From the Aberdeen Police Department:
A manager of the Golden Corral restaurant in Aberdeen was robbed at gunpoint on Tuesday, January 26th, 2016 while attempting to make an after-hours deposit at a local bank.
A black male wearing a face mask reportedly approached the employee and threatened them with a handgun, demanding money. After an undisclosed amount of money was handed over the man fled on foot. The suspect was described as a thin, black male around six feet tall. He was wearing a black face mask, a silver or grey hooded sweatshirt and jeans. Officers immediately searched the area for the suspect who was not located.
Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call Detective Alexander of the Aberdeen Police Department at 410-272-2121. All tips are confidential.
I’m shocked that it was a black male… If the government would have provided more opportunities this young man would have chosen a different path. We as a society are to blame
Ummm ever heard of personal accountability?! The government isn’t responsible for anyone’s actions. If his mother would have raised him right and his father would have stuck around maybe he wouldn’t be out there robbing people at gun point. Get a job, loser!
You are an idiot!! People are responsible for their own actions.
He was hungry! Needed money to feed his 12 kids with 9 different white women. Cut him some slack.
If Obama had a son it could have been this strapping young lad.
Inside job.
I’ll do a job to your insides
Leave your prison pillow talk for when you and SoulCrusher get it on.
Now that the snow is cleared, the darkies can start robbing again.
The only thing they hate more than snow is working
How can anyone provide you with information if you didn’t provide any to us? What bank did it happen? What street? Plenty of black guys w/ masks and hoods in 20 degree weather, I’m sure.
Absolutely shocked that the criminal is a black man. Protest anyone? Black crime matters!!
So many people on here quick to talk shit about a black man robbing someone. Wanting to protest? How bout that white man that stole 2.5 million from unsuspecting tax payers and possibly children? Rite…
All the white people are too busy working to protest.
Too busy takin shit on their fingertips!!!
He stole federal taxpayer money?
Did you not understand the context?
See the same old racist comments from the same old racist trolls.
The Dagger is full of racists…
White people liked black they were slaves
White people liked black people when they were slaves!
Interesting aside on the robbery. Several years ago when the Golden Corral was in the Kleins Plaza The owner/manager was ice picked in the back leaving the store for a late nigh deposit. What makes it interesting is that the owner/manager had recently given up his gun carry permit. That night would have ended differently if he had renewed his permit.