From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
UPDATE: The Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division, Major Crimes Unit has charged a suspect as a result of the ongoing investigating into the stabbing incident that occurred this morning in the 3600 block of B&O Road, located in Abingdon, Maryland. The suspect has been identified as Mark Anthony Turner, a black male with the date of birth of 10/19/1966. Turner is currently wanted for attempted murder in reference to this incident. If you see Turner or know of his whereabouts, please call 911.
Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detectives are investigating an assault that occurred early Saturday morning in the 3600 block of B&O Road, located in Abingdon, MD.
At approximately 7:02 am, on Saturday morning, deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office were called to the Abingdon residence for a report of an assault and stabbing. Patrol deputies arrived one minute later and began to render first aid on two adult male victims until EMS from Abingdon Volunteer Fire Services arrived. Both victims, identified as Charles Herman Thomas, Sr., age 73 and Charles Herman Thomas, Jr., age 48, were subsequently flown by Maryland State Police Medivac to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center for treatment of stab wounds and blunt force trauma. One victim remains in critical condition; both remain hospitalized.
An extensive search of the surrounding neighborhoods was conducted by multiple units of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. At this time, it is believed the suspect has fled the area.
The investigation was later assumed by the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division, Major Crimes and Forensic Services Units. Preliminary investigation into the incident leads detectives to believe that the suspect was known to the victims and had been staying at the residence. While the motive for the assault continues to be under investigation, it is clear that a struggle ensued between the suspect and both victims around 5:00 am, this morning.
This active investigation remains ongoing. There are no further details being released at this time. Anyone with information regarding this crime is asked to call Detective Burns at 410-836-5043.
90% of Harford County crime committed by less than 10% of population. Black LIES matter.
Bullshit. It’s just an excuse for you racists to run your mouths. I wish all you turds would just go back to Essex & Dundalk.
Interesting stance coming from “Jubal Early”.
I got an idea. Why don’t black people accept some of the blame for their disproportionately high crime statistics and look for solutions to solve the problem. They are killing and victimizing their own and many others at an alarming rate. When people comment on the situation they are automatically racists. This is just another attempt to dismiss culpability by the black community. Why can’t they see the problems that exists. Too much of of their music, culture, and vernacular advocates violence and social disobedience. Far too few of the black community will ever address these much needed issues. They would rather stand by and watch the crime and killing problem grow and continue rather than address the situation and find solutions. Certainly racism still exists in this country and to some degree it always will. Both ways. The old time white racists of the 50’s, 60’s and early 70’s are dying off. These were the people that just were prejudice against blacks for no reason at all. They were just being hateful. News flash. A very large portion of the bias against blacks does not come from that old time thought process. It comes from observations of current events. People see black people killing each other and committing a disproportionate of crimes. People hear the messages of their music, and observe their behavior. They hear them routinely use language and words that they would never allow a white person to say. This is the catalyst for racism and prejudice. Instead of realizing that there is a problem far too many black people will look to blame it on other issues. That is one of the major reasons that racism exists.
Why do you find it necessary to point out all these problems within the black community? Does this or will this address any racism issues? Will this solve any problems with any racial barriers that in your community? What and where are you going with this? Would you like every member of the black community to get on here and apologize to you because this guy stabbed 2 other human beings that all happen to be black? Are you willing to apologize for every crime ever committed by whatever race you are? What is wrong with you?
Why do I find it necessary to point out these ongoing problems? Because they are huge problems which are festering on a daily basis. Does this address racism issues. Absolutely! The days of the ignorant white man hating black people for no other reason than they just do is coming to an end. Those neanderthals are dying off. There are a lot of more liberal thinkers in this world today. The results of the last two presidential elections show this to be the case. The black community in many cases is failing to portray the image of being contributing members of society. There music, language, and subculture advocates violence and disrespect and makes many feel uneasy. Their participation in a disproportionate amount of violence and crime reflects poorly on them but rarely will any of their membership acknowledge that there is a problem. These are the perceptions which the black community far too frequently displays. This image spawns fear and prejudice……….and no I don’t expect every member of the black community to apologize for anything. I want them to be responsible, acknowledge that they have big problems, and come up with solutions. I do not understand why so many of the black community will just sit back and condone the genocide which is taking place. I watch the news, do the math, but still don’t understand why others can’t see it. If my wanting to see a more crime free civilized society where every one can get along and do the right thing makes me a racists than it is a sad situation.
You A Piece Of Shit Look At All The Inbred hillbilly White’s Committing Crimes In Harford County If You Stand By What You Say Why Hide Your Identity????
Getting hot and bothered about some comments on the internet? Profanity and vulgar replies? The ol’ “use your real name” routine?
Anyone anywhere on this planet can come here and make a comment.
Welcome to the internet. Please, reply and “tell me how it is”
“Piece of shit” – “inbred white hillbilly’s.” Such civilized language.
Come to my office and tell me that. I know your candy ass won’t, you’re just another big E-tough guy.
Want my address, tooth fairy?
@I have an idea is Mr.2dimensional. An idea doesn’t mean you did the correct math per se, nor does watching the news. Dynamics. The issue you speak of goes deeper than the realm of black and white. Leaning trees may seem to be fixed by straightening their trunks, when in reality the weak roots need nutrition.
Damn white guys selling them knives.
Another mass stabbing. All knives should be registered (to make it easier for later confiscation). The perp should be given a house in Homewood ( hopefully near Marty O’Malley) to ease his pain of a poor childhood. All citizens should be given plastic knives to eat with.