From the League of Women Voters of Harford County:
Thursday night 6:30 pm Bel Air Hall at Harford Community College the League of Women Voters with the Harford County Climate Action will be showing THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. It is a film about climate change and what we can do about it. Please join us in Room 236 for a fun evening.
This is such a crock. Biggest farce since Obama became President.
This liberal agenda has been exposed numerous times. It’s the climate, of course it changes. It’s the hieght of hubris to actually think you can have an affect on it. Get a life, hug a tree, embrace an immigrant, and please…………….NEVER VOTE!!
I would love to know your levels of education lol. I highly doubt either of you have a degree in any field of science.
I doubt you graduated Cum Laude either….. “levels of education”. I doubt you have obtained an Associate degree.
I have an associates in environmental science, and am a semester away from a Forestry degree with Forest Resource Management as my major. And after that I plan on attending grad school.
But what does that mean, though?
What’s the validation of having degree’s in anything?
You are more smart?
The validation comes from the fact climate is a heavily studied aspect of the field of forestry.
Thermometers have degrees, look where they stick them. Remember a scientist just offers a hypothesizes which is their SWAG. Scientific, Wild Ass Guess.
Stephen Goddard at Real Science revealed just how ridiculous “climate scientists” can get with data manipulation. Here is what he had to say: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models.”
Funny because theres more independent research that agrees with their findings than disagrees…Stephen Goddard also is a hack that retracted his accusation.
Professor Robert Stavins — who helped write the 2014 United Nations Climate Report — came out to Breitbart News . . . and revealed that politicians demanded he change and edit parts of the report to fit their needs!
This is true which is why you don’t rely on politicians for scientific data….
Hundreds of scientists sent a letter to lawmakers warning National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists may have violated federal laws when they published a 2015 study purporting to eliminate the 15-year “hiatus” in global warming from the temperature record.
“We, the undersigned, scientists, engineers, economists and others, who have looked carefully into the effects of carbon dioxide released by human activities, wish to record our support for the efforts of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology to ensure that federal agencies complied with federal guidelines that implemented the Data Quality Act,” some 300 scientists, engineers and other experts wrote to Chairman of the House Science Committee, Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith.
“In our opinion… NOAA has failed to observe the OMB [Office of Management and Budget] (and its own) guidelines, established in relation to the Data Quality Act.”
The Data Quality Act requires federal agencies like NOAA to “ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information, including statistical information.”
Shelby the Swamp Man is always looking for help. Your worthless Forestry degree maybe yo could get a job working with him.
Worthless degree? What is your house made out of my friend? What is your furniture made out of? Thats right wood and where does wood come from?
Hmm.. nearly 10% of recent college graduates believe Judge Judy sits on the Supreme Court… it’s nice for you that your degree will probably land you a Government job where you’ll never be held accountable again but please don’t try to impress me with it. I’ve worked with scores of PhD’s and MBA’s over the last three decades from both Engineering and IT viewpoints (not in government or academia but in the real world where results are required) and I’ve rarely been impressed.
There’s so much more to forestry than government positions. But thats the plan for me because you can’t change something unless you participate in it.
At an all time low, trollin’ on the internet about levels of education.
Of course this person is working on going to grad school, they can’t-not one up you.
What do you mean one-upping? This is simply an important aspect of my education, and it’s frustrating when people have such doubts and make it political.
Climate change has been made political for over 100 years.
Well that’s why you listen to scientists in relevant fields and not politicians…
“Well that’s why you listen to scientists in relevant fields and not politicians…”
Except that you don’t hear politicians decrying the deeds of the politicians who have come to lead their cause. Where are the scientists denouncing the lifestyle habits of Mr. Al Gore and his enormous carbon footprint? And what was the carbon footprint of the latest “Climate Summit”? Kind of ironic watching people fly on private jets from all over the world, ride in private limousines, eat fine steaks, seafood and wine (all high footprint items), staying in the most posh hotels (I bet they changed the sheets every day), while the discussed at length what everyone else needs to do to curb climate change. Can you name one scientist that has denounced the behavior of those attending this summit?
