From the office of Congressman Andy Harris:
Congressman Andy Harris on the State of Union
WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union tonight:
“Seven years ago, during his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama made several empty promises to hardworking Americans across this country. He promised that incomes would increase – but they have decreased. He promised that the price of health care would go down – but health care costs have skyrocketed, while quality and access to care have declined. He promised that the federal debt would decrease – but the debt has increased by 80%, placing an unconscionable financial burden on future generations to come. President Obama promised Americans security, but Americans are worried.
“Nothing in the President’s rhetoric tonight is going to make Americans feel secure or convince Americans that he kept his promises. Not today and not in the future. Republicans in the House, led by Speaker Ryan, will continue to focus on securing our nation, promoting job growth, fixing our broken and expensive health care system, and improving the economy.”
But YOU can do better and we can trust and believe you right….? LMFAO at all these guys passing the buck.
Andy Harris proclaimed in September of 2011 that we should “Stop considering manure as pollutant or hazardous”. Yet here he is, polluting the voter’s minds with manure from his mouth and its very hazardous. Typical Republican Rhetoric. There hasn’t been a Republican Agenda to promote job growth in over 40 years. He claims to want to “Identify constitutionality in every new congressional bill”, yet he has voted for unconstitutional measures over and over, all to keep our country secure while eroding our rights. He hasn’t done anything to improve our economy and has never offered any alternative to Health Care reform except abolish the Affordable Health Care Act. In hindsight, he opposes a woman’s right to do basically anything and wishes to promote ideals that will destroy the environment we live in. Andy, the only thing you have sponsored during your time in office is a Sugar Tariff and Contributions to Catholic Schools. You have done absolutely nothing Harris and are promising more of the same…..
Well said and I completely agree.
NOTHING Andy Harris says fills me with an ounce of confidence. He is a hypocrite and I hope to see him voted out of office the next time he runs.
you may not know it but I was working an event for you , and your office never paid me for the work that I completed. I don’t trust your office one bit!
Pay the people your supposed to pay.
Yes, Barbara, that is what you hope. But it isn’t going to happen. Why? Because he is what an electorate who are very tired of tax and spend liberal Democrats want for a change. You know what they say Barbara. Wish in one hand and …..
If unsubstantiated pontificating is your thing, Andy Harris is your man.
Andy Harris is wrong for Marylanders and wrong for America.
I agree. If these politicians would spend half as much time finding ways to help the country and do their job that they spend sniping at one another, the country would be in a much better place. They are not elected to fight with each other. They are elected to find solutions and address the issues facing us – which are substantial.
Harris the president could say the sky is blue and you’d argue it was pink!!
I like how Harris’ statement can be found on websites before the SOTU address. I guess he wasn’t interested in listening to it first.
I am more than a little amused at the 9 comments preceding this one. Not one of them addresses the actual statement but rather shoot the messenger. The guy who occupies our White House has been wrong at least 90% of the time. The same guy has lied to us over and over. His speech last night was worse than pitiful. Fact check would tear it apart. In the mean time all of you sit and snipe at a guy who is pointing out that the emperor lacks any clothing.
As per the norm, his press release includes almost no factual information or any references to factual information. The statements could be true, but we’d have no way of knowing if they are or not because it’s nonsensical rhetoric if you don’t provide any data to make your arguments.
I’m not going to defend the President, I have no desire to do so, but the burden of proof lies with the accuser.
Harris has almost never provided any detailed information in a release as a means to inform and arm his constituency with actual information.
Instead we get cut, clipped, and pasted talking points from GOP leadership. He’s a worthless drone just making his way in the party and nothing highlights this more than these ridiculous press releases.
Factually true – the deficit is now over 18 trillion – Obamacare has not brought costs down – in fact just the opposite and real incomes have dropped steadily throughout Obamas term in office and those are all facts. What are you talking about?
Please provide proof.
First off the deficiet is not over 18 trillion the debt is. The deficiet has decreased steadily since 2009 and is 444 billion.
Second while it is true that insurance costs have increased overall they have not increased at the rate they were before the ACA and this is in large part to the ACA.
Well said Arturro. But don’t ever expect the under-informed glibs who commented above to ever get into a substantive discussion about Obama. The most you can expect from them are the smug, evasive rhetorical mis-directions that they gave us. They’ve learned well from their maharajah: Barack…..
More corrupt than Harding, more narcissistic and self-serving than Clinton, more dishonest than Nixon, more spineless than Carter, and less of a leader than Chamberlain. But we can’t blame Obama; he is what he is….and he is just the prince of the fools.. what terrifies me are the fools that elected him and still think that he’s anything but a national disgrace.
The same is true about his statement as it doesn’t reference the speech it criticizes!
Andy needs to go back to May berry.
