From Del. Kathy Szeliga:
An Amazing Event!
Thursday night, I was able to attend an event with three great governors… Bob Ehrlich, Charlie Baker (Mass. GOP Gov.), and Larry Hogan even stopped by! These men know how to win and govern in blue states.
We will win our U.S. Senate campaign the same way – by being authentic and showing voters that we truly care about our state and nation. Our ideas work and empower people over big government.
Laying Our Brave Men to Rest
This week, our two brave Harford County Sheriff Deputies killed in the line of duty were laid to rest. Deputy Pat Dailey (52) was the father of two young men, Tyler and Bryan. His funeral was a tribute to a great man who loved his family, our country, and was the true definition of a public servant. Saturday is the funeral of Mark Logsdon. Deputy Logsdon (43) leaves behind his wife, Jennifer, and three children, Darin, Bethany and Megan. Mark is remembered as a brave man who truly loved his family and his calling as a law enforcement officer. Both men were veterans and have exemplary lives of love and service. They truly are modern day heroes.
Please pray for the families of our fallen heroes. The outpouring of love and support for these brave men has been incredible. I will let you know of specific opportunities to help as they become known. Also, please pray for the Harford County Sherriff’s office and community as a whole. These are trying times.
This is a cruel reminder of the dangers that our law enforcement, military, and first responders face every day. We simply MUST support these men and women as they work daily to keep us safe; they run into danger as we run away. A heartfelt thank you goes out to you, and we all renew our dedication to pray for you.
“Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” John 15:13
Making Life & Business Better
Governor Hogan and Lt Gov. Boyd Rutherford have recently formed a Regulatory Reform Commission. One of the biggest complaints from small business owners is the overwhelming number of regulations in Maryland. I am supporting these efforts and looking forward to great things coming out of this commission. Be sure to let me know of any regulatory burdens you would like me to share with the Commission.
Hearing from Lots of You – I AGREE!
More than 100 emails and counting have come in on this bill! While Governor Hogan is doing an excellent job of transforming and improving government, there is never a lack of bad ideas in Annapolis. HB 243, Land Use Actions – Legislative Bodies – Judicial Review will make residential and commercial property improvements much harder, take longer, and much more expensive. It will allow just about anyone to challenge a land use decision in any area. This measure will reverse years of case law that established appropriate criteria to determine a person’s right to challenge a land use decision that is overseen by comprehensive rezoning procedures and processes. If this were to pass, a number of future redevelopment projects, infill and other significant projects around the state would be in jeopardy as a result of this legislation. Click here to read the bill.
I oppose this bill and will work to see it defeated in my committee. Maryland does not need more red tape and lawsuits shackling our economy.
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Thanks so much!
Kathy Szeliga
I really hate it when politicians use the death of others to further their political agendas. Kathy, you have stooped to the level of that low life Ted Cruz, who used Justice Scalia’s death to further his campaign for president. Complete and utter pieces of garbage. I have absolutely no respect for you…..
My thoughts exactly. So typical. 🙁
We many not agree on many things, but this we agree on. Well said.
Hey Kathy…..when you learn how to spell, then I’ll consider acknowledging your political drivel. As for corrections, it’s sheriff not sherriff, heroin not heroine, and in one of your recent Facebook posts, the officer who was first laid to rest was Patrick Dailey, not Patrick Daly.
HB243/–wouldn’t passing it make it easier for us that to slow and question development in our communities and fight to stop or change big devolopers ?
Hey Kathy…your a stinkin bi#%#
Kathy in what world does being “Authentic” and sandwiching the story of two murdered heroes between your rampant politicking go together?? This is how your letter reads just moments after I listened to Mark’s end of watch called over the radio…..”I had a lot of fun with my politician friends, oh by the way some officers died, and now back to politics”. Genuine and heartfelt couldn’t be further from what you have displayed here. I hope to be referring to you as former delegate after the next election.
I agree, the tone of this is inappropriate. She attempted to make the story all about herself while using the deaths of these officers as clickbate to push her agenda.
Lostmyvote, where did you find the recording of DFC Logsdon’s end of watch radio call?
I had a similar reaction and I don’t even know this politician very well. It was a bit shocking quite frankly. The entire county is heartbroken over the senseless murder of these two beloved deputies and it is unimaginable that this tragedy would be used to promote anything except maybe…after a respectable period of time, how to work on keeping our law enforcement safer within a segment of society that has no respect for police let alone themselves. How about introducing meaningful legislation in Annapolis to move this agenda forward versus wasting taxpayer dollars on changing state songs, birds, trees or whatever nonsense.