You can criticize people for not “believing” all you want, but the bottom line is this: people will accept the claims of leaders, be they scientific leaders or political leaders, as true when the behavior of those leaders change to be in accordance with their claims. If scientists aren’t going to castigate Al Gore for owning several homes, a mansion, a seaside estate with fountains and heated pools, etc, then they have no right to criticize people for not believing their, or Al’s, claim.
Al Gore is not the king of environmental science…his glory grabbing and ego have been damaging to the cause in some ways. He is very hypocritical.
And yet, where is the outrage from the scientific community concerning his actions and those like him? Where was the outrage about the unnecessary carbon footprint of the climate conference?
What is a worse threat, people who don’t believe climate change is real, or those who do but do nothing to change their lavish lifestyles? I say it is the latter, because as long as they claim it is real but act contrary, they are sending a message that no, it isn’t real, or if it is, it’s not worth doing anything about.
So the intelligence of the deniers can be questioned or mocked, but as long as those casting stones allow their leaders/spokespeople to live extravagantly without subjecting them to the same degree of scrutiny, they will continue to be part of the problem, like the people they mock.
If you didn’t live under a stubborn rock, you would know the “outrage” came when he got called out for using a clip from A Day After Tomorrow in his terrible documentary an Inconvienient truth. Like I said he’s not the king of environmental science he’s often laughed at. I’m sure you’re the same type of person that expects every single muslim to give a written statement of denouncing extremism…even though many Imam’s and Muslim politicians already have.
Actually, no. I’m not that kind of person at all. But if Muslim Imams who denounce extremism then engaged in extremist behavior, it would kind of make you wonder what they really think, wouldn’t it? Same goes for climate change. If thousands of dignitaries claim climate change is real, then fly from all over the world on private jets, and ride in private limos, and eat un-environmentally friendly meals, don’t you think people have cause to think the climate situation must not be all that urgent? But I didn’t/don’t see or hear of anyone protesting those people and their behavior. I only hear people getting angry at the deniers. Why are climate change advocates more angry at the deniers than the hypocrites? That makes no sense. The first goal should be to get the people who claim it’s real to live accordingly, then go after the deniers, not the other way around, because deniers will always see hypocrites as validation for their disbelief.
Oh, by the way. I am aware of the outrage concerning Big Al’s connection with “The Day After”. But what I am not aware of is any liberal publication, author, journalist, or climate change scientist or advocate that called hom on the carpet. The only criticism he received that I am aware of came from conservative sources, who used it as a means to denounce climate change. If you can provide me with any information regarding liberal politicians, organizations, or scientists who are (at least) vocal advocates for climate change, I would be glad to read them.
Oh…also, since I’ve not insulted you or called your character or living environment into question, I would ppreciate the same. I could have easily claimed you to be stubborn, or claimed you to be a person who believes one thing or another, but that type of dialogue is fruitless. So if it’s all the same to you, I’d appreciate sticking to the topic and leaving the personal things out.
If anyone thought that the League of Women Voters of Harford County (how delightfully sexist!) is nonpartisan, this should set you straight.
Listen to scientist? Heck, all I have to do is watch this free movie and I’m an expert.
Is global cooling or global warming? Those damn coal mines!
Cimate change*…warming in one region can alter weather patterns that cause cooling in other regions.
And this phenomenon has only been occuring since the invention of the steam engine. Prior to that, regional temperatures were stable for thousands of years.
I suppose the U.S. manipulation of weather has nothing to do with climate change either genius.
The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes: ‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’
Go hug a tree hippie and keep blaming average citizens for uncle sugars mistakes.
I’ll get right on that. Listening to scientist on “climate change” who are theorizing guesses by big political and .gov cash cows. Mmmhmm. Right.
Just like the cure for cancer, never going to happen, at least as far as a “cure” with taking a single pill or some painless procedure affordable for the average tazpayer. We employ way too many people with our current treatmemt methods who would be jobless and billions of dollars gone. Yes sir, once that cure is discovered, its going right into the paper shredder. Tin foil conspiracy? Maybe, but I believe it’s the truth in the end.
I’m real happy for your education. I hope you get a job and can pay off your student loans way faster than the average kid.
I’m going to guess you’re inherently wealthy and wrote a check.
Couldn’t we all just plant a tree and some of that water grass that is so important to the health of the Chesapeake and call it even?