It’s Mayberry you moron
….and, we don’t need him.
Of the three primary Harris allegations – all are resoundingly true. Debt is at over 18 trillion – up over 80% since Obama took office, Obamacare not only added debt but fact is health care costs are higher and access has not improved, and that incomes would rise – incomes are down and real unemployment is the highest it’s been since Carter and you gotta work really hard to be worse for the economy than Carter. Obama may be the worst president in history. Harris is absolutely spot on correct and I’d argue understates just how much Obama sucks.
Finally you know the different between debt and deficiet.
If you subtract 50 IQ points from Ted Cruz, you are left with Andy Harris. Both are ineffective jerks that no one likes nor wants to work with – but unlike Ted Cruz, Andy’s completely devoid of the capability of accomplishing anything in his office.
Nothing about Andy’s failed rebuttal would ever convince me to vote for him. This statement is devoid of substance, character or leadership (or even a good idea) which is no surprise given he’s done nothing since coming to office.
What has Andy Harris done to correct the problems he is so glib in pointing out? If memory serves, the republicans have sat on their fat cat asses for the last 7 years and have blocked any effort by any non-republican to change things. If this economy sucks, which it does, the republicans need to be at the front of the line to receive judgment
The last two presidential elections were more about mud slinging and airing dirty laundry than the issues and problems.
This time, it looks like the Democrats are looking for solutions, and the republicans are trying to turn this election into another mud slinging campaign where money gets elected and the middle class gets screwed. .
…we must be watching different elections…
Who, specifically, is seeking solutions better than the others?
Money Tree,
You are correct. These fools don’t like Andy because he isn’t a tax and spend Democrat and regularly points out that the President is perhaps the worst one we have had for many decades. Mr. Obama has added substantially to the outstanding debt and is a foreign policy disaster. His healthcare legislation is ineffective and too costly for many. He lied when he said we could keep our doctor I we had one we liked. I’m counting the days until he is gone. I had hoped that this country would get a very good President that was black. Instead all we got was black but if you criticize anything he says or does you are racist.
He whines about government-subsidized health care insurance – just like he whined when he got elected and there was a delay in him getting his government-subsidized health care insurance. Hypocrite.
@ Alex R – Your last two sentences shows that you are a racist…..
I don’t think that was a racist statement at all. It merely stated facts. Unfortunately sad and disappointing facts. If the black community was looking for an “I told you so” guy they failed miserably. He comes off as wimpy world leader. He tends to editorialize on issues before he knows the facts. He refuses to identify issues which compromise the safety of the U.S. And the list goes on. His wife has cost the country hundreds of times that of any prior First Lady with her lavish trips and other expenditures. This guy is not working for the betterment of the country he is only trying to fulfill his own legacy. When he got elected I took the position of hoping him the best. He let a lot of people down. Overall grade D.
Please, you are ALL about blaming Barack Obama for everything. So you’re saying the Republican Party had nothing to do with the decline of our nation over the last 7 years? I think you’re just completely out of your mind and are stuck on the “Closet Racism” of being a white supremacist under cover.
So let me get this straight. Anyone who feels that Obama has not been a good president is a closet racist and is white supremacist. I hope you were never on a political debate team. I have said it before and I will say it again, you sir are a hoot!
No, just you and Alex R. In fact, anybody that even has to mention “black” when negatively criticizing the President is on that “Race Card” path. You’re just doing it from inside the “closet”…..
So, Mr. SoulCrusher, if I mentioned the President in a positive manner, but mentioned that he was black I would not be a Closet Racist? Only negative comments coupled with the word black is racist? Very interesting!
Yes, Only negative comments coupled with the word black is racist. No, its not very interesting, just the truth…..
That makes no sense whatsoever….
Funny, the whole world sees it like I do, except people like you. You really think there is nothing racist about continuously pointing out problems in the black community, while tying it together with Republican Politics and stern defamation of our nation’s first black President? You’re too far gone a freak to ever realize…..
It is far from the truth Mr. SoulCrusher. And, No, most of the world does not agree with you.
@Soul Crusher
“Only negative comments coupled with the word black is racist. No, its not very interesting, just the truth….”
So, anyone who criticizes black culture is a racist?
You are the racist, sir. Why do you refuse to hold black culture accountable? Is it because you don’t think they are capable?
The facts are the facts. Even though they are a small minority (12%) of the population, they commit 39% of the violent crimes. A lot of the more popular rap music embraces violence, a drug culture and is degrading towards women. Black kids who excel in school for anything other than sports face being ostracized by their own community.
It’s people like you, who hold blacks to a lower standard and excuse these behaviors that are perpetuating the problem.
Stop trying to bring politics into it. Racism is a cultural issue. Everyone is accountable for their actions.
