From Harford County Public Schools:
Agreement results in two steps, 2% COLA and longevity effective July 1, 2016
The Board of Education of Harford County (the Board) and the Harford County Educational Services Council (HCESC), which represents approximately 900 Harford County Public Schools employees, including clerical/secretaries, paraeducators, nurses, instructionally-related technicians, transportation specialists and inclusion helpers, among other related instructional support personnel, have reached a tentative agreement between the two organizations.
On January 20, 2016, negotiators for the Board reached a tentative agreement with HCESC that translates into members of that unit receiving two (2) steps advancement on the pay schedule, a two percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) applied to the pay schedule, and longevity for all eligible members effective July 1, 2016. Additionally, HCESC has tentatively agreed to a change in contract language that ensures unit members an increase in compensation for promotions.
This is the second year of a three-year contract that expires July 1, 2018. The HCESC contract allows negotiations for salary and two (2) language items each year.
At this time, the Board has agreements or tentative agreements with three of the five bargaining units; the Harford County Educational Services Council (HCESC), the Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County (APSASHC), and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
The Board began negotiations with the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), representing teachers, in November 2015 and no agreement has been reached to date.
Negotiations are scheduled to begin with The Association of Harford County Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Professionals (AHCATSP) this month.
It will be interesting to see if the board of ed actually HAS the money in the budget to support this or if they’ll revert to their usual song and dance that “due to budgetary constraints we are unable to fund this agreement” like they always do. They need to stop promising money they don’t actually have and jerking educators and staff around
Ha! But I bet they could have it if they’d get rid of some of the top heavy positions at central office!
The problem with that is that the school system never HAS the money until they find out what the county will give them. But they have to come to agreements with their employees beforehand. It’s the most bassackwards system, and it would almost be comical if so many people weren’t victimized by it.
F%#& the Harford County Sheriff’s I guess.
County government is under no obligation to fund salary increases for school system employees. This has nothing to do with the funding the Sheriffs Office receives from the county. Mr. Glassman has already publicly announced he will provide additional salary for county employees in the upcoming fiscal year. He will provide some extra funding to those entities that receive county funding. What they do with it will be up the their governing bodies.
Has Glassman had a raise since he took his position?
Maybe you should not be a cop. Last time I checked the majority of you Made 60k or close to 60k as a deputy and ain’t even a supervisor. Quit bitching and transfer to the private sector. Work paycheck to paycheck and see how things work. You aren’t entitled to anything it’s simply a bonus and rarely happens in the private sector so quit the sense of entitlement
When you have people half way through their career making the same thing as the day they started , yea something is wrong.
Maybe you should stop living paycheck to paycheck and become a deputy? Or a teacher? Or any other public service provider? Quit your whining.
WOW! Then I’d like to know who under rank of Sgt. Makes 60k or more?? I been here 7 yrs and still make same as I did 7 yrs ago….just over 49k a year!! They flash a paper in front of u when hired showing the step increases through the years, only to tell u after your hired that the steps arent ‘real’!! They don’t even have laterals to hire cause other police know how poorly this county cares about their deputies!
Also….I have friends in the private sector who do half hour of work per day and still get bonuses? Private sector pays their employees well and give them bonuses….unless u Really suck at your job!!
The same issues exist in HCPS. I think a teacher’s starting salary (college degree required) is less than that of a deputy.
A deputy is on a 12 month schedule – teachers don’t work 14 weeks of the year. If a cop pulls in 60k, 49k is comparable and justified.
I wish it was 14 weeks off. I have to take 2 separate week long classes this summer to keep my teaching certificate (and I pay for that up front) and FB practice starts on Aug. 10th. I won’t even tell ya how much assistant FB coach gets paid for Aug through November job. I know this is my choice but lets not kid ourselves that teachers are off for 14 weeks. Everyone has something that they do….
Stop it. That revert class leaves you still by the pool or whatever else you chose to do with free time. A cop works crazy hours – I understand 2 were shot in Abingdon today. Teachers always make these professional salary comparisons conveniently neglecting the difference in actual work hours required.
Wanna see all the hard working private sector people? Go to Du Claw around 11:30 and they are having a 90 minute lunch…and joking that it’s a “working lunch” or they will write it off. Yea…they have it tough! lol
And they get fired if they don’t meet performance expectations every single quarter.