Yes that would help, but it won’t solve the issue. Sequestration is a valuable tool in slowing the rate of carbon being released into the atmosphere however, it can only do so much. Switching to clean energy at this point is our only shot.
Why don’t we use some of the tax money that is wasted on “drug enforcement” programs and put it into research into energy sources with a universal application.
Solar and wind are only useful in areas where there is an abundance of both. Maryland needs an main energy source (other than oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) that is reliable across all of Maryland’s weather patterns. Research into tidal energy sources is one area you don’t hear much about but would be very useful in this area, as well as other sources that we haven’t heard about yet.
We need some scientist (and average energy users) to do some “out of the box” thinking on this issue.
Do you drive a hybrid vehicle, and/or live in a home with solar power or geothermal heat?
Yes. The home I designed is based on current principles of passive solar design as they relate to the Maryland climate. The ground floor walls are bermed (dirt walls build around them) which provided extensive protection against prevailing winds as well as modulating the interior temperatures.
The interior surfaces are covered in heat absorbing materials (brick, tile, etc.) to capture solar gain during the day and release it at night to reduce heat and air conditioning requirements. The windows on the south side of this house are large to allow for maximum solar gain. Window on the north side of this house small and positioned to enhance cross ventilation. The best thing is that you couldn’t tell this house from any other in the neighborhood just by looking at it.
I do not drive a car on a daily bases and car pool whenever I can.
Which is the most environmentally friendly; keeping my current car in tune and at factory emission levels. OR buying a new hybrid car and incurring the additional environmental damage involved in building new cars of any type?
Have you replaced your refrigerator in the last five years? New designs and insulation techniques make for more energy efficient appliances. Is your water heater insulated? How about the insulation in your attic? There are ways of reducing your carbon footprint that don’t require massive makeovers in your way of life. However, when replacing, it is wise to look at all the options available.
What are you doing to lower your damage to the environment? Have you planted any trees lately?
Just for the record, I do not pat myself on the back for any of this. I only mention it because you asked.
Let’s see…
Did I plant trees lately- yes.
New fridge in past 5 years- yes.
Insulation in attic, around water heater, etc.- yes.
Solar heat- looked into it, not feasible due to the location of our home.
I’m curious how you get away with not owning a car or driving/riding in a car daily. Do you not have to travel to work every day? How do you get to the grocery store? To appointments?
Frankly, I don’t know which is more environmentally friendly, keeping an old car up to emissions standards vs. buying a hybrid. I have to say that virtually none of the people I know who are passionate about climate change are driving hybrids (I know just one who is), yet they are not driving older vehicles either. In other words, they bought cars within the past few years when hybrids were an option, but chose against it.
Also, was your home built brand new to your energy efficient specifications, or did you buy it and make changes?
It’s great that you are pulling it off and not being a hypocrite like so many others, but it doesn’t sound like your lifestyle is practical for most.
I am retired and therefore do not have to drive to work every day. According to Marxist principles, I shouldn’t be using resources I don’t need. Therefore, I keep my driving to a minimum so people who need to drive more have access to what they need.
I do feel that each of us as citizens of the world should be doing what we can now to minimize our impact on the environment.
I built my house new. Retrofitting is often not an option, but new construction can be more environmentally friendly. However, most developers are looking to maximize their profits, not minimize their environmental impact.
How to make developers more aware? Zoning laws and hearings are a starting point Developers should be required to submit impact studies. Zoning officials should be reviewing these studies and enforcing changes necessary to protect the environment.
It’s not just the top 1% that need to make changes, we all need do to our best ability to protect the planet..
Military programs are subject to Congressional approval. Why aren’t the military financing committees looking out for the general welfare of the planet. What good is military might if it makes the planet unlivable? We as voters are responsible for who gets elected to office. We need to hold our government officials accountable for what they do in our name. But God help us, outside the ballet box, I don’t know how we can do this.
Therefore, I try to do what little I can to make the world a better place.
What is your stand on “fracking?”.
And yet, we have had people like Ted Kennedy who, while standing on his soapbox and beating his chest to the tune of clean energy, made sure that wind turbines would not be built on Nantucket, the most suitable spot in Massachusetts, and where by doing so would lower the value of the propery he owned there.