You are part of the problem.
I believe we were talking about the criticism of Barack Obama while coupling in the black culture and “black” terms. Were we not? Nice try though….
Oh and Open Your Eyes, you and people who think like you are the problem….
The problem is not the “racist” people soulcrusher is always trying to point out, it is the jerk-offs like him who shout down the free speech rights of others with accusations of racism at every turn. Leftist Oppression and tyranny.
Look at soulcrushers long, unstable history of identifying so called racists, and he quickly looks much more like chicken little then MLK.
How long were you in prison, and Who is the problem?
Hey “B”, I was in DOC for 8 months. That’s far shorter than your lifetime of being a complete crack scratcher….
1968 Adam Clayten Powel upon his return to Harlem “You white charlies can ride, but you gonna ride the back of the bus”. Barak Obama 2009 “You republicans can ride the bus but you gonna have to sit in the back”. The point is….its not happenstance or random…its calculated and progressive in an effort to diminish what is…and substitute it for what some want.
Go Dagger !!!!
You are a fleabagger
I am new here and I could not figure out how to reply to the correct statements, but that soulcrusher is telling you all right. Your statements are racist and they will always be no matter how you play it off.
Sorry qwerty=SoulCrusger There is treatment for multiple personality disorder. Seek help or you might want to buy your weed from a different source.
I don’t do the multiple personality thing. That’s something reserved for you guys. That and the thumbs up crap that you manipulate with the proxy servers, which I don’t do either……
….us guys all believe you. But, seriously… help is available.
You mean help getting your mouth off my Johnson?
Before you type another post, you may want to do a LITTLE learning on what researchers have found about men who feel the need to constantly refer to their junk in public. Besides being very classy you may be revealing more than you intend to those in the know. Lol
Come on, man… there are ladies and children about. Put it away.
Wow, that coming from someone using your screen name. Can you say, hypocrite?
I can. Can you?
Let me remind you: I adopted this as a screen name for talking to you after you tried to use it as an insult for the sixth time. I know you don’t have much short term memory left….. shall I link the conversation for you?
As I said then… Your name calling is Juvenile and rather unoriginal. lol
Oh, I remember. I also think I told you how pathetic it was for you to use it as a screen name the day you adopted it. But it suits you just fine. I believe I said that too…..
Best you got?
@ PP
Isn’t the Soulman a hoot. The guy is a real tool. I think his next political endeavor will be to boycott the Academy Awards. We all know that the selection committee for the academy are all a bunch of Republican racist white supremacists anyway. Maybe he can use Spike Lee as one of his many screen names.
I second that nomination…..
Look MAE, you can talk to yourself, thumbs up yourself and use as many screen names as U want, but its not gonna change the fact that everyone knows its just you. I don’t need multiple screen names, but if you thinking I do drives your paranoia, more power to you…..
…who is MAE? Is that your buddy, Marc?
Never met him…
So everyone can see the Marc Eaton Republican rant and racism page on Twitter……
Just read some tweets and then go to his Photos and Videos section, scroll half way down and see the dementia of a true racist Republican…….
And here comes the paranoia again, right on cue. Seek help, SadCreature.
….I didn’t click on the link…. because it doesn’t matter (to me) what Mr. Eaton has posted to his twitter account and I think it rude, though not surprising, that you posted a link to it here. Freedom of expression, man. Mr. Eaton has as much a right to his opinions as every one else.
What IS creepy, however, is that you, obviously, have stalked the man online….. That’s a little obsessive. Seriously…. think about your actions.
Obviously Peter, you’re not only a liar, but a complete and utter clown. You can’t be a considered a stalker because you view public posts to social media accounts. What I find creepy, is that a grown man, who used to wear the badge of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, is openly spreading a message of hate, intolerance and racial instability. In my opinion, I think the HCSO should ask you to remove their logo from you’re social media accounts because of the content on your social media accounts. You wouldn’t want people to think there is any racism among their Law Enforcement, would you?
I thought…. ‘Hey.. maybe it’s not stalking’…. but, then I ran it by a couple of millennials… And, they all agreed: Anytime you enter another person’s name into a search engine, on any site, it’s stalking.
I have had a twitter account for years, and, oddly, I’ve never had the happenstance to run into Mr. Eaton…..
who isn’t me, by the way….. I’m not a cop. On the other hand, I’ve never plugged his name into a search engine to try and gather as much personal information about him as I possibly could.
Pathetic. And, yes, Creepy.
Wow, how can you actually make up crap like that? You can’t be considered stalking by viewing public posts to a social media account. So I guess every time anyone enters a name on Maryland Case Search its an act of stalking, huh. And you call me a hoot! I guess every time someone enters a name on Facebook its an act of stalking too?!?! Really, think about what you just typed. The only thing creepy is your racist Republican rant page having the Harford County Sheriff’s logo on it…..
