortion, the national debt and terrorism. Individuals and their families living in the district are encouraged to attend, as Del. Smigiel dedicates considerable time to address questions and concerns.
The Town Hall Meeting, which is free to the public, will take place at the Fallston Public Library, located at 1461 Fallston Road Fallston, MD 21047 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
On the following Saturday, February 27, from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m., Smigiel will be hosting a second Town Hall Meeting in Cecil County at the Elkton Central Branch which is located on 301 Newark Avenue, Elkton, MD 21921.
During recent Town Hall meetings in Baltimore and Wicomico Counties, Former Delegate Michael Smigiel spoke to crowds about important issues that affect Marylanders including the Second Amendment, the Iran Deal, Obamacare, illegal immigration, spying on American citizens, abortion, the national debt and terrorism. Additional topics for discussion include the current vacancy in the Supreme Court and removal of regulatory burdens. Individuals and their families living in the district are encouraged to attend, as Del. Smigiel dedicates considerable time addressing audience questions and concerns.
Additional Town Hall meetings are being scheduled throughout the First District and will be announced as venues and dates are confirmed.
I know nothing about Mr. Smiegel.other than he hopes to displace Andy Harris, not a bad idea on its face.
But as a candidate for political office, doesn’t Smiegel’s “Town Hall meeting”, violate Harford County Library’s “Neutrality Policy?” How can one conduct such a meeting without, at least implicitly, asking for donations, criticizing another candidate, and promoting oneself?
I’d love to be rid of Harris, but I am concerned that libraries not become forums for political activity.
I understand your point and think that if they were using the building in such a way that impeded regular business, then there would be a problem. However I think that most of the branches have a designated meeting room specifically intended for just this type purpose. It, like books, can be loaned out to the citizenry.
I don’t think he can walk out leaving signs as though it were a campaign headquarters, but if the room is being used for area residents to meet and gather information, I think that is exactly the type use that is intended. Where better?
I had a discussion with the library officials about this “policy”. I explained how it shocked me because in Cecil County the republican groups would meet in one room and the democrats in an adjacent room and there was never a problem. I was more taken aback though by being told that the incumbent Congressman could use the room for free to hold a town hall meeting and could answer a foreign policy question, yet, if I were to use the facility, I was told, I would have to pay $35 and would not be allowed to answer the foreign policy question. Such a policy is clearly contrary to the idea of free speech. Political free speech is the highest and most protected form of free speech, especially on public property. I have no plans to go through the library and hand out literature or to disturb the public who are there to read. I am simply exercising my right to use the library to express my political views in the same manner that the Congressman is allowed to do currently. I will only be speaking to those who choose to come to the library to hear about my positions on issues important to the future of the country. I hope that you will come out and join us. I hope this addresses any questions that anyone may have, if not, please feel free to call me anytime 24/7 on my cell at 410-920-0128.
I’ve held and been to many meetings in the library and I although elected officials are often present and involved in conversations, they are not the focus of the meeting.
I disagree with their decision with respect to you or Mr. Harris using the facility– particularly when individuals are registered candidates for office and are the sole reason for the meeting.
The difference between his use and your use, may be in the fact that he was not actively seeking office at that time (technically, though in reality that’s always the case, am I right?). I would say they should prohibit meeting held by or for anyone registered for an upcoming election.
I will contacting the library to register my complaint.
And honestly, I think you shouldn’t have debated the issue with them– just found another venue, there are plenty.