From Gloria Moon:
A Confusing Process
I would like to comment on a Bill, specifically Bill 16-002 which curtails protection of non-tidal wetlands whose area is a bit less than an acre. I think the bill demonstrates a negligence in protecting our diminishing fragile lands.
However, I am confused as to why this bill has been introduced. There is no reason attached to the bill as an introduction or rationale for it. Not a single “Whereas” is included to explain its existence. One is left to believe it was snatched out of thin air and delivered via paper airplane to the County Council.
Citizens are expected to speak at the required Public Hearing about the bill only minutes after hopefully learning of any reason for it, why it was proposed, how much actual property would be impacted, and where those properties might lie. One can only hope that County Council members would question the Administration for the benefit of the people who are attending or watching the meeting. We understand that the Administration has already privately briefed and explained all the intricacies of the bill and also answered any Councilman’s questions.
But, the public who are only allowed to speak immediately after this Q&A has but a few brief minutes to digest and comment. They cannot ask questions. They cannot receive answers. Up until and often after the bill is discussed, the people are in the dark.
The Council can then amend the bill. The Council can then vote on the bill.
An amendment is read aloud using line numbers which often obscures the intent of the amendment. Sometimes the amendment is explained, sometimes not. There is no protocol in place to allow any citizen to comment on an amendment no matter how it changes the original intent or meaning of the bill. They just do it.
There is no protocol that says the Council must wait to give citizens a chance to call, email, write or phone their comments about amendments.
They can just vote – and do it.
Perhaps this letter will help explain why people are not contacting their legislators. Their legislators are not contacting them, not asking for input, not explaining the bill before they vote. The County should trust people with all the information which goes into the formation of a bill. Reasons for legislation should not be kept a secret known only to a few. Every bill this County enacts affects every person who lives here. We deserve to know all the facts – unfiltered and unbiased.
They don’t care about the land in this county, they never have. Build on anything and everything is their motto. The shenanigans of government, just wondering how long before they just go right for the whole shabang? I bought my house where I did for the simple reason that all the area around it was non tidal wetland and there would never be any building around me. One has to wonder for just how long the larger areas will be safe.
What can you say? When more and more next of kin (millennials) have no interest in continuing the operation of theor long standing family farm, what’do’ya’do? Sell it.
This is what happens when republicans are in charge of decision making. Back door deals that only benefit business interests and money. To hell with the consequences of flooding. Ha Co is mostly a back water county, that clings to long ago activities (i.e. eastern box turtle races) that have no purpose in modern times. Keep an eye on the Final WOTUS Rule. The decision on that will have an impact on the Nation’s waters. Flooding on my property caused unscrupless developers is an intrusion on my property rights.
Let’s not beat around the bush here. We all know why this Bill is being proposed. Some developer wants to build on land that has a small area of non-tidal wetland on it. They do not want to do things above board and go through the variance process. The easier and probably cheaper thing to do is make some well placed campaign contributions and get the law changed. So let’s see what big projects are in the works? James Run maybe??? The Council just passed the MO legislation to pave the way for James Run. And mind you they completely ignored the Master Plan in the process. Well at least four of them did. Slutzky, McMahon, Vincenti and Buelah. The other three at least had some courage to vote against that bill. Word on the street is that the Paterakis family now owns the James Run property or at least is a partner. We all know they have NO history of strong arming politicians to get their way, right (sarcasm)? Of course, Paterakis’ indictment for campaign finance violations related to contributions to Baltimore City politicians was just a big mistake. Certainly he wouldn’t do anything like that here. Look at the James Run property, there is a small little pond right in the middle of potential parking lots. No doubt this Bill is intended to appease the James Run developers.
Beyond frustrating that our elected officials are willing to change long standing laws and policies to benefit out of town developers who don’t even live in the County. People need to wake up and stop blindly voting along party lines at the local level. We can start to make a statement by packing the Council this Tuesday and telling them not to cater to developers and pass this Bill. Make them go through the variance, above the board, like everybody else. No wait, like the family who had to go through the variance process to justify owning two ducks when their property was .02 acres short under the code. We don’t change the zoning code for them. Why? Because they don’t make campaign contributions. The average citizen has to follow the rules, so should the developers.