According to my gang of millennials (who all got a kick out of your posts, btw) it is okay to do a search on the name of someone you are friends with…. to see what they’ve been up too…. But, totally Creepy to search the names of people with whom you do not have a personal connection.
In this case, the court of millennials have decided that in researching the name of a police officer involved with your arrest you are being, at best, Creepy.
At worst, your posting of a link to his personal Twitter account, coupled with your reference to him as a ‘Racist’, could be interpreted as intimidation and libel… both of which are violations of cyber laws.
But, I don’t know much about the interwebs….. that’s why I keep a gang of millennials on speed dial. 🙂
Also, I have never called you a ‘Hoot’…. I think you have me mixed up with ‘Open Your Eyes”…. We are not all the same person, Sole Creeper…. The Dagger really does have more than two readers. lol
Have a great night!
Marc Eaton had absolutely nothing to do with me getting arrested. That was the liars Sean Marston and Aaron Penman. Marc Eaton had been retired for over a decade when I got illegally and unconstitutionally persecuted by the Harford County Criminal Justice system. My only ties to Eaton are associated with this website. As for your gang of millennials and your common opinions, either go have Jon Adam McCarty charged with a crime or shut your pie hole. There isn’t anything criminal about anything I’ve done on these pages and your nothing but a complete fool…. I’m done with this thread. Start a new one, Peter. Funny, you changed your name after all and at my direction……
Adam McCarty says “Sit UBU, Sit! Good Dog!”…..
…or, it was too tiresome to text… either way.
So, nothing you said changes the essential nature of your relationship to Mr. Eaton – Frustrated by your inability to compete with him in dialogue, you stalked him online to discover as much about him as you could. You were looking for something you could use against him.
Then, you posted a link to his personal twitter account and libeled him. Given your propensity for personal attacks, I highly suggest you gain some knowledge of cyber law.
You get frustrated very easily, don’t you, Sole Creeper? This is indicated in your tone as you write. Unfortunately, it is another indication of the brain damage caused by long term exposure to marijuana. Unfortunate. But, not irrevocable.
Best of luck to you!
PS – I know you read this – Your inherent paranoia would not allow otherwise. 🙂
Might I suggest you pursue your own advice and get some real knowledge of Cyber Law. Anyone can access twitter accounts and there is nothing illegal or libelous about providing links to someone’s social media pages that are public in nature. Let me remind you, both libel and defamation can only be considered if the statements are untrue. Also, if an idiot puts racially inflammatory rhetoric on a social media page then he has in fact exposed himself to the public and is actually inviting claims of racism on his accounts. Now, I don’t completely understand your comment about the “tone” of what I type and I find it laughable that you think you can find some sort of frustration in what I type. You have made yourself look like a fool, once again…..
LOL! …thought you said you were done with this thread??!!
Oh my…. you sir, are a hoot! Lol
Please illuminate those of us who have are not obsessed with nor share your desire to stalk Mr. Eaton…. what about his twitter feed makes you so certain that he is racist? Because, so far, all you’ve told us is that he is a retired member of law enforcement. (If true, then, Thank you, Mr. Eaton, for your service to the community… should you be bored enough to read this dribble.)
But, back to you, Sole Creeper… You honestly don’t see anything wrong with your actions…. You have (once again) resorted to name calling (the last defense of the less informed)… and, you don’t have the will-power to keep your own word about abandoning this thread….
Please…. tell us what else you have to say….
So, this has become who gets the last word in huh. Did you get that from the Sarah Palin infomercial or the seminar you attended? You’re a clown MAE…..
I’ve got a great idea. Why don’t the both of you shut the hell up. I’m tired of reading the back and forth crap by you guys.
Please, don’t shut up. This back and forth crap is the reason why I keep reading the Dagger.
Long live freedom of speech.
Big storm coming. Someone make sure they pick up some tinfoil for SoulCrusher in case he can’t get out of the house.
No, its not the Crusher. Sorry to disappoint you, but I think everyone knows better anyway…
Just vote Democrat, regardless.
Republicans stroking the barrel of their firearm while reading the bible will be a thing of the past soon enough.
Ban ALL guns except Professional use. Military, Police and Security. No one else allowed to possess. We just need invalidate the 2nd amendment to make this “Constitutional.”
Social Justice in all aspects. Make hateful words a felony. You call someone gay in non coexistence negative virtue? Catch a felony.
Vote Democrat, yes. Give up my gun, NO. I will hold on to my gun for self protection. The police do not always arrive in time.
As for the word police, I will fight to keep the Second Amendment alive and well so even you have the right to your say.
Nice satire, but I will vote none of the above.