From the Aberdeen Police Department:
Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot visited the Aberdeen Police Department on January 14, 2016 and presented them with a proclamation for their selfless dedication to protecting the public. The certificate of recognition was accepted by Aberdeen Police Chief Henry Trabert and Deputy Chief Kirk Bane. Also present were Councilwoman Sandy Landbeck, City Manager Douglas Miller, and Harford County Council President Richard Slutzky.
Selfless dedication to protecting the public. How is writing a bunch of speeding tickets on Route 40 out in Harford County protecting the public. That’s the real reason Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot paid a visit. To thank then for the amount of money Aberdeen sends to the State coffers from all the ticket revenue. Too bad Aberdeen doesn’t get anything but a bill for overtime for the cops to sit in court.
Wow I didn’t know that the Aberdeen Officer who was recently shot in the face was stopping speeders on Rt 40 at the time of the shooting (oh wait it was a call for service not on that road). “None” you are such a tool, Aberdeen cops do more than just stop speeders (oh and by the way speeding causes about a third of the fatalities on the road). Keyboard warrior “None” how about you strap on some body armor, slap a magazine in the ole handgun and show everyone how it’s done.
I love the sausage.
Instead of providing an adequate rebuttal someone posts about “sausage.” I love when idiots are called out and this is the response.
Disregard my comment.
What’s funny, I’m not even apart of the original conversation to post a thought out rebuttal.
Who’s the real idiot?
…..Polish sausage with onions and pepper….. just the thing for a day like today.
Who in this photograph is running for re-election?