“And they get fired if they don’t meet performance expectations every single quarter. “. LMFAO…hahahahhaah.. OMG. naïve much? I wish I were that clueless.
Funny, just about everyone I know works in the private sector, and I don’t know anyone who has a quarterly performance expectation to meet, and lives under the threat of termination for not meeting it. Unless they are in sales and have a quota, but even then not making their quota is not automatic termination.
Your wish came true.
Is my son making up stuff again and pretending he knows all. Now Kharn…if you need attention, just call me.
Deputies get no increases, while the civilian employees get taken care of. I also notice that the Sheriff himself makes well over $100K a year for being nothing more than a politician in a uniform that just doesn’t seem to fit too well.
If a deputy working the street cannot get a raise, then drop the inflated salaries of the Command Staff, and unnecessary positions. Start with “Public Relations Officer”.
Those guys at the Sherff’s Dept have not had a raise for over 7 years. Total BS if you ask me. Word on the street is morale is at all time low. Additionally the Sheriiff brought on an outsider in his command group that reportedly possesses an arrogance that surpasses that of a prior female Major. Poor morale and low pay does not bode well for good performance. The Sheriff better step up to the plate and make things happen before he has a lot of good people jumping ship.
“Come on help them guys” – is this Chuck Moore or Jesse Bane? Get a life.
@ ExCop
“Deputies get no increases, while the civilian employees get taken care of.” I know who you’re talking to, but we civilians haven’t had raises for the same number of years as the deputies!
“Private Sector”…what a joke. My buddies loooove the private sector. Very cushy jobs that pay way more than it should, and they are the first to admit it. You won’t fool anyone about the “Paycheck to Paycheck” garbage. And when you get let go, you’ll get paid for the next 9 months as you sit on ur butt at home.
Yea…lets not pay the cops. Great idea! Who needs good people in the police anyways. What a moronic idea. I love all the people who bash the police and then call 911 when they need to be saved!
Really, dude? You are bashing a police officer for wanting a raise after 7 years? I would think that after that long, it is probably a little deserved. At a minimum, a Cost Of Living Adjustment to allow the current (although poor) salaries to try and keep up with the times. $60K? LOL! Where did you check this? From what I see on the HCSO site, the starting salary is roughly $45K, and after 2 years you are supposed to be just over $51K. I am no longer a Trooper, however the woes with the HCSO have been reported in the media for years. It is not them alone, when I was in, the only way to get a viable “raise” was to get promoted. With only so many promotion opportunities available, the going can get pretty rough to the point where an officer wanting to make extra money either works shift overtime, or gets a secondary job. The idea of pay increases follows “more money for more experience / seniority”, same holds true for private sector. This is the first where I am seeing anyone refer to a COLA or annual seniority increase as “bonus”. A “bonus” is just that, an unexpected lump sum delivered as a result of an action that was “beyond ordinary”, or other such measures.
If you work in the private sector, and are living paycheck to paycheck, then that is your fault for living above your means. Perhaps you are just under-educated and cannot get anything better than what your current job is? Also something you can fix. Any person bitching about their station in life has only themselves to blame, nobody else. You control your destiny, and you get out what you put in. If not, find another job. Don’t feed anyone crap about “there is nothing out there…”, there are plenty if you open your eyes and look.
I am not sure everyone here will hear your attempt at sympathy – the great thing about the private sector is the job market for “trained” personnel with experience. Most “normal” people would agree that if you are working for a company, for several years, and receive no annual pay increases for performance, then leave to a competing company. As you mention, nobody is “entitled” to any type of compensation increase – but they can “earn” it by on-the-job performance. Not sure what line of work you are in, but annual increases are very much a standard occurrence, and not “rare” as you mentioned.
Suggest you find another company, another line of work, or another area to live in.
I think there’s a big difference between small businesses and corporations – work for a big corporation it’s much more by the book especially if publicly traded. Annual review is normal but an automatic raise isn’t really true anymore. 1-5%, with the top end only available for extraordinary effort. Hardly anybody gets a bonus unless you’re in sales or a manager at minimum. Most private sector jobs are small business jobs and none of those things happen because the money is much tighter – most small businesses don’t even offer retirement because the money isn’t there.