Kathy did you even bother to go to the funerals or viewings? I agree with Soul Crusher which I almost never do. Why are you using the death of two officers to advance your political future? Unless you tell me otherwise it’s pretty pathetic.
Kathy, I think you owe these fallen heroes and all who stand with them an apology.
Your half-ass attempt to politicize this event is shameful and as a voter, taxpayer, supporter of the men, and resident of Harford County, I am deeply offended by your remarks.
Is it me, or what the hell is with the obviously Photoshopped “Glamour Shot” photo she has on her official delegate site?
Did a headshake on that one, funny as hell! LOL
I suggest that we rename route 22 in harford county in honor of Officer Dailey and renaming route 23 in honor of Officer Logsdon as well.
I believe that one of our legislators has put forth a motion to rename part of 924 “Hero’s Highway” after these 2 brave souls. From my recollection – and I think the story is here on Dagger somewhere – it received unanimous approval.
I see each of these negative coments as democratic political drivel. The headline and timing of this ‘press release’ inappropriately implies that it was issued solely as a result of the very tragic loss of 2 of our finest. In fact, it is a summary of matters that the Senator has experienced recently.
I’m a right leaning conservative and I found the post to be completely inappropriate and shameless pandering. I think Soul Crusher is absolutely right – and I am pretty sure he and I couldn’t be further apart on most issues.
She should be ashamed of herself.
I am a constitutional conservative that voted for Kathy in the last election. You couldn’t be more incorrect in your assessment. It is very upsetting to me to refer to the funeral of a fallen officer as “Amazing Event”, this was a time to mourn heroes and not a photo op. She did not have to pimp her presence at this funeral and drop the names of other elected officials in attendance. Harford County is a small county and word of her appearance, along with that of other elected officials would have been made public knowledge. We do know and we will know who was in attendance and who was not in attendance
from our electorate.
I would have been fine with everything above the line “Making Life & Business Better” which is clearly aimed at drumming up support for her issues which have NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH THIS FUNERAL and could have been addressed as a separate post altogether. The final straw for me was “encourage them to sign up for my updates by going to and Join the Team, like me on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter”. I found this classless and in poor taste.
Kathy, show up and shut up…………….. nothing more and nothing less.
Your attempt at public relations for Ms. Szeliga is typical of a politician groupie. As you try to justify Kathy’s uncontrollable ego, you sir, madame, or mademoiselle are one of the reasons I want NOTHING to do with political party affiliation. There have been too many instances of Delegate Szeliga talking or writing about her own self serving interests. Maybe you can teach her how to spell. Although, I doubt she writes her own press releases, posts, blogs, whatever. Therefore, maybe you can apply to fill one of her multiple assistant positions. Our tax money at work…..
To ‘What’…Did you even bother reading the article. An ‘Amazing Event’ had nothing to do with the funeral. It appears you only read the comments. Sad!!
To be fair, the “Amazing Event” sentence was not really complete – nor did it clearly define what she attended. I had to do a double-take and reread as all she mentions is that she got to attend an event on Thursday night with 3 politicians….then bleeds into the fallen deputy story.
A little misleading, but I am sure that no harm was done by “What”.
Me thinks all the Naysayers are guilty of the same mischaracterization that they are erroneously attempting to attribute to the writer.
Nobody here is blaming the author/ / writer, they are focusing their well-placed thoughts and comments towards the public official for using the death of 2 police officers in the line of duty as a political tool.
Hey K… so, I wish you would identify those politicians that you are comfortable with…that do not espouse all the great things they are trying to do for their constituents. And, while you are at it, you might like to show me where perfect command of spelling, etc. is a prerequisite to public office.
Didn’t think so…
No, not required for public office, but certainly expected.
Considering that all Delegates have a staff at the ready, and most likely they are the ones preparing the correspondence, you would like to think that the “educated” Media / Public Affairs Officer has a mastery of the English language, grammar, spelling and other fine literary skills.
Anything released from a Public Official’s office, especially those that are appearing in / on media, are considered “professional” documents. Most educated personnel would consider “professional” to mean just that – well thought out, good sentence structure, excellent use of the “5 W’s”, and be grammatically correct.
This goes beyond a simple typo.
And the good lady delegate of “she wishes for more fame and fortune” claims to have been a teacher as well!.
Sarah Palin even comes off looking more credible than this ego-driven narcissist!