Bad enough when people who disagree with you are fighting you, but much worse when people who agree with you are fighting against you as well!
While we are on the topic of Ted Kennedy may I say “what a POS” The guy literally got away with murder because he was a Kennedy. It is too bad that he didn’t drive off that Chapoquoit bridge in modern times. Maybe he would have been rightfully charged with vehicle manslaughter as he should have. It would have been poetic justice if the brain surgeon that operated on Ted Kennedy was named Dr. Kopechne. It would have been great to see Kennedy’s face when he read Dr. Kopechne’s name tag just before he was administered the anesthesia. To this day I feel that it is most ironic that Ted Kennedy was canonized by the Democrats.
Just think, if he had been driving a Volkswagen, he might be president today.
Which hybrid vehicle do you drive? How long have you had solar power at your home?
The above was directed at “Fan of Progress”.
Unfortunately I am a broke college student not in a position to be a home owner yet due to this inconvenient thing called money. I drive a used POS because thats all I can afford. But it is only used when necessary because I live in a town with fantastic public transportation. Thats a pretty ridiculous expectation you have to expect a college student to be in a position of financial stability to be able to afford such luxuries. But it is unfortunate that we live in a world where solar and geothermal are luxuries and not the most available/affordable.
I agree that when you are first out on your own, it is hard to think of ways to minimalize your impact on the environment. But there are things you can do. Think about how you spend your time and money and look for options that will save you money and keep the ecosphere healthy. My grandmother was the “greenest” person I’ve ever met and she never heard about recycling. She did it because it was how she had enough to live on.
As an example, I offer you the case of Passive solar house design. It does not need to cost anymore than “cookie cutter” type tract houses to build. It does require a lot of up front ingenuity and understanding of how your little piece of heaven fits into the general Maryland ecosphere.
The biggest thing about passive solar is the placement of the dwelling on the lot and the floor plan.
The south side should contain large window areas to allow for maximum solar gain.
The north side should present as small a fingerprint as possible. At best It should be buried under ground, or blocked by a garage or heavy foliage. The east and west sides should have moderate size windows to allow for extra solar gain.
To maximize insulation the framing studs should be 6×2 instead of conventional 4×2. Closets should be placed along the north and west walls to act as “informal” insulation. Kitchen cabinets can provide the same kind of “informal” insulation.
Floors, especially on the south side should be ceramic or stone or terrazzo to act as solar collectors. Scatter rugs should be used with these floors instead of wall to wall carpet.
Once the foundation stakes are in the ground, there is no reason why a passive solar should cost anymore to build than your average tract house. The 6×2 are more expensive than 4×2, but they are a one-time expense. Proper forestry techniques will assure that the impact of this additional lumber will be minimal.
These are just a few ideas about how to make your house environmentally friendly. Some of them could be built into a retrofit. But you have to think before you build. You need to consider your option while you have time to consider them.
Well, because you seem so passionate about this cause, it seemed only natural that you were driving a hybrid and using clean energy. But I certainly understand your predicament.
And you’re right that it is unfortunate that geothermal and solar panels are so expensive. But until businesses and their investors become much less interested in turning a profit, of the people who manufacturer and install such equipment are willing to take cuts in pay and benefits, it’s probably not going to change.
Do your parents drive hybrid cars or have solar power or geothermal heating?
Now if we can just convince everyone building a home to do it like this, we’ll be on the road to the ultimate in climate control.
Oh, and also if we change all the houses that already exist.
Haha Swedish Meatballs I like that Ikea has some good stuff!
I watched a neckbeard “hipster” looking mid 20s white male drive turn into a convenience store’s parking lot, then immediately drive over to the off road diesel pump, and start pumping non-road taxed fuel into his year 2000ish Vee-Dub’ TDI.
I guess he was doing his part for the environment by not paying Republican capitalist, highway taxed, legal to use #2 Diesel fuel in his personal owned vehicle and instead pumped red dyed “off road” diesel fuel in there to show the Republicans wat’sup!!
Hipsters are given a pass because they are special! Instead of criticizing, we should give him a trophy for pumping his own gas!! Good job, hipster!
“All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell. Animal Farm.