From Harford County government:
Statement from Harford County Executive Barry Glassman on Senate Bill 908
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman issued the following statement today on Maryland Senate Bill 908:
“Senate Bill 908 politicizes an already complex funding scheme to get local transportation projects in the Consolidated Transportation Plan for Maryland counties. It could also further delay funding and make it less predictable as projects go through a commission, all of which impedes efforts to address our long term transportation needs.”
Entitled: Maryland Open Transportation Investment Decision Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Senator DeGrange
Status: In the Senate – Hearing 3/14 at 10:30 a.m.
Establishing State transportation goals; establishing measures by which the Department of Transportation is required to score the extent to which major capital projects satisfy the goals; requiring the Department to evaluate, score, and rank specified projects for inclusion in the draft and final Consolidated Transportation Program; requiring, with a specified exception, that capital projects with higher scores be ranked ahead of capital projects with lower scores; etc.
Why does every political group and every elected employee have to waste the taxpayers money? I guess the more important question is why don’t the people have access to quality individuals, who have the best interest of the people who pay their salaries, front and center in their minds and hearts? I’d rather take my chances with a person not bought and sold, who is not a puppet, rather than being presented with the same ol’ party funded nitwits. Our life styles will continue on a downward trajectory, our transportation legislation will go nowhere, as long as we let history keep repearing itself.
…..repeating, not repearing…..